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Mini Digital Reloading Scale Great for Shooters

MTM Case-Gard introduces a pocket sized scale that’s great for the reloading bench or a shooting box.

MTM Unveils Ultimate Range Box/Maintenance Center

MTM’s new Case-Gard Shooting Range Box provides a great new way to store and transport rifle cleaning kits.

Shoot-N-C Square Matrix Paster Targets Unveiled

Birchwood Casey Shoot-N-C Square Matrix posters can be used as a large-format patterning kit.

Beretta's New UGB25 Xcel Shotgun

The new Beretta UGB25 Xcel shotgun features an innovative locking system with a break-open action that allows completely safe operation during competitions.

Help Keep Recreational Shooting Open On Federal Lands

Opportunities to shoot recreationally on public lands benefit the recreational shooter and hunter, says the NRA.

Golden Pheasant Ammunition Designed for Toughest Roosters

Fiocchi’s Golden Pheasant line of supreme hunting shotshells are tailor-made to optimize your skill afield.

Supreme 780 Added to Winchester Line

New Supreme 780 Winchester Smokeless powder is the same powder loaded in Winchester’s factory Supreme ammunition, including .243 Win., .270 Win. and .300 Win. Mag. rounds.

Birchwood Casey Unveils Universal Gun Cleaning System

Birchwood Casey’s new Universal Gun Cleaning System makes it easy to clean rifles, pistols and shotguns.

LaserLyte Offers Super-Bright Laser Bore Sighter

Using a daylight-visible green laser, the new LaserLyte Kryptonyte Laser Bore Sighting System is 100 times more visible than traditional red lasers.

The Basics of Wingshooting – Part 1

In order for a wingshooter to become competent in the field, he must have the basics of shooting flying objects firmly in place. In Part I of a two-part series excerpted from the new Gun Digest Book of Shotgunning, Marty Fischer gives you those basics.