Concealed Carry Digest

Everything Concealed Carry at Gun Digest

From concealed carry tips and tactics by experts like Massad Ayoob, Richard Mann, and Patrick Sweeney, to the best CCW handguns for personal defense, you’ve come to the right place! Gun Digest is your trusted source when it comes to the state-of-the-art in semi-auto handguns and revolvers for concealed carry. What's the best caliber for concealed carry? You'll find expert opinion on that hot topic, too. Browse articles on cutting-edge self-defense ammo, CCW holsters and ammo carriers, handgun reviews, ammo reviews, holster reviews, CCW insurance, armed defense legalities, and handgun shooting drills you can use right now to sharpen your handgun-shooting chops!

Concealed Carry Basics

Concealed Carry Fundamentals

Choosing a Concealed Carry Firearm

Holsters - Gear That Could Save Your Life

Legal Considerations - What to Know

Latest Concealed Carry Posts

Wilson Combat EDC X9S 1
Looking to go armed, but are stuck in the weeds as to what to arm yourself with? Here are 20 excellent concealed carry gun options that will keep you on the defensive.
The evolution of the concealed carry handgun continues. These are some of the hottest new models for 2018.

First Look: KRISS USA KYMERA Modular Handgun

A quick look at KRISS USA’s new modular KYMERA 9mm DA/SA hammer-fired pistol.
380 Pistol Sig

Best .380 Pistol Options For Deep Carry [Tested]

With improvements in defensive ammunition, the .380 pistol has surged in popularity? What are the top picks in the small and concealable option?
Taurus GX2 feature

First Look: Taurus GX2

We take a quick look at the Taurus GX2, a pistol that the company says will set a new standard for affordable, entry-level self-defense firearms.
ruger rxm feature

A Closer Look At The Ruger RXM

Here we check out the RXM, Ruger and Magpul’s new striker-fired, poly-framed, high-capacity and customizable pistol.

Best Micro Compact 9mm Pistols [Field Tested]

These micro 9mm options are more than ready for everyday carry and backup-gun duty.

Self-Defense: How To Stay Cool In The Face Of Deadly Threats

Here we discuss some strategies for staying cool and ahead of fear when facing deadly threats.
self defense v mob violence

Self-Defense And Modern Mob Violence

We discuss the blurred lines of self-defense when navigating the complexities of modern mob violence.
10mm 1911 feature colt delta elite

Best 10mm 1911 Pistols [Field Tested]

The 10mm 1911 typically commands a king's ransom, but not the few we hunted out.
Performance Cetern Model 442 6

Best Concealed Carry Revolvers For Personal Defense [Field Tested]

Semi-automatic pistols have ruled the roost when it comes self-defense guns in recent years, but concealed carry revolvers still hold their own when push comes to shove.
call 911

Self-Defense: Who Calls 911 After A Shooting?

If you’re ever involved in a self-defense shooting, who calls 911? The decision isn’t as straightforward as it might seem.