Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1972


The Gun Digest – 1972

 Table of Contents
Shooter's Hall of Fame, Col. Charles Askins4
The Classic Double, Wallace Labisky9
How Can You Miss an Elephant, Warren Page17
Mossberg Martini, Harry O. Dean20
British Volunteer Rifles, DeWitt Bailey II22
Ten Cents A Duck, Bob Hinman37
Johnny Gets His Gun, Lucian Cary42
The Rifles of James Paris Lee, Larry S Sterett48
Today's Made in Spain Pistols, George C. Nonte61
Sporting Arms of the World, Larry S. Sterett69
Oddball Hardballs, Mason Williams93
Trap, Skeet and the Hunter, Allen F. Ruffin, Jr.96
Arnold Griebel, 1890-1970, John T. Amber104
Age of the Autoloader, Tom Hayes106
Flying Shotgun, D. C. Cole110
U.S. Handguns Since World War II, DeWitt E. Sell, Ph.D.112
Gun Proof in Italy, Lee Kennett128
Testfire Report 1971, Bob Zwirz132
Good Man With a Gun, James E. Serven144
Extractors and Ejectors, Mack Stirman151
Stevens 20 Gauge Pumpgun, D. F. Breen157
Guns for Survival, Glenn I. Berns161
Custom Guns, Al Biesen, Dale Goens, Richard Hodgson, John E. Warren166
A Logical Start to Combat Shooting, Colin Greenwood170
Scopes and Mounts 1971, Bob Bell177
Damascus Barrels, Lee Kennett184
Guns of World War II, George L. Wildgen189
The Famed Luger, Harry M. Campbell194
Remington Radicals, Louis W. Steinwedel198
Care of Big Game Trophies, Jerry McNamara206
The Camping Rifle, Jack Fairclough208
Are Firearms Controls Effective?, Colin Greenwood212
Reloading Review, the editors214
Safety Pins, Arthur W. Sear223
Guns in 4-Color, 32 brilliant pages225
Sighting the Long Range Magnum, Harold O. Davidson257
The Rockets Red Glare, Fairfax Downey267
Gun Fever!, Guy L. Aurand271
Handguns 1971, George C. Nonte274
Wind Wisdom, John Lachuk284
Screw Barrel Pistols, Louis W. Steinwedel288
Art of the Engraver, Masters of Metalwork294
The 25 Is Still Alive, Ron Terrell298
Big Bullets for Little Guns, William R. Weir303
Gun Control Information, NSSF306
Wanted, a New Pistol Cartridge, B. W. Brian307
Powder Flasks, Don Shiner308
Shooter's Showcase, New Products, 1971309
Let's Shoot Sharptails, Jerome J. Knap312
American Bulleted Cartridges, Ken Waters316
Ammunition Tables322
U.S. Handguns329
U.S. Rifles346
U.S. Shotguns372
Foreign Guns in the U.S.A.388
Pellet Guns416
Chokes & Brakes426
Metallic Sights427
Scopes & Mounts431
Arms Association438
Shooting Publications440
Periodical Publications441
Arms Library442
Glossary for Gunners456
Directory of the Arms Trade459

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