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American Made Guns And Products Brought to You By Our Partners That Prove Patriotism is Alive and Well.
What does it mean to be made in the USA?
Not only does this show a steadfast commitment to keeping Americans hard at work, it also demonstrates that quality-made gear is still available on our own shores. American muscle is still alive and well. Here we’re honored to have a few of those companies grace this site with an assortment of products you’d be proud to own.
Gun Digest went in search of companies that support our belief in American-made firearms and gear. Combing through those gun and gear makers turned up several who proudly support this country’s excellent manufacturing base. Whether they’re making you next every-day-carry pistol or accuracy-enhancing accessory, these firms either assemble and/or manufacture 100 percent in the USA. That’s something to be proud of.
American Made Gear And Guns
Why You Can Trust Gun Digest
Since 1944, Gun Digest has been a trusted authority on firearms, shooting and shooting gear, delivering expert firearms reviews backed by nearly a century of experience. We go beyond standard reviews, combining hands-on independent gun testing, in-depth research, and expert insights from industry professionals and manufacturers.
Our reviewers are the bedrock of our testing and come from a comprehensive cross section of the shooting world. Their diverse backgrounds include law enforcement professionals, military veterans, competitive shooters, seasoned hunters and life-long firearms enthusiasts. In addition to being firearm experts, we are also thorough journalists adhering to the strictest standards of the profession.
For our readers, this means objective, unbiased reviews, free from outside influence. Our priority is to provide the information you need to make informed decisions—whether a firearm or piece of gear is a must-have investment or one to pass on.
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When I think American made guns I think RUGER. And lately Ruger has had many hits with its many rifles and pistols. The latest is the Ruger 57 pistol in 5.7 x 28 cartridge. It is selling like hotcakes.
Eric B.