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Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1965


The Gun Digest – 1965

 Table of Contents 
The Right to Bear Arms, B. F. Samuels4
Duelling Pistols, James E. Servern8
Ruger 10/22 Carbine, T. R. Rusfel16
Contact Lenses, John Fix18
The 41 S & W Magnum, Bob Wallack19
Powder Scale Weight Test, John T. Amber22
Metric Rifles & Cartridges, Frank C. Barnes23
Model 70 Winchesters, Bob Hagel32
U.S. Rifles & Shotguns, Pete Kuhlhoff34
U.S. & Foreign Handguns, Mitch Westra42
Foreign Rifles & Shotguns, John T. Amber47
M14, Hail and Farewll, John Lachuk53
Merwin & Hurlbert Guns, Mack Stirman60
Canadian Vacation Shoot, W. J. Farquharson65
16 – The All-Round Gauge, B. R. Hughes70
“To Shoot . . . ?”, Wm. H. Allen, Jr.72
Old Eyes & Pistol Shooting, Don Martin73
Guide to American Museums, B. F. Samuels77
The 257 Roberts, N. E. Nelson, Jr.82
U.S. Bayonets, 1892-1958, Charles H. Yust, Jr.84
Hunting A Big Mule, Arthur H. Carhart87
Baggin' A Dragon, John Eaton91
Chicopee Falls, Dewitt Sell92
S&W Cartridge Pistols, James E. Serven97
Crossbows, Bob M. Hyatt107
Those Thundering Clerics, Edw. A. Dieckmann111
Armorer of the Confederacy, F. W. Gleason116
Flintlock Guns, Louis W. Steinwedel122
Grizzly Bear, Bradford Angier129
The Bretton Alloy Shotguns, Roger Barlow133
18th Century Gun Cache, T. M. Hamilton138
The Big Magnums, Robert Hutton140
Colt or Smith & Wesson?, A. B. Kazan147
Reloading the 44 Magnum, John Lachuk153
Insights to Shooting Vision, N. H. Howard160
Muscles For Moose! Clyde Ormound163
Andrew Burgess, Gun Inventor, E. Burgess and L. T. Wakeling166
Pellet Gun Makes History, First CO, Autoloader176
45 Auto Pistol, Robert A. Burmeister177
Shoot Your Guns, Hal Swiggett181
Tuning the M70 Winchester, Bob Waller184
410 Gauge Adaptor, Larry S. Sterett186
Cold Weather Hunter, Joseph Rychetnik187
The Public Shooting Ground, Ray Byron191
Bolt Action 284, Bob Hagel193
Lever Action Rifles, C. H. Helbig & P. B. Cain195
Pronghorn Antelope, Bert Popowski202
Townsend Whelen Award, $500 Story Contest206
Safari Treasure Hunt, Winners Announced206
Missile Age Shotgun, Jack Lawrence207
Plinking Scopes, Bob Bell210
Testfire! A Field Survey, Kenneth L. Waters217
Lee Rifle Loader, Ken Warner224
Exploded Drawings, James Triggs225
Custom Guns, The Gunsmith's Art284
Artistry in Metal, a gun engraving sampler288
American Bulleted Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters302
Speer Loading Data, a bonus feature353
Loading the Plastics, Jim Horton369
Handloading Fundamentals, Bob Thomas372
Big 50 Cartridges, Geo. C. Nonte, Jr.373
Shot Wrappers & Patterns, Wallace Labisky376
The Powley PMAX, Edw. M. Yard381
U.S. Handguns227
U.S. Rifles238
U.S. Shotguns250
Foreign Arms in America261
Pellet Guns276
Chokes & Brakes282
Reloading Tools & Bullets292
Ammunition Tables311
Scopes & Mounts318
Metallic Sights325
Arms Library329
Shooter's Showcase338
Periodical Publications341
Arms Associations342
Glossary for Gunners343
Directory of the Arms Trade345

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1964


The Gun Digest – 1964

 Table of Contents
Handloads for the 256 Magnum, E. M. Yard & C. H. Helbig4
Snider 557 Cartridges, Charles Yust10
Shooting the Snider, Larry Sterett14
In Defense of Chinks, John Madson17
Gas Guns, Bob Bell21
The 9.3x72R, Warren Sipe26
Remington's Big Seven, Bob Hagel28
Complete Shooting Center, Bob Zwirz32
Survival Weapons, Bob Bell33
Guns of Lewis & Clark, William R. Barbour38
Rattle Up Your Buck, Tom Hayes46
The 7mm Rolling Block, Walter E. Hill49
Mystery Misses, Bob Hagel53
Safety – to Begin With, Helen Kitchen Branson56
Antique Arms Restoration, Paul Matthews57
Wanted! Gun Designers, B. Fritz Samuels62
Ithaca Scatterguns, Wallace Labisky65
Snapshooting Means Venison, Bob Kindley73
Black Powder Pistols, William A. Carver77
Confederate Powder Works, Warren Sipe84
First Big Game Rifle, Clyde Ormond89
The Forgotten Gun, Louis Steinwedel93
The 7mm Magnum in Africa, Sam B. Saxton97
Powder to Burn, Dean Grennell101
Half-Minute Rifle, Warren Page107
Military Handguns for Sport, F. C. Barnes Bonus112
Forty-Rod Gun, Lucian Cary124
Japanese Gunsmith, Major J. H. Woolnough129
Pointblank Practice, Ken Warner132
Silencers, Larry S. Sterett135
Most Versatile Gun, Larry Mueller139
Gas Loss in Revolvers, Edward M. Yard143
Peabody Sporting Rifles, Cleves Howell146
Open, Peep, Scope Sights, William Schumaker154
All-Round Shotgun R.I.P., Charles Howe158
Remington XP-100, Les Bowman161
The 5.7 Johnson Spitfire, J. Rakusan166
Hall Accoutrements, R. T. Huntington167
Redfield / Browning Scopes, Bob Bell170
Black Powder Replica Arms, John Lachuk172
Shooting – People – Space, Henry Stebbins179
Handloads for Hunting, Jim Ryan182
Homemade Pistol Rest, Bob Reynolds184
Testfire! A Field Survey, Kenneth L. Waters185
Let's Talk Recoil, Tom Moseley191
The Modern Sporting Pistol, Jeff Cooper192
Exploded Drawings, James Triggs200
U.S. Handguns, 1963-64, Gil Hebard204
U.S. Rifles & Shotguns, 1963-64, John T. Amber220
Foreign Guns, 1963-64, John T. Amber251
Custom Handguns, Makes and Models277
Custom Guns, The Gunsmith's Art278
Artistry in Metal, a gun engraving Sampler282
American Bulleted Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters298
Sears Catalog of 1908, a Collector's Bonus353
U.S. Handguns210
U.S. Rifles232
U.S. Shotguns242
Foreign Arms in America257
Pellet Guns269
Chokes & Brakes274
Reloading Tools & Bullets285
Ammunition Tables307
Scopes & Mounts314
Metallic Sights323
The Arms Library327
Periodical List336
Shooter's Showcase337
Arms Associations342
Glossary for Gunners343
Directory of the Arms Trade345

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1963


The Gun Digest – 1963

 Table of Contents
The Shotgun – A full history, James E. Serven4
U.S. Handguns, 1962-1963, Pete Kuhlhoff13
U.S. Rifles & Shotguns, John T. Amber19
Foreign Firearms, 1962-1963, John T. Amber30
This Magnum Kick, Lou B. Bretton36
The Shotshell Grows Up! Warren Page41
John Farquharson's Rifle, L. E. Harthan48
Testfire! A Field Survey, Kenneth L. Waters56
17 Caliber Rifles and Cartridges, Atkinson & Marquart64
Turkey Shoot a la Mexicana, Robert T. Shaw65
Buffalo! Norman B. Wiltsey68
High Country Grouse Hunting, William Curtis77
Magnum Shotgunning, Francis Sell80
Redfield 3x-9x Variable, Bob Bell84
Long Shots at Big Game, Bob Hagel86
Crows in the Snow, Don Shiner90
Rare Stock Woods, Dick Simmons93
Caribou! Bradford Angier98
The 222 on Rehbock, Col. G. O. Ashley101
Ballistic Bull, John Maynard105
Gun Calibers for Game Callers, Russell Tinsley110
Let's Collect Cartridges! Stuart Miller113
The 256 Magnum Finds a Home! Bob Wallack118
The Mossberg Story, Pete Brown120
Magnum Megalomania, Robert Chatfield-Taylor125
Shooting Steel, Rex Stanley129
Inventory Your Guns, Larry S. Sterett134
The 25 Krag Improved, Hal Stephens136
Kids Want to Shoot, Herb Parsons141
Cast Bullets on Game, Jack McPhee143
Rifle Stocking Made Easy, John R. Stacy145
Good Gun Manners, Bill Clede150
Sharps 4-Barrel Pistols, Frank M. Sellers153
The Baby Nambu, Roy D. Strengholt158
Southern Highland Whitetails, Joe Gaines161
The Hornet's Big Enough, George Lindsay167
The Ruger Carbine in Africa, Pete Kuhlhoff172
FFFg Military Arms and Loads, Frank Barnes176
The Smith & Wesson 38 Master, Gil Hebard184
Reloading the S&W 38 Master, Kent Bellah189
Distance Does It, Carlos Vinson190
Reloading the 22 Jet, Kent Bellah194
American Bulleted Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters196
Artistry in Metal, a gun engraving sampler204
Custom Guns, The gunsmith's art208
Exploded Drawings, a GUN DIGEST Bonus353
U.S. Rifles212
U.S. Handguns233
U.S. Shotguns248
Chokes & Brakes264
Pellet Guns267
Foreign Arms in America273
Ammunition Tables293
Scopes & Mounts300
Metallic Sights309
Reloading Tools313
The Arms Library327
Periodical List336
Shooter's Showcase337
Arms Associations342
Glossary for Gunners343
Directory of the Arms Trade345

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1962


The Gun Digest – 1962

 Table of Contents
Spencer's Great 7-Shooter by Norman B. Wiltsey4
New and Hot Little 22s by Edward M. Yard14
Dead Center! by Pete Kuhlhoff17
Good Old Guns by Henry Stebbins21
Cold Comfort by Col. Townsend Whelen25
Bear Hunting With Hounds by Carlos Vinson29
Newest Safari Country by Tom McNally32
New Loads Make News! by Robert Hutton37
U.S. Rifles and Shotguns by John Amber40
U.S. Handguns 1961-1962 by Kent Bellah51
Knock Down Nothing by Warren Page57
Foreign Arms 1961-1962 by John Amber60
Military Rifles by Frank Barnes66
All-Round Gun by Pierre Pulling74
How to be a Handgunner by Gil Hebard78
Testfire! A Field Survey by Kenneth Waters85
English Shotguns by John du Mont91
Fast Draw vs. Quick Draw by Charles M. Heard95
Don't Blow Your Head Off! by G. R. Hunter100
Rocky Mountain Bighorn by Jim Ryan102
Kitchen Table Handloads by Don Martin105
Proof Marks in Great Britain by A. Baron Engelhardt109
Submarine Guns Today by Larry S. Sterett114
The Truth About Twist by John Maynard123
Hollow Point Homily by Crawford Hollidge127
Brand Names on Firearms, a GUN DIGEST Feature131
Stick to Your Guns by Pete Brown134
Handgun Bullet Swaging by Kent Bellah137
New Cases From Old, by George C. Nonte140
Short Shorts by Jim Horton146
357 – Most Practical Handgun by Robert V. Thompson147
Milton Farrow and His Rifles by Richard H. Chamberlain152
Civil War Gun Catalog, a GUN DIGEST Bonus161
Kentucky Rifles by Robert Held193
Plastic Shotshells by Jim Horton200
Moose! by Bradford Angier202
Are Wildcats Dead? by P. O. Ackley206
Hunting the Sea Otter by Jack McPhee213
Teen Hunters Club by Dick Miller217
Variable Power Scopes by Bob Bell218
Rifle and Shotgun Care by Bob Tremaine225
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth Waters227
Artistry in Metal, a gun engraving sampler234
Custom Rifles, the gunsmith's art238
Exploded Drawings, a GUN DIGEST Feature318
U.S. Rifles – models and prices242
U.S. Handguns – models and prices262
U.S. Shotguns – models and prices276
Chokes & Brakes, with prices290
Pellet Guns – models and prices293
Foreign Arms in America298
Ammunition Tables325
Scopes & Mounts, with prices332
Metallic Sights, with prices341
Reloading Tools, with prices345
Arms Associations359
The Arms Library361
Periodical List370
Shooter's Showcase371
Glossary for Gunners376
Directory of the Arms Trade378

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1961


The Gun Digest – 1961

 Table of Contents
On the Range with the Williams98
Handloading the Magnum by Don Martin99
Days of the Springfield by Townsend Whelen103
Hunting Scope Test by Bob Bell110
Kill Deer! by Allyn H. Tedmon117
Mars Auto Pistols by Larry S. Sterett121
World's Most Powerful Rifle by Jac Weller130
Testfire! A Field Survey by Ken Waters135
Selecting the Custom Stock by Nate Bishop139
Proof in Post War Germany by A. Baron Engelhardt144
Talking Turkey by Don Shiner147
The Minié Rifle by E. F. Donnelly152
Gun Digest Rifle Guide by Bob Wallack158
Home Swaged Bullets by Mason Williams164
The Ideal Gauge by Jim Horton169
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Waters173
Artistry in Metal, a gun engraving sampler180
Exploded Drawings, a GUN DIGEST Feature257
1893-95 Mauser Catalog, a GUN DIGEST Bonus321
Metallic Sights, with prices280
Reloading Tools, with prices284
Arms Associations296
The Arms Library298
Periodical List306
Shooter's Showcase307
Glossary For Gunners312
Directory of the Arms Trade314

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1960


The Gun Digest – 1960

 Table of Contents
Miniature Guns by Fred Thacker and James M. Triggs3
Too Many Cripples by Bob Hagel8
Charges are the Bunk by Warren Page10
Counter Chronograph by Edw. M. Yard15
U.S. Firearms 1959-60 Center- and Rimfire Rifles20
Shotguns by Bob Wallack27
Handgun Review by Kent Bellah30
Kodiak Bear by Charles Askins36
Proof in Modern France by A., Baron Engelhardt40
There's Danger in Damascus by J. W. Houlden43
The Dove by Nash Buckingham46
Ultimate Deer Rifle by Edmund Waters52
Special Shotgun Stock? by John Maynard57
Handguns for Hunting by Don L. Johnson61
Arms – and the Women by Ruth C. Douglas65
Shotgun Fallacies by Francis E. Sell69
Cook's Confederate Armory by Charles J. Hrockman, Jr.74
Everybody's Target by Frank Stout80
. . . Cartridges, a miscellany by Charles H. Yust84
Ferlach, USA by Stuart D. Gross90
Are Shooters Regimented? by Henry M. Stebbins93
One Boy's Gun by William R. Barbour99
Ideal Military Rifle by Jac Weller100
Shotgun Seminar by George W. Busbey107
Astra Automatics – Series 900 by Larry S. Sterett116
Sixgun Miscellany by Elmer Keith120
World's Handiest Gun by Frank de Haas125
Cut-Rate Varminter by Mack Stirman131
Precision Cast Bullets by Kent Bellah134
British Cartridges by Kenneth L. Waters140
Jaguar Jungle by Tom McNally145
Days of the Krag by Townsend Whelen150
Texas Brag Goose Hunt by Erwin A. Bauer157
War Surplus Weapons by Bob Wallack and Bob Brenner161
Wilhelm Brenneke by H. Jung and L. P. Davison166
Machine Gun Mix-Up by Melvin M. Johnson, Jr.173
Hunter Safety, a picture story178
Shooting-Hunting Schools by Dick Miller181
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Waters183
Power for Engravers by John Murphy190
Artistry in Metal, a gun engraving sampler192
Exploded Drawings by James M. Triggs262
Custom Guns196
U.S. Rifles – models and prices200
U.S. Handguns – models and prices216
U.S. Shotguns – models and prices228
Chokes and Brakes, with prices239
Pellet Guns – models and prices242
Foreign Arms in America247
Ammunition Tables, with prices270
Scopes & Mounts, with prices277
Metallic Sights, with prices285
Reloading Tools, with prices289
Arms Associations298
The Arms Library300
Shooter's Showcase307
Glossary For Gunners313
Directory of the Arms Trade315

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1959


The Gun Digest – 1959

 Table of Contents
The Free Pistol by Bill Toney3
Bullet Bustup by Warren Page9
U.S. Firearms 1958-59 by Bob Wallack
Bigbore Rifles15
Smallbore Rifles20
Pistols & Revolvers23
The 338 in Africa by Col. Charles Askins30
Trajectory Nomograph by Robert V. Thompson36
Handguns For Hunting by Elmer Keith40
The Ones That Shoot Back by Jack O'Connor46
Breechloaders in the Revolution by Jac Weller53
Practical Pressures by John Maynard59
European Break-Open Guns by Dr. Otis P. Gray65
Old Betsy by Warren Page72
Forerunners of the First Winchester – Pt. 3 by Thomas E. Hall77
Ed McGivern – Fastest, Fanciest Sixgunner by Chad Wallin80
Snapshooting and Snapshooting Rifles by Francis E. Sell88
10 Commandments for Handloaders by Robert V. Thompson93
Shikar in Asia by Jack O'Connor96
This Long Range Shotgunning by Col. George W. Busbey104
Thar's Guns in Them Sierras by Robert Tyler Shaw110
New Barrels From Old by Pierre Pulling112
The Rifled Slug on Deer by Erwin A. Bauer118
Varmint Rifles by Clyde Ormond122
The Indian Fusil by Charles E. Hanson, Jr.126
Hunting the Great Gaur by Col. Charles Askins129
Deutsche Drillinge by Warren Siipe136
Early Loading Tools by Richard H. Chamberlain141
Orphan Cartridges by Henry M. Stebbins146
Shotgun Handloads by Edmund Waters151
Sharps Rifle Company Catalog, 1878 a great rarity's first reproduction155
Proof in Austria-Hungary by A. Baron Engelhardt163
Most Deadly Handgun Loads by Kent Bellah170
Black Powder Miscellany by Charles H. Yust175
Nation of Riflemen? by Col. Townsend Whelen180
Hollywood Gunmen by Charley MacDonald Heard186
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Waters195
Artistry In Metal a gun engraving sampler201
Exploded Drawings by James M. Triggs268
Glossary For Gunners common and obscure terms defined314
Dale W. Goens-Stockmaker and engraver, guns by a versatile craftsman321
Custom Guns205
U.S. Rifles – models and prices209
U.S. Handguns – models and prices225
U.S. Shotguns – models and prices236
Choke Devices, with prices247
Pellet Guns – models and prices250
Foreign Arms in America254
Ammunition Tables, with prices274
Scopes & mounts, with prices281
Metallic Sights, with prices288
Reloading Tools, with prices292
Arms Associations301
The Arms Library304
Shooters Showcase311
Directory of the Arms Trade316

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1958


The Gun Digest – 1958

 Table of Contents
Hunting in Europe by John T. Amber3
American Handguns 1957-58 by Bob Wallack9
Shooting the Handgun by Paul Weston14
Gatling Gun by Harvey Brandt20
You Can't Be Over-Gunned by John Gay30
I'm Sick of Magnums by Francis E. Sell31
Handloading is Great by Warren Page38
Colt Walker-Dragoon Holsters by B. R. Lewis43
The Sheep Rifle by Jack O'Connor46
Common Sense Case Capacity by John Maynard50
Handicapped Hunters by Ernie Lind54
Freund & Bro. – Part Two by John Barsotti55
Black Brant of Baja by Ormal I. Sprungman65
Junior's 22 by Henry M. Stebbins68
The 44 Magnum by Elmer Keith74
Address Colt. Colt London by Howard L. Blackmore79
Colt London Catalog of 1896 a 16-page full scale facsimile85
The Shotgun Story 1957-58 by Bob Wallack101
The Story of AR-10 by Wm. B. Edwards106
Nuggets of History by Paul A. Matthews112
Pheasants For Free by Joe Mears116
Forerunners of the First Winchester – Part Two by Thomas E. Hall120
This Gun Collecting Game by John T. Amber128
Go Fer Gophers by Robert V. Thompson133
English Elephant Guns136
The Ideal Shotgun by George W. Busbey141
Italian Proof Marks by A. Baron Engelhardt145
Deer Hunter's Ballistics by Don Martin148
U.S. Rifle Review 1957-58 by Bob Wallack152
A Code For Muzzle Loaders by Kenneth L. Waters158
Gun Engraving by E. C. Prudhomme161
Kornbrath, Master Engraver – 22 photo specimens166
Clay Bird Scatterguns by Warren Page170
Shooting Fun For Everyone by Earl B. Holdren174
Rocky Mountain Goats by Jim Rearden177
Shooter's Choice by Kenneth L. Waters181
Zündnadelgewehr by Fred H. Baer187
Old Gus by Frank Sheldon193
Case and Cartridge Gauges by Robert V. Thompson197
Carving a Gunstock by Hal Hartley199
Exploded Drawings by James M. Triggs263
Special Bullet Sizing Dies by E. J. Krava300
Stocks by Lenard Brownell, his masterwork pictured321
Custom Guns205
U.S. Rifles – model and prices209
U.S. Handguns – models and prices225
U.S. Shotguns – models and prices236
Choke Devices, with prices247
Pellet Guns – models and prices250
Foreign Arms in America253
Ballistic Tables, with prices273
Scopes & Mounts, with prices280
Metallic sights, with prices287
Reloading Tools, with prices291
Arms Associations301
National Rifle Association301
The Arms Library303
Shooters Showcase313
Directory of the Arms Trade316

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1957


The Gun Digest 11th Edition – 1957

 Table of Contents
The Emperor's Pistol by Stephen V. Grancsay2
Right on the Button by Warren Page6
A Man's Sixgun by Col. Charles Askins11
Freund & Bro. by John Borsotti15
Rifle Round-Up 1956-57 by Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher23
Gun Proof in Spain by A., Baron Engelhardt29
Sultan of the Swamp by Gerald R. Hunter33
Lost Causes by F. W. Foster Gleason36
The Sportsman's Handgun by Don Martin36
A Collector's Bonanza by Maj. R. O. Ackerman49
African Safari by Jack O'Connor52
Guns and Gear on the Trail by Col. Townsend Whelen58
Rebel Revolver by William A. Albaugh, III62
Love That Gun – but not to death by Henry Stebbins70
Caveat Emptor by John S. du Mont75
Goal to Go by Warren Page79
Japanese Long Guns 1539-1905 by Charles H. Yust84
Magnumitis by Col. George W. Busbey92
The Gettysburg Sharps by Paul A. Matthews96
Sharps Ammunition by Graham Burnside100
Operation Testfire by Col. Charles Askins106
The 458 Winchester in Africa by Richard C. Heck113
Hatcher on Handguns 1956-57 by Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher118
A Shotgun is a Paintbrush by John Maynard124
The World is Ours on Guns129
Zero by Robert V. Thompson136
Forerunners of the First Winchester by Thomas E. Hall140
The Shooters Needs by Kenneth L. Waters147
Gun Engraving – Part Two by Edw. C. Prudhomme155
Pellet Guns by Art Cook159
The Luger Pistol by Fred A. Datig162
Streamlined Scatterguns by Col. Charles Askins170
What Price Magnification? by John Maynard177
Custom Checkering by John T. Amber181
Shotgun Choking by Elmer Keith222
Exploded Drawings by Shelley Braverman238
K. Stegall – Stockmaker289
Custom Guns182
U.S. Rifles – models and prices186
U.S. Handguns – models and prices202
U.S. Shotguns – models and prices212
Choke Devices, with prices223
Pellet Guns – models and prices225
Foreign Arms in America228
Ballistic Tables, with prices248
Scopes & mounts, with prices254
Metallic Sights, with prices260
Reloading Tools, with prices264
American Arms Associations271
National Rifle Association271
Gun Book Reviews273
Shooters Showcase278
Directory of the Arms Trade284

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1956


The Gun Digest 10th Anniversary Edition – 1956

 Table of Contents
Manana Land Mallards, Joe Mears2
Lucky Bwana, Herb Klein6
Gunfighters in Texas, Charles Askins11
A Pair of Sixes, Warren Page18
Battle of the Automatics, John T. Amber22
Crack Rifle Maker, Jack O'Connor25
The First Winchester, John Parsons29
Hand Cannon to Flintlock, Tage Lasson33
High-Velocity Cartridges, Dick Simmons41
Inset Checkering, Gerald R. Hunter46
A Boy and His Gun, Gerald R. Hunter50
Gun Engraving, Edw. C. Prudhomme52
Special Delivery Deer, Frank Floss58
Trajectory Sighting In, A. W. Kabernagel61
I'm Ready For Them Now, Warren Sipe66
Hunting The High Alps, Harold Glassen68
The N. M. L. R. A., R. O. Ackerman74
I Choose a Rifle, Paul Mathews78
Gunning For Greys, Don Shiner84
Rifles For Wilderness Lovers, Townsend Whelen88
Union Metallic Cartridge Co.-187193
Ad Topperwein, Charles Askins97
The Rifle in Suburbia, Henry Stebbins101
Waterfowl Shooting, O. I. Sprungman105
Browning's First Rifle, Lou Ostendorp109
Wildcats Are Tough, Joe Van Wormer116
The Double Rifle, Peyton Autry119
Proof in Germany, A. Engelhardt126
Mauser-Loewe Catalog, 1891135
The Potent 35 Whelen, Hal Stephens150
Magnum Shotshells, Warren Page152
American Rifles, 1955-1956, J. S. Hatcher158
Custom Guns, John T. Amber180
Handguns in America, 1955-1956, J. S. Hatcher188
Kitchen-Sink Handloads, Jerald Teesdale203
What's New in Shotguns Today?, J. S. Hatcher207
Exploded Drawings, Shelley Braverman231
American Rifles, models and prices165
Custom Guns183
American Handguns, models and prices194
American Shotguns, models and prices211
Choke Devices, with prices221
Foreign Arms in America222
Ballistic Tables, with prices255
Foreign Cartridges, with prices259
Scopes & Mounts, with prices261
Metallic Sights, with prices267
Reloading Tools, with prices273
Arms Associations277
Gun Book Reviews279
Catlin & Remington Pictures149
Shotgun Powders156
Old Colt Pictures164

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1955


The Gun Digest 9th edition – 1955

 Table of Contents
Special Articles
Gun Engraving, Roy F. Dunlap2
Montana Artist and Engraver8
Gun Engraving (pictures)9
Kynoch Ammunition Catalog of 1884 (facsimile)14
Blunder Busts! – Walter F. Roper52
New Wine – Old Bottles – Henry M. Stebbins102
How To Shoot Guns – With a Camera, That Is – Maj. R. O. Ackerman108
Fast Oil Finishing, Keith Stegall154
The Story of European Proof Marks – Part II, Proof during the 19th Century: Chapter II, Proof in France; Chapter III, Prof in Belgium – A., Baron Englehardt155
Collector's Section
The Volunteer Rifles, Cleves H. Howell, Jr.42
Cornel Klett, Hofbüchsenmacher, Stephen V. Grancsay47
Winchester Single Shots, Lou Ostendorp81
Mountain Men – Mountain Rifles: Part II, John Barsotti84
Rifle Section
Big Game Bullets, Elmer Keith58
The Search for Accuracy, Warren Page62
American Rifles Today, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher66
Big Game Rifles: models and prices77
Small Bore Rifles: models and prices89
Bullet Art, Ernie Lind101
Handgun Section
American Handguns Today, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher114
Sculptured Smith & Wessons118
Pistols and Revolvers: models and prices120
Pistols and Presidents, Maj. R. O. Ackerman128
Shotgun Section
This Year's Shotgun Progress, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher133
A New Autoloader, Warren Page136
Shotguns: models and prices138
Why Not an Over Under? Warren Page149
How To Hunt Quail, Don Harger152
Foreign Firearms
Foreign Arms in America: models and prices170
The Continental Shotgun, Lt. Col. Charles Askins179
Table of Comparative Ballistics, Pistol and Revolver Cartridges – Warren Sperbeck194
Ballistics Tables, with prices191
Foreign Cartridges, with prices196
Sights – Telescope and Metallic
Telescope Sights and Mounts, with prices198
Spotting Scopes, with prices203
Metallic Sight Chart, with prices204
Highly Furnished Arms – a page from an 1897 Winchester catalog of engraving7
Practice Necessary for Good Shooting57
10 Commandments of Safety83
Pistol Cartridge Data83
Visible Recoil113
National Rifle Association190
Reloading Tools, with prices210
Cleaning and Care of Firearms214
Arms Association in America215
Gun Book Reviews216

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1954


The Gun Digest 8th edition – 1954

 Table of Contents
Collectors Section
Collecting Old Winchesters, Bill Depperman2
Colt Display Board8
Firearms vs. Armor, Stephen V. Grancsay9
Tokyo Treasure, John T. Amber12
Bullard Firearms Catlog, circa 188716
Rifle Section
Bears I Have Known, Warren Page31
Winchester Model 70 Stocks34
The Rifle in the Field, Jack O'Connor35
Used Guns, Henry M. Stebbins43
Big Game Rifles, models and prices47
Rifles of American Make, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher57
The Big 450 Rifle, H. E. MacFarland61
Big Bore Bullet Trajectory Data63
Records of North American Big Game64
Small Bore Rifle, models and prices66
Shotgun Section
Retrievers for Your Hunting Pleasure, Leonard S. Florsheim, Jr.78
Shotguns of American Make, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher82
Shotguns, models and prices85
Choke Devices, models and prices95
Safe Shotgun Shooting – Tap Good-enough and Dick Shaughnessy96
Choke Patterns100
Handgun Section
Pistols and Revolvers of American Make, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher105
Six Gun '53 Style, Warren Page108
Pistols and Revolvers, models and prices109
Match Pistol Shooting, Lt. Col. Charles Askins117
Raw Steel to Smith & Wesson123
Foreign Firearms
Foreign Arms, models and prices134
Spain, the Shooting Man's Mecca, Lt. Col. Charles Askins142
The Ten Commandments of Safety146
Special Articles
The Criminal Investigation Laboratory, Col. Calvin Goddard147
Mountain Men and Mountain Rifles, John Barsotti153
Outwitting a Mountain Sheep, Howard Hill157
The Story of European Proof Marks – Part II, Development of Proof in Great Britain – A. Baron Engelhardt160
What's New with Winchester? – Warren Page184
Remington Shot Shells, with prices185
Table of Comparative Ballistics, Pistol and Revolver Cartridges – Warren Sperbeck185
Ballistic Tables, with prices187
Foreign Cartridges, with prices191
Sights – Telescope and Metallic
The Scoop on Scopes, Warren Page193
Telescope Sights and Mounts, with prices195
Spotting Scopes, with prices200
Metallic Sight Chart, with prices201
Obsolete Metallic Cartridge Arms, Lou Ostendorp207
Reloading Tools, with prices211
Cleaning and Care of Firearms215
The National Rifle Association, Paul B. Cardinal215
The Powder Flask Book216
Gun Book Reviews217
Manufacturers' Directory221

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1953


The Gun Digest 7th edition – 1953

 Table of Contents
Special Articles
The Story of European Proof Marks – Part 1, Historical Notes on the Development of Proof in Europe – A. Baron Engelhardt2
Remington Catalog, 187613
UMC Cartridge Board, 188820
Crazy Calibers – F. Wesson, America's First “Wildcatter” – James J. Grant22
The U.S. and British Automatic Rifles, John A. Harper, Jr.29
European Firearms in the George F. Harding Museum in Chicago, Stephen V. Grancsay32
Fun with New and Old Guns, Peyton Autry38
Belted or Blasted? – Warren Page44
Rifle Section
Rifles of American Make, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher48
Slide, 30-06, Slide – Warren Page52
Big Game Rifles, models and prices53
Let's Look at Weatherby's “New Look” – Robert T. Smith62
What is a “Custom” Rifle? – Peyton Autry66
Small Bore Rifles, models and prices70
My Single-Shot Rifles, Col. Townsend Whelen82
Whitetail in Three States, Warren Page86
Shotgun Section
Gun Games for the Game Shot, Jack O'Connor90
When You Hit ‘Em, They Break – Bill Depperman94
Shotguns of American Make, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher96
Shotguns, models and prices98
Choke Devices, models and prices108
Shot Shell Chart, with prices109
Handgun Section
Paterson and Walker Colts, John S. du Mont110
Handguns and Hits, Paul B. Weston116
My Favorite Gun – the Super-Accurate Single Shot Pistol – Walter F. Roper122
Pistols and Revolvers of American Make, Maj. Gen. J.S. Hatcher131
Pistols and Revolvers, models and prices134
Foreign Firearms
Original Oberndorf Mauser Sporters, M/Sgt. Ludwig Olson142
Exploded Drawings of Mauser 98, Mauser HSe, Arisaka, and Nambu148
Spanish Sporting Firearms Today, Lt. Col. Charles Askins152
Foreign Arms, models and prices157
Handloading Section
The 222 Remington, Edson W. Hall164
Reloading Tools, with prices167
Why Not Load Your Own? – An NRA Picture Story170
Ballistics Tables, with prices174
Foreign Cartridges, with prices178
Halger and Hits Rifles, Phil Sharpe180
Cartridge Design, Henry M. Stebbins183
Ammunition Guide187
Sights – Telescope and Metallic
Rifle Sights in Proving Ground and Hunting Field, Col. Townsend Whelen195
Telescope Sights199
Scope Chart, with prices200
Scope Mounts, with prices202
Spotting Scopes, with prices204
Metallic Sight Chart, with prices205
Obsolete Metallic Cartridge Arms, Lou Ostendorp211
Gun Book Reviews218
Manufacturers' Directory222

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1952


The Gun Digest 6th edition – 1952

 Table of Contents
Rifle Section
Tips on Big Game Shooting, Jack O'Connor2
Rifles and Shotguns of American Make, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher6
Big Game Rifles, models and prices11
Notes on the Hunting Rifle, Col. Townsend Whelen19
Weather or Not23
Small Bore Rifles, models and prices24
Bench Rest Shooting: What Is It, and Why, Col. Townsend Whelen36
Its History, Raymond M. Biehler37
Collecting Single Shot Rifles, James J. Grant39
The Hauck Falling-Block Action, Col. Townsend Whelen42
Whitney Arms Catalog, 187843
Shotgun Section
The Swing to the Single Barrel, Warren Page55
Toepperwein Retires59
Ancestors of the Clay Pigeon, Bill Depperman60
ABC's for Sportsmen62
Shotguns, models and prices63
Cleaning, Carrying, and Storing Your Guns, Elmer Keith73
Shotgun Choke and Pattern, Jack O'Connor75
Choke Devices, models and prices79
Shot Shell Chart, with prices80
Handgun Section
Handguns Today, Charles Askins81
America's First Cartridge Revolver, Herschel C. Logan84
“Exploded” Drawings of Walther, Mauser, Luger, Colt Handguns87
Turning the Single Action Colts, Laurence J. Hathaway91
Pistols and Revolvers, models and prices94
Shooting the Muzzle Loaders, John Barsotti102
Sixguns, Elmer Keith107
Cartridge Colts, a Catalog Page, 1897111
Foreign Firearms
The Weapons of Soviet Russia, Roger Marsh112
British Double and Single Rifles, Elmer Keith120
Some Notes on Mauser and Mannlicher Rifles, James E. Fitzgerald126
Foreign Arms, models and prices128
Special Articles
A Wheellock Sporting Rifle in the George F. Harding Museum in Chicago, Stephen V. Crancsay134
How to Shoot the M1139
It Ain't So, Mac – Warren Page145
Gun Engraving, Bruce Grant150
I Hunted Illegal Deer, Phil Sharpe154
The Izaak Walton League Is Fighting for You, Robert O. Beatty158
The National Rifle Association, Paul B. Cardinal160
Chronographs and Their Use, with prices161
Handloading Section
Reloading Tools, with prices163
Tools for Making Jacketed Bullets, with prices166
Casting Lead Alloy Bullets, Col. Townsend Whelen169
Winchester's “Forgotten” Cartridges, 1866-1900 – Paul Foster172
Are Ballistics Necessary? – Phil Sharpe178
Ammunition Guide, Maurice H. Decker182
Foreign Cartridges, with prices194
Ballistic Tables, with prices196
Sights – Telescope and Metallic
The Telescope Sight for Bench Rest Shooting, Gene Hudgins200
Telescope Sights – A Review202
Scope Chart, with prices206
Scope Mounts, with prices208
Spotting Scopes, with prices210
Metallic Sight Chart, with prices211
Gun Book Reviews217
Manufacturer's Directory222

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1951



The Gun Digest 1951 Table of Contents

Rifle Section
Rifles and Shotguns of American Make, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher2
Choosing the Big Game Rifle, Jack O'Connor7
High Velocity vs. Heavy Bullets: Killing Power – Roy E. Weatherby12
Pumpkin Rolling, Elmer Keith13
The Story of Winchester, Harold F. Williamson18
Big Game Rifles, models and prices23
Custom Rifle Conversions – Charles T. Haven32
Gilt Edge Rifles and Ammunition, Col. Townsend Whelen39
The National Rifle Association, Paul B. Cardinal44
The Rifle, Vol. I, No. 147
Woodchuck Rifles and Cartridges, C. S. Landis53
Small Bore Rifles, models and prices57
Black Powder Rifles in Pennsylvania, E. Stanley Smith70
Single Shot Rifles78
Shotgun Section
The Upland Game Gun, Bill Ryan83
Choosing the Trap and Skeet Gun, Jimmy Robinson86
Skeet, the Yearlong Shooting Game, Charles Askins90
Ducks Unlimited, Wendell A. Teague91
Duck Guns, Loads and Chokes, H. M. Salisbury93
The Story of the Shotgun Choke, A. G. Ormsbee98
Models and prices99
Shotguns, models and prices101
Handgun Section
Handguns Today, Charles Askins112
The Peacemaker and Its Rivals, John E. Parsons117
Pistols and Revolvers, models and prices121
The Secrets of Double Action Shooting, Bob Nichols128
Foreign Firearms
Military Small Arms131
Foreign Guns: GI Souvenirs, Phil Sharpe136
Foreign Sporting Arms, Charles T. Haven140
Recent Importations143
Foreign Arms in America, with prices144
Special Articles
The Arms Collector and His Field, Ray Riling149
Outfitting for the Rockies, Jack O'Connor152
A Gunbug's Paradise, Phil Sharpe158
Chronographs and Their Use162
Gun Care, Repair and Bluing, Maurice H. Decker164
* The Story of Winchester18
* Black Powder Rifles in Pennsylvania70
* Single Shot Rifles78
* The Peacemaker and Its Rivals117
* Bullet Making172
* Modern Gunpowders181
* Loading the Charcoal Burners186
* Maynard Cartridges188
Handloading Section
The Art of Handloading Ammunition, Phil Sharpe168
Bullet Making, Sam Clark, Jr.172
Bullet Making Tools, with prices175
Reloading Tools, with prices177
Modern Gunpowders, Maj. Gen. J. S. Hatcher181
Loading the Charcoal Burners, E. M. Farris186
Maynard Cartridges188
Ammunition Guide, Maurice H. Decker190
Ballistic Tables, with prices202
Foreign Cartridges, with prices204
Sights – Telescope and Metallic
Telescope Sights, A Review206
Scope Chart, with prices210
Scope Mounts, with prices212
Spotting Scopes, with prices214
Metallic Sight Chart, with prices215
Sighting in the Rifle221
Manufacturers' Directory223

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1949


The Gun Digest 4th Annual (1949) Edition

 Table of Contents
Rifle Roundup, by Dick Simmons4
High Power Rifles, Illustrated12
From Military To Sporter by Charles T. Haven20
Competitive Rifle and Pistol Shooting, by J. A. Harper27
22 Caliber Rifles, Illustrated29
How To Shoot A Target Rifle, by C. M. Palmer, Jr.43
Selecting the Proper Shotguns For Trap and Skeet, by Jimmy Robinson49
Shotguns and Loads For Upland Shooting, by John Alden Knight53
The Right Gun For Duck Shooting, by H. M. Salisbury57
Making Your Decoys Pay Off62
Shotguns, Illustrated64
Trap and Skeet Guns, Illustrated77
Handgun Facts, by Major Charles Askins, Jr.80
Revolvers and Pistols, Illustrated85
Military Small Arms, Illustrated94
Take Care Of Your Guns, by Maurice Decker100
Accessories For Rifle, Shotgun and Handgun104
Scope and Mount Review, by Claude Parmelee110
Metallic Sight Charts122
Sighting in the Deer Rifle127
European Military Cartridges129
Ammunition Guide, by Maurice Decker131
Ballistric Tables144
Rifle Sighting Tables145
How Hunters Can Shoot More Accurately146
Shotgun Velocity, Pattern and Shot Charts147
Reloading Ammunition, by Earl Naramore148
Discontinued Models, by Charles Edward Chapel151
Index to Manufacturers162