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California Ammo Bill Would Hurt Gun Owners


In California, an anti-ammunition piece of legislation, Assembly Bill 962, passed the state Assembly last week and moved to the state Senate for consideration. Introduced by Assemblyman Kevin DeLeon (D-45th Dist.), the bill would, according to The Sun:

“Stop the sale of more than 50 rounds of handgun ammunition per month to individuals… license and tax anyone selling handgun ammunition commercially and force these stores to get background checks on anyone selling that ammunition….require ammunition sellers to get a thumbprint from anyone buying handgun ammunition, and mandate store owners to keep these records for five years… ban all ammunition sales that don't take place face-to-face, effectively banning all mail-order sales.”

If the bill became law, the paperwork burden placed upon these businesses, and the associated costs, would be huge. No doubt, some retail establishments would leave the ammunition-selling business altogether.

Which may be the real point of that bill? That was what Sun writer Jim Matthews believed.

De Leon’s bill, Matthew’s argued, “is about a legislator who doesn't have the courage to introduce legislation to ban handguns. That's what he wants, but he realizes that even in his liberal Los Angeles district that stand would get him kicked out of office in the next election. This is his way to get at gun owners and sellers by making their lives more difficult and expensive.”

Source: sbsun.com

No One Attacked at Michigan Open Carry Picnic


Kalamazoo, Michigan — A group of gun owners in West Michigan are speaking up for their rights, and they're doing it in a unique way.

More than 30 people gathered in Bronson Park in Kalamazoo Sunday. They say they want everyone to understand what the Second Amendment means to them.

Open Carry held a group picnic: bring a dish to pass, and don't forget your side-arm. Legal gun owners carried their guns in a legal, visible way. The sight of a gun in the open may draw concern from the general public. Robert Grinage of Kalamazoo says he's gotten a couple of strange looks. “I started open-carrying in March of this year – what my thing is is we have a right and if we don't use it, we're going to end up losing it,” Robert Grinage told FOX 17 News.

Michigan law says you can carry your gun openly; you can't wave it or take it out in a threatening manner. “We are a non-confrontational group so all we are doing is carrying openly instead of carrying concealed and anybody who is legally allowed to purchase a firearm is legally allowed to carry it open,” picnic organizer Josh Tishouse says. Read more and watch the video

Source: wxmi

Rock Island Launches Huge Gun Auction


Search over 4200 guns in the Rock Island AuctionsPlan to attend this event! It is an exciting time for firearms collectors, sportsman and hunters and our last regional auction had standing room only!

Browse over 4200 firearms in only 2100 lots, bid on your favorite military, hunting, sporting or antique firearm(s) and accessories! Mark your calendar, this is an event that you don’t want to miss!

Over 2100 lots including 3200+ items classified as antique or curio and relic and 1000+ modern arms will be sold during this 2 day event.

Some of the featured items will include: 400+ Winchesters, 450+ Colts, 300+ Smith & Wessons, 250+ Remingtons as well as many Rugers, Brownings, Marlins, Mausers, Stevens, Savage and more.

Plus ammunition, bullet molds, books, knives, swords, scopes, bayonets, holsters, cannons, collectible military items, gun parts and much more! The entire full color catalog is available online www.rockislandauction.com or call 800-238-8022 to order your 2 volume set $35 (inc. S&H).

The auction will be held at our facilities in Moline: 4507 49th Avenue, Moline, IL. For more information on this sale visit us online or call 800-238-8022. Can’t attend? You won’t miss out! As always you can submit your absentee bids through phone (800-238-8022), fax (309-797-1500) and our website! For the first time, you can now bid live through artfact.com!

Shop and bid now »

Military Bases Registering Soldiers’ Guns


Another major U.S. military base is requiring soldiers who live off the premises to provide descriptions, serial numbers, calibers, makes and models of any of the guns they own privately, and do not take onto the premises of the installation.

According to a copy of a “Weapons Registration Form” submitted to WND by a soldier from Fort Bliss in Texas, the soldiers have to provide their own information including Social Security number, a physical description and addresses and telephone numbers, along with the serial number, type, action, make, caliber, finish, location stored, model, overall length and barrel description of each weapon they own.

Base public information officer Jean Offutt told WND that registration of privately owned weapons is suggested and recommended, but there's no enforcement procedures available to the military if someone chooses not to submit that off-post information.

However, the form used for the registrations states in one paragraph, “Soldiers who reside off post will register all privately owned weapons/firearms with the PMO. This requirement applies whether or not the service member intends to bring the weapon onto the installation for any recreational or other use.”

A spokesman at Army headquarters, Lt. Col. Lee Packnett, told WND that he wasn't aware of a systemwide effort to have solders' privately owned weapons registered, but confirmed that individual installations could be taking that action. Read more

Source: worldnetdaily.com


Sotomayor Needs to Answer For Anti-Gun Views


This week a federal appeals court held that the Second Amendment does not apply to state or city gun laws. Supporters of Judge Sonia Sotomayor incorrectly argue that this affirms her recent gun-control case. Now the NRA is petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case, and in doing so heats up the gun-rights issue to potentially become the dominant topic in Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings.

On June 2, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit handed down its decision in NRA v. Chicago. The city of Chicago has a ban on handguns almost as severe as the one invalidated by the Supreme Court last year in D.C. v. Heller. The National Rifle Association filed suit, seeking to have the Chicago gun ban struck down.

The Seventh Circuit held that the Second Amendment right to bear arms does not apply to state or city laws. All three judges on the panel hearing the case were appointed by Republican presidents. In January, Sotomayor was on a three-judge panel from the Second Circuit that similarly held that the Second Amendment affects only federal law, not state or local law. Supporters of Sotomayor are touting the Chicago ruling as proof that her Second Circuit case, Maloney v. Cuomo, was a mainstream opinion, arguing that the Seventh Circuit agrees with her.

But that’s not exactly correct. It’s true that both courts reached the same conclusion. It’s also fair to say that this is not a “pro-gun” opinion, so gun owners shouldn’t be thrilled with it. But it’s not an “anti-gun” ruling, either. The circuit court here released a nine-page analysis delving into this issue in an even-handed manner, written by one of the best-regarded appellate judges in the nation.

Originally, the Bill of Rights applied only to the federal government. Then during the 1900s, the Supreme Court began applying (or “incorporating”) most of the Bill of Rights to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment. Before that time, the Supreme Court had held back in 1876, and again in 1886, that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states. But it never had an occasion to revisit the Second Amendment during the 1900s incorporation cases. It also did not need to do so last year in the Heller case because Washington, D.C. is a federal enclave, not a state, and is therefore directly controlled by the Bill of Rights. Read more

Source: Fox News Blog

NRA Appeals Chicago Ruling to U.S. Supreme Court


Fairfax, Va. – Today, the National Rifle Association filed a petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of NRA v. Chicago. The NRA strongly disagrees with yesterday's decision issued by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, holding that the Second Amendment does not apply to state and local governments.

“The Seventh Circuit got it wrong. As the Supreme Court said in last year's landmark Heller decision, the Second Amendment is an individual right that ‘belongs to all Americans'.

Therefore, we are taking our case to the highest court in the land,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. “The Seventh Circuit claimed it was bound by precedent from previous decisions.

However, it should have followed the lead of the recent Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Nordyke v. Alameda County, which found that those cases don't prevent the Second Amendment from applying to the states through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.” Read more

Source: National Rifle Association – Institute for Legislative Action


Tennessee House Overrides Veto of Guns in Bars Bill


The House voted 69-27 against the veto. The Senate is expected to vote on the matter Thursday.

The final version of the bill previously passed the House on a 66-23 vote. All but one of the new votes for or against the measure came from lawmakers who were absent on the previous vote.

Nashville Rep. Beth Harwell, who was the only Republican to vote against the veto override Wednesday, previously abstained.

It takes 50 votes in the House and 17 in the Senate to turn back the veto. The bill passed the Senate 24-7 last month.

“I think the people have spoken,” Republican Rep. Curry Todd of Collierville, the bill's primary sponsor, said after the vote. “This just gives folks an opportunity to protect themselves.” Read more

Source: theleafchronicle.com

Gun Shows Under Attack in California


But they don't think that other kinds of Cow Palace shows like RAVE concerts are a problem, or send the wrong message, and they say that people who attend those events have first amendment rights (but apparently not the people who go to gun shows).

SB585 (Leno) would ban the sale of ammunition and firearms at the state owned Cow Palace exposition facility near San Francisco. It would have the result of banning all gun shows held there, and will very likely be used as a precedent for banning gun shows at publicly owned facilities throughout the state!

Buying a firearm at a gun show is no different than going to a firearms dealer's store. Background checks and waiting periods are required for purchases at gun shows just like at a gun store.

SB585 is an attempt by anti-gun extremists to find more creative ways to discourage people from owning firearms! Like most such bills, it would have no impact on criminals, just on lawful individuals!

SB585 is on the Senate Floor and will be voted upon this week!

It is critical that all Senators be immediately contacted!

Source: ccrkba.org

Winchester Rifle Sells For $93,000


This 1873 Winchester, caliber .38, sold for $2200 in a recent Shobe auction held in Montana. A similar 1873 Winchester in .44 (not pictured) brought in $93,000.

A Winchester Model 1873,  “One of One Thousand,” sold for $93,000 last week at a firearm and collectible auction, in Lewistown, Mont.

The rifle owners were Walt and Pat Woodland, Belgrade, Mont., and it sold to a collector from the Seattle, Washington area. United Country – Shobe Auction & Realty conducted the auction at the Fergus County Fairgrounds, in Lewistown.

Winchester records report that this high dollar rifle was made in 1877, and shipped from the Winchester factory in 1878. Authenticity of this rifle was verified by highly regarded experts in the field and by the Winchester Museum in Cody, Wyo. This rifle was in 75% of its original condition.

The Winchester 1873 One of One Thousand is one of the most sought after and arguably one of the most handsome of all Winchesters. The One of One Thousands rifles were fitted barrels that proved to shoot a bit more accurate than the standard production barrels.

In the 1870s, Winchester wanted a special rifle to appeal to their high-end market. They tested their gun barrels for accuracy, and if a barrel did qualify to be in this special “accurate” category, they were then placed in the class called the “One of One Thousand.”

The barrels were engraved by Winchester on the top of the front end and the breech end. The stock and fore-grip were a checkered high-grade walnut.

The gun was equipped with a set trigger, ladder tang sight, a globe front sight and cleaning rod. Winchester intended to make 1000 of these guns, but the records show that only about 133 were completed, thus adding to the collector value.

The “One of One Thousands” sold for $100 back in the 1870s and 1880s. The standard quality Model 1873 sold for $18- $20 during the same time period. Granville Stuart, Montana pioneer rancher, was a proud owner of a Winchester 1873 One of One Thousand.

Jayson Shobe of United Country – Shobe Auction & Realty, Lewistown, said “It was very exciting and truly a privilege to sell a historic firearm of this quality and value. It was definitely a highlight in my auction career.”

Kyle Shobe, Jayson’s son and business partner, commented, “Winchesters are certainly an emblem of the American West. Rarely do we see such a remarkable piece, as this Winchester One of One Thousand, with so much historic value.

Just to hold this rifle in our hands was privilege enough, but the opportunity to sell it?  Once in a lifetime.”

Last Saturday’s auction was attended by 370 registered buyers, from 18 states, bidding live or via the Internet.

Olofson: Rehearing in ‘broken gun’ Conviction Refused

David Olofson, of Berlin, Wisconsin, was imprisoned for 30 months because his AR-15 malfunctioned.

The ruling from the court today came in the case involving David Olofson, who was sentenced to 30-months in prison for “transferring” a machinegun, even though the weapon in question was described by defense weapons experts as a rifle that misfired.

The decision from judges Dan Manion, Michael Kanne and Virginia Kendall said: “On consideration of the petition for rehearing en banc filed by defendant-appellant, no judge in active service has requested a vote on the petition for rehearing en banc, and all judges on the original panel have voted to deny rehearing. The petition is therefore DENIED.”

Defense lawyers didn't immediately announce whether they would continue the fight. But WND reported earlier when a panel on the appellate bench rejected Olofson's appeal.

The panel found what a federal agent did during a testing procedure to result in “automatic” fire from an AR-15 has no bearing on Olofson's conviction.

The ruling had affirmed the trial judge's decision that the Wisconsin man sent to prison was guilty, no matter the reason that the semi-automatic rifle he loaned to a prospective buyer unleashed several bursts of multiple rounds and then jammed.

His defense team had explained the case is about nothing more than a malfunctioning gun. But according to judges Manion, Kanne and Kendall of the 7th Circuit, the weapon is a machinegun, and government information about the tests that determined that are not pertinent.

Constitutional lawyer Herb Titus, who argued at the appellate level on behalf of Olofson, said the government's case was simple: “Olofson's malfunctioning semi-automatic rifle functioned as a machinegun because it fired more than one shot at the single pull of a trigger.” Read more

Source: worldnetdaily.com


Top “Conservatives” Cover For Sotomayor


Sotomayor was labeled “anti-gun” by Gun Owners of America for refusing to extend to the states the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 decision overturning a Washington, D.C., handgun ban. The group said a January ruling by a three-judge panel that included Sotomayor displayed “pure judicial arrogance” for declining to throw out a New York state weapons law.

Richard Posner and Frank Easterbrook, appointed to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago by President Ronald Reagan, signaled at a May 26 hearing in a separate weapons case that they side with Sotomayor’s hands-off approach.

“It’s nice to have two leading conservative judges” for support, said Washington lawyer Patricia Millett, a Supreme Court specialist. It “will really take the steam” out of accusations Sotomayor, 54, is hostile to gun rights, she said.

Posner and Easterbrook are leaders of the so-called law and economics school of thought that espouses free-market principles to help resolve legal questions.

They said in court arguments last month in a gun rights case that it is up to the Supreme Court — not appellate judges — to extend the Constitution’s Second Amendment protection for gun owners to the states. Posner and Easterbrook are members of a three-judge panel that is deciding whether to invalidate gun- control ordinances in Chicago and suburban Oak Park, Illinois. Read more

Source: Bloomberg

Fayette County Homeowner Shoots and Kills Intruder


FAYETTE COUNTY, TN – The shooting happened around 1:00 a.m. in the 400-block of Bellgrove Road off Highway 64 just outside Oakland city limits.

The homeowner, 63 year-old Willie Woods, says he woke up to the sounds of his wife and daughter frantically yelling for him.  A man, they told him, was on their front porch trying to break in through the picture window.

“I ordered him not to come in the house,” says Woods, “and he was standing there on the porch screaming something, I don't know what it was.  And I kept telling him not to come in.”

Woods says his porch light wasn't on and it was hard to see.   But he could tell the guy had something hard in his hand and he kept hitting the window with it.  Woods says he learned later that the intruder was using a rake to pound on the glass.

“I went back and got my gun and came back into the room,” says Woods, “and he broke at me.  He asked me what I was going to do and he broke at me, right through the window.  He walked right through the window and so I shot.  I fired about three shots.”

Investigators say the intruder was hit in the head and died at the scene. Read more

Source: myeyewitnessnews.com

Gun Rights Groups Differ on Sotomayor Nomination


WASHINGTON — Gun-rights advocates are using Judge Sonia Sotomayor's involvement in two Second Amendment cases as ammunition to challenge her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, threatening to draw the Obama administration into a debate over firearms laws that it has tried hard to avoid.

The clash between gun-control laws and the breadth of the constitutional right to bear arms is one of several social issues being scoured by people on both sides of the ideological spectrum for clues to Judge Sotomayor's leanings. Her record on the bench provides few hints of her views on such hot-button issues as abortion or gay marriage.

The gun owners' opposition stems from two rulings in which Judge Sotomayor took part while on the federal appellate bench. The January 2009 Maloney v. Cuomo decision involved a challenge from a New York resident arrested for possessing nunchakus, a martial arts weapon made of two thick sticks joined at the ends by a short length of chain or cord. The defendant said the state's ban on nunchakus violated his Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

A three-judge panel including Judge Sotomayor rejected the claim in an unsigned opinion. The court cited earlier rulings, including an 1886 Supreme Court decision, in holding that “the Second Amendment applies only to limitations the federal government seeks to impose on this right,” not to state legislative efforts. Read more

Source: Wall Street Journal


When Only Government Has Guns


Author R.J. Rummel has produced a significant body of work including numerous essays and several books that deal with the subject of democide, a term he coined to describe a widely-accepted legal definition of murder that applies when perpetrated by government upon its own people.

After examining about 10,000 sources over many years, Rummel estimates that governments of the world have murdered (i.e., committed democide on) approximately 262 million people in the 20th century alone.

That shocking figure is no joke and, as Rummel points out, is about 7 times higher than the combat death toll from all wars fought over the same period combined. 20th Century wars were the worst in man's history and killed almost twice as many people as “ordinary” civilian criminal murders across the globe over the same one-hundred-year span.

It should come as no surprise that the hallmark of democide according to Rummel is authoritarian government.

It should also be no surprise that virtually every monstrous genocide or democide event in modern history was conducted by collectivist or socialist-style dictatorships, with the lion's share of atrocity garnered by the Marxist variety – those great saints who do everything “for the good of the people” and who without any sense or shame hold offices and/or comprise significant political parties in most “civilized” nations today.

In fact, the results of various flavors of socialism are what prompted other historians to invent the word “genocide” in the first place. Read more

Source: lewrockwell.com


Peoria to Become Test City for Concealed Carry?


Ardis wants to see legislation passed in Springfield allowing Peoria to enact an ordinance permitting citizens the right to carry a concealed weapon.

His comments come one day after a gas station attendant was shot and killed in the East Bluff and a shot was discharged on Newman Golf Course during a botched robbery.

“I'm trying to see if there is an opportunity for (the General Assembly) to enact a concealed-carry ordinance in the city of Peoria for a three to four year test to see (if there is) a reduction in these types of crimes,” Ardis said.

Getting concealed-carry legislation passed in Illinois, however, is another matter, because the politically charged issue in Springfield has often met resistance by state lawmakers, particularly those from the Chicago area.

There are two strong but opposing beliefs on the issue: Opponents believe more gun ownership does little to prevent crime, while proponents point to statistics in other states with concealed-carry laws showing that gun violence goes down.

But Ardis' pitch in setting up Peoria as a pilot for concealed-carry regulation in Illinois is something unique, one anti-gun official said. Read more

Source: pjstar.com

Sotomayor’s Gun Control Positions Could Prompt Conservative Backlash


Judge Sonia Sotomayor could walk into a firestorm on Capitol Hill over her stance on gun rights, with conservatives beginning to question some controversial positions she's taken over the past several years on the Second Amendment.

Earlier this year, President Obama's Supreme Court nominee joined an opinion with the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that Second Amendment rights do not apply to the states.

A 2004 opinion she joined also cited as precedent that “the right to possess a gun is clearly not a fundamental right.”

Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow with the Family Research Council, called Obama's nomination a “declaration of war against America's gun owners.”

Such a line of attack could prove more effective than efforts to define Sotomayor as pro-abortion, efforts that essentially grasp at straws. Sotomayor's record on that hot-button issue reveals instances in which she has ruled against an abortion rights group and in favor of anti-abortion protesters, making her hard to pigeonhole.

But Sotomayor's position on gun control is far more crystallized.

Blackwell, who also ran unsuccessfully to head the Republican National Committee, told FOX News her position is “very, very disturbing.”

“That puts our Second Amendment freedoms at risk,” he said. “What she's basically saying is that your hometown can decide to suppress your Second Amendment freedoms.” Read more

Source: Foxnews.com