Patrick Sweeney

Patrick Sweeney is the author of many of Gun Digest books' best-selling titles, including Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Vols. I & II; Gun Digest Big Fat Book of the .45 ACP, Gun Digest Book of the AR-15, Gun Digest Book of the AK and SKS, Gun Digest Book of the Glock and Gunsmithing: Pistols and Revolvers, among other titles. A master gunsmith, Patrick is also Handguns Editor for Guns & Ammo magazine.

The Art Of Running A Shotgun

Properly running a shotgun isn’t as easy as it should be, but here we give you some tips on aiming, shooting and reloading scatterguns.

Hardware Talk: Gemtech Direct-Thread Rear Caps

Looking to easily swap your suppressor between multiple firearms? Here we take a look at Gemtech’s direct-thread rear caps.

Hardware Talk: SilencerCo Gas Defeating Charging Handle

Do you run your AR-15 suppressed? Does it spit gas back in your face? Here we look at SilencerCo’s solution, the Gas Defeating Charging Handle.

Hardware Talk: RTS IFAK

We take a quick look at the RTS IFAK, a serious medical kit for serious injuries.

Snap Caps: Save The Pins!

Want realistic practice without damaging your gun’s firing pin? Here we take a look at Otis Snap Caps.

Easy-to-Handle Defensive Handguns Buyer's Guide

Not everyone can handle a big gun, but everyone has the right to defend themselves. Here are some top defensive handgun options for the less physically capable.

Winchester Model 70 Review: Pre-War Classic

There’s nothing wrong with hunting with an old, classic rifle. Here, we take a closer look at the pre-war Model 70 Winchester.

Hardware Talk: Nighthawk Drop-In 1911 Trigger

Looking for a simple yet satisfying upgrade for your 1911 pistol? Here we take a look at Nighthawk's drop-in 1911 trigger.