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Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1981


The Gun Digest – 1981

 Table of Contents
Walnut: Nonpareil For Gunstocks by Stuart Williams6
The Afghan and His SMLE by Jack Lott12
My Triumphs In Gun Collecting by John T. Amber18
Frontier Firepower: 1836-1872 by Rick Hacker26
Shoot Your Own Convertible 45 by C. E. Harris36
Steel Shot 1980 by Wallace Labisky41
Handguns Today: Sixguns and Others by Hal Swiggett44
Handguns Today: Autoloaders by Ralph C. Glaze54
How Wide Are Shotgun Patterns? By Nick Sisley59
The Truth About Bird Guns by Dave Duffey62
The Savage Pocket Automatic Pistol Model 1907 by Donald M. Simmons68
The Cylindrical Bullet Kills Better by Robert K. Sherwood86
Handloading To Date by Dean A. Grennell90
The Remarkable Guns of M. K. Jurek by Jerry Evans94
Firearms In Apache Tribal Use by D. C. Cole98
Cop-Proof by Colin Greenwood106
The Greatest of All Webley Collectors by R. Bretnor109
Scopes and Mounts by Bob Bell116
Shotguns Slugs At Long Range by Joe Krieger126
Two-Gun Hunter Matches by Tom Turpin134
Walther's P5 Pistol by James P. Cowgill138
Blackpowder by Edward M. Yard142
7mm-08 Remington: Gun and Cartridge by Layne Simpson152
Accurcy In 22-Caliber Target Pistols by Kenneth L. Walters158
Remington's XP-100 Silhouette Pistol by Hal Swiggett167
The First Short Magnum: The 425 Westley Richards Magnum by Jack Lott170
The Hunter In The 20th Century by Roger Barlow178
Trends In The World Of Air Guns by J. I. Galan184
Kimber Model 82 by Robert A. Painter192
The 32-20 Never Said Die! By Robert S. L. Anderson195
The Buffalo and The Chapuis, by Ken Warner200
Long Guns In Review by Larry S. Sterett204
Especially Good Books210
Recall: How The Firearms Industry Responds by Jim Crossman212
Custom Guns218
Winchester's Model 70 XTR by Frank Marshall Jr.222
The Sinistral Problem Solved by John T. Amber224
Sporting Arms of the World by Larry S. Sterett227
Spanish Doubles In Classic Style by John T. Amber233
Art of the Engraver236
FIE's Combo 20 ga./30-30 by C. E. Harris240
Testfire: Winchester's Model 94 Big Bore Carbine; Franchi's Model 530 Autoloading 12 Gauge Trap Gun by Larry S. Sterett242
Bolt Action Brush Guns For Deer by Frank B. Petrini246
Custom Knives Today250
Shooter's Showcase253
American Bulleted Cartridges by Ken Waters258
Ammunition Tables265
Handguns – U.S. and Imported269
Rifles – U.S. and Imported298
Shotguns – U.S. and Imported337
Black Powder Guns365
Air Guns384
Chokes and Brakes398
Metallic Sights399
Scopes and Mounts402
Arms Association in America and Abroad409
Periodical Publications411
Shooting Publications412
Arms Library413
Directory of the Arms Trade431

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1980


The Gun Digest – 1980

 Table of Contents
Two Introductions6
The Winchester Model 94, H. V. Stent8
A Gathering of Sharps, Bill Bennington17
Africa Now, Jerome Knap24
Mag-na-port Limited Editions: Instant Collectors Specials, J. D. Jones30
When 22 Autoloaders Were Young, Henry M. Stebbins36
Picking a Packer's Piece, Dave McCready42
The Ross Model 1912 Rifle, Larry S. Sterett44
Elmer Keith's: “Hell, I Was There”46
Handguns Today: Sixguns and Others, Hal Swiggett51
Handguns Today: Autoloaders, J. B. Wood56
Steel Shot 1979, Wallace Labisky60
30 Years of Good Gun Designs, Ken Warner64
Supreme Elegance, Made in America, Ken Warner81
Handloading To Date, Dean A. Grennell82
Hunfishow '79, John T. Amber87
I Make a Muzzleloader, Roy F. Dunlap91
Low Cost Double Rifle, John T. Amber95
Let The Gun Talk, Lucian Cary98
Winchester's 20th Seminar, Harold A. Murtz115
Heym Builds Me a Ruger, John T. Amber118
Shooting Ruger's Redhawk, Ken Warner120
A 65-Yard Turkey Gun, H. Lea Lawrence122
Sheridan's CO2 Model E, Robert E. Fleming125
Long Guns Today, Larry S. Sterett126
The Little Tom Pistols of Alois Tomiska, J. B. Wood130
The 45-70 – Born Again, Rick Hacker135
The 308 – A Beginner's All-Rounder, Roderick S. Carman136
Scopes and Mounts Today, Bob Bell138
Model 1911 Colt: Six Decades of Service, Dennis Riordan144
Super Single Shot, John T. Amber152
The 45, Robert Skiles156
Two Artists Working Together On Guns, John T. Amber160
The Political Factors, Colin Greenwood161
A Pair of Big Bore Champs, Alex Schimek169
Compact Loading Bench, Wm. F. Greif172
The Key to Success: Plan Early, Plan Well, Buck Taylor176
The Wonderful World of Gun Collecting, James E. Serven180
The Right Loads for Ducks, Pete Nelson188
Barrel Weight vs. Accuracy, Norman E. Johnson192
Shooting Lead Bullets, Ron Wozny196
Keep It Clean! Erik Miller202
Gas Powered Replica Handguns, James C. Barry207
Fine Gun Steels, Philip R. Lichtman212
The New Forest Deer Rifle, Norm Nelson218
Sir Henry Halford's Rifle, John T. Amber222
Sporting Arms of the World, Larry S. Sterett and the editors224
Russia's Red Forest, John T. Amber228
The Round Patched Ball and Why They Used It, Edward M. Yard236
Careful Sighting-In Pays Off! Hal Swiggett238
The 22 Revisited, Jack Collins240
Where Engravers Come From, Thomas G. Turpin246
Custom Knives Today252
Shooter's Showcase257
Custom Guns262
Art of the Engraver268
.375: The Classic Medium, J. M. Barker273
American Bulleted Cartridges, Ken Waters276
Ammunition Tables284
About the GUN DIGEST Catalog288
Handguns – U.S. and Imported289
Rifles – U.S. and Imported318
Shotguns – U.S. and Imported356
Black Powder Guns385
Air Guns403
Chokes and Brakes417
Metallic Sights418
Scopes and Mounts Today, Bob Bell421
Arms Associations in America and Abroad428
Periodical Publications430
Shooting Publications431
Arms Library432
Directory of the Arms Trade449

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1979


The Gun Digest -1979

 Table of Contents
The Remington Model 51 by Donald M. Simmons, Jr.6
The Browning Centennials, by John T. Amber20
Sporting Arms of the World by Larry S. Sterett and the editors25
Friedrich Wilhelm Heym – a return to excellence by Tom Turpin38
Handguns Now! By George C. Nonte, Jr.44
Crosswind Deflections – a cast bullet anomaly by Kenneth L. Walters55
Gardone Valtrompia and the proof of Italian firearms by Mario Abbiatico60
Match Air Pistols by Robert E. Fleming63
Folding Knives by Sid Latham68
Alex Henry and his falling block rifles by Wal Winfer76
Gun Proof in India by Lee Kennett84
Gun Proof in India – an historical account by A. G. Harrison86
European Hunting & Shooting Exhibition 1978 by John T. Amber91
Two Inches of Pleasure and Problems by Peter Barrett100
NRA Report 1978 by John T. Amber103
Testfire Report by Larry S. Sterett109
Let The Gun Talk by Lucian Cary114
The Gatling Gun by Ernest Lisle Reedstrom131
Steel Shot Update by Wallace Labisky136
The Model 77 Ruger Rifle by Daniel Peterson140
Electronic Night Sight by James D. Mason146
Bob Emmons – Stockmaker by Ken Waters152
The Hunting Rifle Stock by Bob Hagel154
Glow Plug Guns by Robert W. Metze160
Browning's New Pump Shotgun by Wallace Labisky162
Scopes and Mounts by Bob Bell168
Want more ducks? Build a Blind by Paul T. Hennig175
The 444/308 – another 94 Winchester Wildcat by Myron Rockett177
The Double Rifle – Its care and feeding by Jack Lott181
Slug, Mike, Match by Robert Sherwood194
Diminutive But Deadly by Clair F. Rees196
The Sleeping Bag by Bob Bell199
Firearms and the English Language by Edward Damon207
New Wheels for the Hunter by Roger Barlow209
Long Gun Report by Larry S. Sterett213
Blue Magic Shotshells by James Neill219
Hornady's Frontier Ammo by Jon R. Sundra221
Steyr-Daimler-Puch/Gamba Austria and Italy join forces224
New Engraving Tool by Harry Phillips226
Handloading Report by George C. Nonte, Jr. and the editors227
Custom Guns and their makers234
Double Action Auto Test by Kenneth L. Walters240
Economy Double Guns – and how to buy one by Wm. Hovey Smith243
Art of the Engraver masters of metalwork248
Shooter's Showcase new products reviewed254
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Walters258
Ammunition Tables264
Handguns – U.S. and Imported268
Rifles – U.S. and Imported299
Shotguns – U.S. and Imported337
Black Powder Guns366
Air Guns383
Chokes & Brakes397
Metallic Sights398
Scopes & Mounts401
Arms Library408
Periodical Publications430
Shooting Publications431
Arms Associations in America and Abroad432
Directory of the Arms Trade434

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1978


The Gune Digest – 1978

 Table of Contents
Dress for the Deluxe Double by Mario Abbiatico6
Smaller Wheels for the Hunter by Roger Barlow13
Lee versus Ransom – A Comparison of Handgun Machine Rests by Kenneth L. Walters16
All Purpose Defense Gun: Colt 45 Auto or Charter 44 Bulldog? By Richard Allen24
Make That Hunting Trip Pay! By Tom Brakefield29
D. B. Wesson's Revolvers and Rivals by Bill Barlow Fors32
Heat It and Beat It! By Guy L. Aurand38
Hammers and Fences by Gough Thomas42
Remington Report 1977 – Winchester News 1977 by Bob Steindler48
Armi Famars, Gunmakers to the World by John T. Amber55
The 577 Tranter Revolver by Elmer G. Coffey59
The Old Man Who Fixes The Guns by Lucian Cary62
Scope That Air Rifle! By J. I. Galan69
Matchlocks in Spanish Florida by M. L. Brown72
Hunting in Europe – 1976 by John T. Amber82
Sportsmens Blades – from razor to machete by Robert L. Burmeister90
A Century-Old Razor by Samuel J. Rosenberg93
The Auto Mag Story. Part Two by Kent Lomont95
Free-Float That Barrel by Tom Hayes105
Scopes and Mounts by Bob Bell108
The Steel Shot Story by Wallace Labisky115
European Autoloading Pistols by John Robinson121
A Pair of Aces by John Jobson124
Gun Proof in Belgium by Lee Kennett129
Sporting Arms of the World by Larry S. Sterett and the editors139
Farey International Traps by Roger Barlow151
Trapshooting's Stock Artists by Clarence Massey161
European Hunting & Shooting Exhibition 1977 – The AYA Classic Double, Cross-Eyed Purdey Double – Victor Sarasqueta Double Rifle – Foreigners at the NSGA 1977 by John T. Amber164
Double Bullets! By V. R. Gaertner171
NSGA '77 – U.S. Rifles and Shotguns by Bob Steindler179
Peep Show by A. M. Wynne, Jr.184
The 220 Swift – Saint or Sinner? By John E. Ross188
Long Gun Report '77 by Larry Sterett194
Handgun Report by George C. Nonte, Jr. and the editors202
Money in the Bank by V. P. Kisner215
Handloading Review by George C. Nonte, Jr. and the editors218
Tuning & Shooting Ruger's Blackhawk by Guy Lautard225
Testfire Report by Larry S. Sterett230
Silhouette Scope Test by John T. Amber and A. M. Wynne236
Federal's Premium Loads by Clifford R. Dempster238
Day's Flintlock Double by Ron Wozny241
Walther's G.S.P. Match Pistol – Cal. 32 S&W Long by John Robinson243
The Congressional Connection by John A. Mosher245
Custom Guns and their makers246
The Wicliffe '76 by Bob Steindler251
Poor Man's Double by Harold O. Davidson254
French Military Collection by Raymond Caranta257
Art of the Engraver masters of metalwork258
Shooter's Showcase new products reviewed263
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Waters265

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1977



The Gun Digest – 1977

 Table of Contents
Sharpshooters in the Civil War by Dan Flores6
Milady's Rifle by Dr. Sam Fadala15
The Ferguson Rifle Mystery by Ed Dieckmann, Jr.18
Sporting Arms of the World by Bob Steindler and the editors23
Gun News From Winchester and Remington by Bob Steindler and the editors27
NRA Meeting 1976 by Bob Steindler and the editors31
Recessed Bolt Heads by Ellwood Eppa32
International Gun Show by John T. Amber52
French Cannon Collectors by Pierre Salf and Raymond Caranta56
Famars Fusil Four by Roger Barlow57
Acid Test by John Robinson59
A Day with Drummong by Bob Bell62
Hanky Panky in the Boondocks by Jack O'Connor65
Power-Tool Gunsmithing by Wm. Schumaker69
Ruger Rarities by Bill Bennington73
Firearms in Frontier America – The Economic Impact. Part II – 1800 to 1900 by M. L. Brown77
Ithaca's Mag 10 by Wallace Labisky89
Pyrodex – Nitro for Black! By Roger Barlow94
A Conversion Fairlure by John A. Mosher96
Updating the 444 Marlin by Don Zutz97
The Stockmaker's Cradle by Robert A. Burmeister100
Center Shot To Win by Lucian Cary102
Shotgun Patterns by Nick Sisley109
U.S. Pocket Automatic Pistols by Donald M. Simmons, Jr.116
Notes on Airguns by Ladd Fanta127
Shooting in Scotland by R. J. Robel133
John Wilkes – Gun and Rifle Maker by Jerry Evans138
Heart Attack! The hunter's worst enemy by J. H. Mayer, M.D.141
The Twenty Comes of Age by Francis E. Sell144
Steyr SSG Sniper Rifle by Bob Hagel150
Hunt Oklahoma! By Byron Dalrymple155
Gun Proof in England by Lee Kennett161
Handloading the 30-30 by Guy Lautard173
Firearms Industry Super Shoot by Skip Gordon177
A Pair of Autos by George C. Nonte, Jr.181
Ol' Yellow Jacket Shoots Again by Hal Hartley184
Squirrel Rifle – a plea for the 22 rimfire by Don Lewis188
Modern Chronographs, A Comparative Study by Kenneth L. Walters194
Elmer Keith – a legend the world over by Francis W. Goble199
Handgun Report by George C. Nonte, Jr.201
The Auto Mag Story. Part One by Kent Lomont210
A Trio of Varminters by Larry S. Sterett218
Testfire by Larry S. Sterett220
The New Knifemakers by Sid Latham223
Review for Reloaders by George C. Nonte, Jr.231
The Tula Choke – and old fashioned loads by John M. Taylor237
Scopes and Mounts by Bob Bell242
Art of the Engraver masters of metalwork248
Shooter's Showcase new products reviewed254
Custom Guns and their makers258
Ballistic Nomograph by Fred Palenschat264
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Walters267
Ammunition Tables271
Handguns – U.S. and Imported275
Rifles – U.S. and Imported305
Shotguns – U.S. and Imported339
Black Powder Guns367
Air Guns382
Chokes & Brakes396
Metallic Sights397
Scopes & Mounts401
Periodical Publications428
Shooting Publications429
Arms Associations in America and Abroad430
Directory of the Arms Trade434

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1976


The Gun Digest – 1976

 Table of Contents
Firearms in Frontier America – The Economic Impact. Part I – 1560 to 1800 by M. L. Brown6
A Solid Shooting Stance by Valvert Lucius Fox17
William Goodwin Renwick… one of the world's great arms collectors by James E. Serven24
Sporting Arms of the Worl by Larry Sterett and the editors37
The Editor's New Gun by Roger Barlow52
Buffered Shot Loads – The Ultimate Step by Wallace Labisky56
The Shooting Editor by Jack O'Connor67
Testfire Report by Larry S. Sterett72
The H&R Free Pistol by Ladd Fanta80
Military Proof Marks by Lee Kennett85
Presentation Creedmoor Rifle, by A. M. Wynne Jr.88
Pistols and Revolvers – Domestic and Foreign by George C. Nonte, Jr.91
Four Wheel Drives – they'll take you where the hunting is by John Lachuk97
Latest Remington and Winchester Seminars by George C. Nonte, Jr.106
Reloading Today by John T. Amber and the editors108
The 6.5×55 – and old Swede by Emil S. Piraino115
Bluing and Browning Antique Arms by Robert E. Colby122
Guns – Gadgets – Gimmicks by Clarence Massey126
Single Shot Rifles and Jugians Variorum by Jack Burres129
Notes for Handloaders by George C. Nonte, Jr.132
The 9.3mm Cartridges – all but forgotten by D. C. Cole139
Smith & Wesson 35 Auto Pistols – a history for collectors by Donald M. Simmons, Jr.144
The Practical Light Sporter by James R. Ott154
Profile of an Engraver – Robert D. Swartley by Ronald Swartley161
Europe in the Rain – France, Italy, Austria and Spain by John T. Amber164
Pennsylvania Bicentennial Commision Commemorative Longrifle by Don Hartnett184
The Great 22 Varminters by Bob Hagel186
The Best of the Military Lugers by Robert A. Burmeister191
The Lyman Story by Mason Williams194
Scopes and Mounts by Bob Bell197
The Pronghorn Rifle by Dan L. Flores204
Star's PD 45 – a potent small package by George C. Nonte, Jr.210
The Rottweil Over-Under by Wallace Labisky214
The Ultimate 250-3000 by Vernon E. Megee219
The Norma Powders – A Study in Red and Black by Robert Sherwood224
Hämmerli's Newest and Finest, the Model 150 Free Pistol by George C. Nonte, Jr.229
Custom Guns and their makers232
The Plight of the Hornet by Don Lewis238
Art of the Engraver masters of metalwork242
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Waters245
NDT – Non Destructive Testing by Alfred N. Weiner251
A New Checkering Cradle by V. P. Kisner254
Trouble Shooting The Ruger Carbines by J. B. Wood256
Handgun Stopping Power by Kenneth L. Walters260
Lighten Those Loads by H. V. Stent264
John Nelson Cooper – veteran knifemaker by Walter L. Rickell267
Notes on Knives a sampling of blades270
Gravermeister by Thomas H. Riker272
Shooter's Showcase new products reviewed275
Ammunition Tables277
Handguns – U.S. and Imported281
Rifles – U.S. and Imported307
Shotguns – U.S. and Imported340
Black Powder Guns368
Air Guns384
Chokes & Brakes397
Metallic Sights398
Scopes & Mounts402
Arms Library409
Periodical Publications429
Arms Associations in America and Abroad430
Shooting Publications434
Directory of the Arms Trade435

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1975


The Gun Digest – 1975

 Table of Contents
The Secret of the Old Master, Lucian Cary4
Pope Rifle Barrels a facsimile catalog reprint11
The Wild Sheep of North America, Jack O'Connor23
Pellet Pistol Phizzles, Ladd Fanta31
Charter Arms Bulldog – the 44 Special revived, George C. Nonte, Jr.34
Shotgunning with Browning, Wallace Labisky39
The Art of Turkey Hunting, James C. Gates57
The Ruger 220 Swift – an instant success! Jim Horton63
Japanese Autoloading Pistols, John L. Moss69
Checkering with Power, Jim Carmichel78
Wildcats and Wildcatters, Bob Hagel81
New SIG-Sauer Pistols, J. B. Wood86
The 1903 Springfield, Al Miller92
Gun Engravers and Gunsmiths, Display of quality craftmanship102
Deer Stoppers for the 16 Gauge, Wallace Labisky114
Chuck Hunter, Don Lewis123
Ducks Unlimited, Ted McCawley128
Sporting Arms of the World, Larry S. Sterett and the editors129
The Remington and Winchester Seminars, John T. Amber129
Kenya, France and Italy, John T. Amber154
Armi Famars, John T. Amber161
Testfire Report, Larry S. Sterett167
New Guns from the Old Cabinet, Raymond Caranta171
Single Action Revolvers and the safety revolution, Donald M. Simmons, Jr.176
Gun Proof in Germany, Lee Kennett185
Art of the Engraver masters of metalwork200
Smokeless Loads for Double Rifles, Ray Marriage, Dick Vogt, Bert Popowski204
Handloading, John T. Amber212
The Hunter – a man for all seasons, courtesy NSSF219
High Country Chucking, Dan L. Flores220
Pachmayr's Signature System, George C. Nonte, Jr.226
Hunting on Indian Reservations, Bert Popowski232
Torture Test! Gene West238
Scopes and Mounts, Bob Bell241
22 Hornet, Roy F. Dunlap248
Notes on Knives, a display of knifemakers253
Short Barrels for Grouse, Nick Sisley256
The Handgun Scene, George C. Nonte and the editors259
Shooting at 1000 Yards, Bob Bell266
Custom Guns and their makers276
The All-Round Rifle – pursuit of a myth? Cliff Dempster282
Shooter's Showcase new products, 1974288
American Bulleted Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters291
Why the Buffalo Disappeared, Dick Dietz296
Early American Cartridges, Charles H. Yust, Jr.297
Doing Good and Getting Credit For It, J. David Truby302
Ammunition Tables304
U.S. Handguns308
U.S. Rifles324
U.S. Shotguns346
Imported Guns362
Black Powder Guns392
Pellet Guns407
Chokes & Brakes420
Metallic Sights421
Scopes & Mounts425
Arms Associations in America and Abroad432
Periodical Publications434
Directory of the Arms Trade435

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1974


The Gun Digest – 1974

 Table of Contents
The Model 70 Winchester 1936-1963 by Kam Nasser6
The African Battery by Steve Miller19
They Made the Best Barrels by James E. Serven26
Model 1918A6 Gun Nut – a case history by Houston Stiff37
Chokes, Chokes, Chokes by Derek Partridge43
Forty Years with the Little 7mm by Jack O'Connor48
Sporting Arms of the World by L. S. Sterett, W. L. Rickell and the editors53
Mauser Models 71 and 71/84 Rifles by Frank C. Barnes102
When Shooting Goes Metric by Harold O. Davidson109
You Call Them – they won't call you! By Art Reid113
Custom Guns and their makers118
Flobert Rifles and Cartridges by Raymond Caranta122
Griffin & Howe by Lucian Cary126
Handloading by John T. Amber134
Firearms Fotography by Bob Hagel144
New Brno Shotgun by Wallace Labisky150
Knives and Knifemakers a sampling of blades156
The Magnum Revolvers by John Lachuk160
Loading the Belted Magnums by Bob Hagel172
The 257 Rides Again by Don Huser178
Unique D.E.S. 69 by Raymond Caranta182
Gunning in Eastern Europe by Sidney DuBroff185
Rocky Mountain Hunts by John Jobson195
Handguns – Domestic and Foreign by G. C. Nonte, W. L. Rickell and the editors201
Autoloading Rifles – a Testfire Report by James D. Mason216
Scopes & Mounts 1973-1974 by Bob Bell224
Customizing Contrary Snubs by Jan A. Stevenson234
Shotgunners Are Strange People by Charles F. Waterman240
Dream Gun or Zombie? By H. V. Stent244
Art of the Engraver masters of metalwork248
Halloween Gobbler by Don Shiner253
A Scope on Your Handgun by Bob Steindler257
Air Rifles – Basic Types by Ladd Fanta261
The 1923 BSA Rifle by Larry S. Sterett265
Black Powder Deer by Jack McPhee269
Revolver Brand Names by William B. Fors274
The Astra 400 by Dennis Riordan277
Gun Laws by E. B. Mann282
You Can't Have That London Gun! By Peyton Autry283
Russian Proof Marks by Lee Kennett286
Indian Enfield Carbine by L. S. Sterett290
The Shooter's Showcase new products, 1973291
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Waters297
Ammunition Tables308
U.S. Handguns313
U.S. Rifles333
U.S. Shotguns360
Imported Guns376
Black Powder Guns407
Pellet Guns419
Chokes & Brakes432
Metallic Sights433
Scopes & Mounts437
Arms Library444
Arms Associations in America and Abroad463
Periodical Publications465
Shooting Publications466
Directory of the Arms Trade467

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1973


The Gun Digest – 1973

 Table of Contents
Muskets, Powder & Patriots by M.L. Brown6
The Trapshooter – and how he stands by Derek Partridge19
Pressures and the Revolver by Wm. M. Caldwell24
British Small-Bore Rifles: Part One – The 451 Muzzleloaders by DeWitt Bailey II29
Sporting Arms of the World by Larry Sterett, Walter Rickell and the editors43
The Darne Gun by John T. Amber50
Square Shot & Little Flying Saucers by Roger Barlow73
The Knife Revisited by A. G. Russell80
Antique 22 Caliber Revolvers by William B. Fors93
The Beautiful Blazers – all but forgotten! By Bob Bell100
J. M. Shoots Twice by Lucian Cary110
Twenty Pounds of Iron by Donel Johnson116
Bergmann System Military Pistols by James B. Stewart124
The Rifles of James Paris Lee: Part Two by Larry S. Sterett133
Lee-Enfield Rifle No. 4, Mark 1″ (Exploded Drawing) by Richard A. Hoffman146
A Way of Life by C. P. Barager151
The ever-changing Shotshell Story by Wallace Labisky152
The Little Twenty –  a wildcatter's wildcat! By G.O. Ashley162
One, Two, Three, Four! By Roger Barlow166
High Performance Handgun Loads – and how to handle 'em by George C. Nonte, Jr.174
Handgun Hunting by Bill Davidson179
Target – The Woodchuck by Ellis Christian Lenz184
The 45-70 – A Century Later by Frank C. Barnes189
High Standard's New Supermatic Autoloader by Wallace Labisky197
Rifles and Cartridges for Muleys by Norman E. Nelson, Jr.202
The Guns of John Brown by Louis W. Steinwedel207
Testfire Report by Larry S. Sterett211
Black Powder 1972 – a new situation by Edward M. Yard214
Locked Breech 380 Autos by Donald M. Simmons, Jr.221
A New Lesson From The Old World by Lt. Col. Jack Randolph228
Scopes & Mounts 1972-73 by Bob Bell232
Great Guns! Winchester's Model 9422s by Jon R. Sundra239
Handguns. U.S. & Foreign 1972-73 by Bob Steindler, George C. Nonte and the editors242
A History of Proof Marks: Gun Proof in Hungary by Lee Kennett254
Custom Guns and their makers256
Eprouvettes – An Illustrated History by Lee Kennett261
Handloading Centennial by John T. Amber264
Reloading the 9mm Luger by Bob Steindler275
Collecting Automatic Pistols by J. B. Wood279
The Shooter's Showcase New Products, 1972286
Art of the Engraver, Masters of Metalwork289
Home Made Shell Sizer, by Floyd Wensel292
American Bulleted Cartridges by Kenneth L. Waters293

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1972


The Gun Digest – 1972

 Table of Contents
Shooter's Hall of Fame, Col. Charles Askins4
The Classic Double, Wallace Labisky9
How Can You Miss an Elephant, Warren Page17
Mossberg Martini, Harry O. Dean20
British Volunteer Rifles, DeWitt Bailey II22
Ten Cents A Duck, Bob Hinman37
Johnny Gets His Gun, Lucian Cary42
The Rifles of James Paris Lee, Larry S Sterett48
Today's Made in Spain Pistols, George C. Nonte61
Sporting Arms of the World, Larry S. Sterett69
Oddball Hardballs, Mason Williams93
Trap, Skeet and the Hunter, Allen F. Ruffin, Jr.96
Arnold Griebel, 1890-1970, John T. Amber104
Age of the Autoloader, Tom Hayes106
Flying Shotgun, D. C. Cole110
U.S. Handguns Since World War II, DeWitt E. Sell, Ph.D.112
Gun Proof in Italy, Lee Kennett128
Testfire Report 1971, Bob Zwirz132
Good Man With a Gun, James E. Serven144
Extractors and Ejectors, Mack Stirman151
Stevens 20 Gauge Pumpgun, D. F. Breen157
Guns for Survival, Glenn I. Berns161
Custom Guns, Al Biesen, Dale Goens, Richard Hodgson, John E. Warren166
A Logical Start to Combat Shooting, Colin Greenwood170
Scopes and Mounts 1971, Bob Bell177
Damascus Barrels, Lee Kennett184
Guns of World War II, George L. Wildgen189
The Famed Luger, Harry M. Campbell194
Remington Radicals, Louis W. Steinwedel198
Care of Big Game Trophies, Jerry McNamara206
The Camping Rifle, Jack Fairclough208
Are Firearms Controls Effective?, Colin Greenwood212
Reloading Review, the editors214
Safety Pins, Arthur W. Sear223
Guns in 4-Color, 32 brilliant pages225
Sighting the Long Range Magnum, Harold O. Davidson257
The Rockets Red Glare, Fairfax Downey267
Gun Fever!, Guy L. Aurand271
Handguns 1971, George C. Nonte274
Wind Wisdom, John Lachuk284
Screw Barrel Pistols, Louis W. Steinwedel288
Art of the Engraver, Masters of Metalwork294
The 25 Is Still Alive, Ron Terrell298
Big Bullets for Little Guns, William R. Weir303
Gun Control Information, NSSF306
Wanted, a New Pistol Cartridge, B. W. Brian307
Powder Flasks, Don Shiner308
Shooter's Showcase, New Products, 1971309
Let's Shoot Sharptails, Jerome J. Knap312
American Bulleted Cartridges, Ken Waters316
Ammunition Tables322
U.S. Handguns329
U.S. Rifles346
U.S. Shotguns372
Foreign Guns in the U.S.A.388
Pellet Guns416
Chokes & Brakes426
Metallic Sights427
Scopes & Mounts431
Arms Association438
Shooting Publications440
Periodical Publications441
Arms Library442
Glossary for Gunners456
Directory of the Arms Trade459

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1971


The Gun Digest -1971

 Table of Contents
Guns of the Western History Makers, James E. Serven4
Rough Country Antelope, Bob Hagel17
Firearms Advertising Envelopes, Robert F. Denny23
Garcia Guns, John T. Amber30
The National Rifle Club Introduction, notes by J. T. Amber33
Detachable Aiming Points, Guy Lautard39
The Israeli Army, Dr. Eugene Sockut40
New Mannlicher Rifles, Warren Page50
Match Air Rifle Test, John T. Amber55
This Muzzle-Loading Game, R. O. Ackerman58
George Schoyen – Riflemaker, John Dutcher65
Big Game in Africa, John T. Amber76
The French 1950 Auto Pistol, Raymond Caranta84
The Unchoke!, Roger Barlow89
The Whitworth Rifle, DeWitt Bailey II94
Sporting Arms of the World, the editors106
A Champlin Champion, the editor109
Jackson Hole Rifle, the editor112
New Remingtons, the editor117
Practical Pistol Shooting, Jeff Cooper129
For Long Distance Gunning, Wallace Labisky134
Case Capacity Measurement, Harold O. Davidson136
The Air Rifle – Which One?, Ladd Fanta138
Herter's SL18 Auto Shotgun, Larry S. Sterett147
Handguns 1970, George C. Nonte, Jr.149
Letters to Jim Hack, Editor of Shooting & Blasting161
Guns and Game Shooting, Derek Partridge164
The 38 Special, James R. Olt168
Revival of the Sharps, Bob Hagel174
Gunstock Checkering Revisted, Ellis Christian Lenz179
What Interchangeable 9mms?, George C. Nonte, Jr.185
The American's Guns, Peyton Autry190
The Double Barreled Gun, Merrill K. Lindsay194
The Knife, Ken Warner204
Reloading Review, the editors215
Key to Color Pages221
Guns in Color, A parade of fine arms225
The Quiet Gun, Donald Hamilton257
The Creation of Precision Rifle Ammunition, Roy. F. Dunlap264
Gun Proof in Spain, Lee Kennett278
Art of the Engraver, 5 pages of new work284
Ye Compleate Exterior Ballistics, Ken Waters289
Scopes & Mounts 1970, Bob Bell292
Scopes of Yesteryear, John T. Amber296
Double Action Shooting, Paul B. Weston304
Custom Guns, and their makers311
Varmint Rifle Variables, John R. Sundra316
Testfire Report 1970, Russ Carpenter321
British Military Cartridges, Peter Labbett328
Shooter's Showcase, New products – 1970334
ABC – Metallic Cartridges, Ken Waters338
Ammunition Tables346
U.S. Handguns353
U.S. Rifles366
U.S. Shotguns389
Foreign Guns in the U.S.A.403
Pellet Guns426
Chokes & Brakes436
Metallic Sights438
Scopes & Mounts442
Arms Associations449
Shooting Publications451
Periodical Publications452
Arms Library453
Glossary for Gunners467
Directory of the Arms Trade469

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1970


The Gun Digest – 1970

 Table of Contents
Six Shooters Since Sixteen Hundred, M. Lindsay and B. Pendleton4
The Killing Power Controversy, Jack O'Connor14
Multum in Parvo – HK 4 Pistol, Larry S. Sterett19
Marlin – A Century of Famous Firearms, Pete Kuhlhoff24
Seating Depth vs. Champber Pressure, George C. Nonte, Jr.33
Sporting Arms of the World, Charles Askins, Bob Steindler and the editors38
Garcia's Berettas, the editors40
Hunting in Scotland, John T. Amber69
Loading the Old Ones – and some not so old, Ken Waters74
Two-Fisted Handgunning, Col. Charles Askins84
It's Not How Long You Make It. . ., Warren Page88
A Visit to Dickson's, Roger Barlow92
Latest Colts, the editors98
New Handguns / U.S. and Foreign 1969-1970, Dean Grennell and the editors97
Ruger's Double Action Revolver, John T. Amber100
New Foreign Handguns, Bob Steindler105
Beretta M-76 Pistol, Raymond Caranta111
New Chronographs and Photo-Eye Screens, John T. Amber113
Gun Proof in France, Lee Kennett116
Gras Model 1874 Rifle, Richard A. Hoffman126
Daisy V/L Rifles, Maj. George C. Nonte, Jr.128
Art of the Engraver, 6 pages of new work130
Parazzi – Ferrari of Shotguns, Derek Partridge136
Brouhaha in Brescia, John T. Amber144
Stockmaker Supreme, Dale Goens146
Air Arms I.Q., Ladd Fanta148
Pneu Pellet Arms, the editors154
Ibex in Iberia, John T. Amber157
Scopes & Mounts 1969-1970, Bob Bell162
38 Special – new life or last gasp?, Jan A. Stevenson170
Testfire Report – 1969-1970, Bob Wallack176
Dan Wesson Arms, Mason Williams183
Reloading For Varmint Hunting, John Lachuk190
Custom Guns, and their makers198
Buffalo Hunting Today, Bert Popowski203
Shooting A Buffalo, John T. Amber208
Shot Loads For Revolvers, Edward Dams210
Rifled Slugs, Art Reid213
Resurrection of the L. C. Smith, Gerald R. Hunter216
Handloading – 1969-70, Maj. Geo. C. Nonte, Jr. and the Technical Editors222
American Revolver Safeties, DeWitt E. Sell, Ph.D.233
Pennsylvania Long Rifles, R. O. Ackerman238
Head Hunting in B.C., Bradford Angier244
Shooter's Showcase, new items on display249
Handiest Tool, George C. Nonte, Jr.255
Lock, Stock, and Barrel, Gerald R. Hunter258
Mauser 6.35mm Pistols, James B. Stewart260
ABC – Metallic Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters and the Technical Staff265
New M-16 Training Round, Allen Cohen, Project Eng.389
Smokeless Powder Equivalent?, Ted McCawley389
Ammunition Tables272
U.S. Handguns279
U.S. Rifles292
U.S. Shotguns314
Foreign Arms in America329
Pellet Guns351
Metallic Sights361
Scopes & Mounts365
Chokes & Brakes372
Arms Library374
Shooting Publications386
Periodical Publications387
Arms Associations388
Directory of the Arms Trade390
Glossary for Gunners401

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1969


The Gun Digest – 1969

 Table of Contents
A History of French Handguns, Raymond Caranta4
French Ordnance Revolver, Richard A. Hoffman18
A Visit to Eibar, Jack O'Connor23
Red Deer in Yugoslavia26
Testfire! 1968-1969, Ken Waters and the Technical Staff33
The Balle Blondeau, Larry Sterett48
Indian Guns & Gunfighters, Norman B. Wiltsey52
U.S. Rifles and Shotguns 1968-69, George Nonte and the Technical Staff60
The Passing of Little Sam, John Madson69
Gun Proof in Austria-Hungary & Austria, Lee Kennett70
New Ruger Rifles, John T. Amber78
Prairie Chicken Comeback, Bert Popowski83
240 Weatherby Magnum, John Lachuk88
American Handguns – 1968-1969, Jay Charles and the editors94
Burn More Powder!, Bob Hutton101
South Dakota Safari, Geo. C. Nonte, Jr. and J. T. Amber106
Guessers of the Purple Sage, John Maynard111
Restoring Old Doubles, W. L. Netherby116
The Outdoor Corps, Natl. Shooting Spts. Found127
Captain Samuel H. Walker, James E. Serven128
Custom Stocking the Big Bores, Nate Bishop137
Wildcats & Tabbycats, Charles N. Hood, II140
The Caribou of Alaska, Jack McPhee147
Champlin & Haskins Rifles, Les Bowman152
Guns & Gun Dogs, Dave Duffey157
Air Arms Ammo, Laddie Fanta161
Foreign Firearms, Bob Steindler and the editors164
Binoculars for the Hunter, Col. H. J. Samuels183
The 338 – What Does It Offer?, Bob Hagel188
Elegant Firearms of the Favored Few, James E. Serven195
Handloading – 1968-69, Geo. C. Nonte, Jr. and the Technical Staff205
Auxiliary Cartridges, George A. Hoyem223
Accuracy of Handguns, Robert A. Burmeister226
Art of the Engraver, 5 pages of new work230
Shot Chargers and Ranges for the Wildfowler, Francis E. Sell235
Three 17s – Interim Report, John T. Amber238
Bedding Tips for Greater Accuracy, Mike Walker240
Handloading Philosophy, Don Martin243
Why Ain't Gun Riters Akurate?, Henry M. Stebbins248
Custom Guns and their makers252
38 Special Revolvers – a bevy of imports, Larry S. Sterett256
Table of Comparative Ballistics, Warren Sperbeck262
Scopes & Mounts 1968-1969, Bob Bell264
Shooter's Showcase, new items on display275
ABC – Metallic Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters278
Ammunition Tables287
U.S. Handguns294
U.S. Rifles307
U.S. Shotguns329
Foreign Arms in America344
Pellet Guns366
Metallic Sights376
Scopes & Mounts380
Chokes & Brakes387
Arms Associations389
Arms Library390
Shooting Publications401
Periodical Publications402
Glossary for Gunners403
Directory of the Arms Trade405

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1968


The Gun Digest – 1968

 Table of Contents
Breech Loading Firearms, Merril K. Lindsay4
Breech Pressure Breakthrough, Michael W. York and Don Cantrell17
U.S. Handguns 1967-68, Jay Charles23
Gun Proof in Czechoslovakia, Lee Kennett30
Varmint Calling, John Lachuk34
Browning versus Winchester, Bill Resman40
Air Rifles are for Men, Col. Charles Askins44
Krautbauer Trophy, Bill Ryan49
U.S. Rifles and Shotguns 1967-68, George Nonte and the Technical Staff54
Block That Kick!, Donald Hamilton71
Testfire! 1967-68, Ken Waters and the Technical Staff77
Collecting Shotshells, Carlos Vinson91
Round Nose Bullets, Ken Glanzer98
Trail Bikes and Trail Guns, Frank C. Barnes101
22 Single Actions, L. S. Sterett107
Hitting's Easier!, F. E. Sell115
Reloading Tools & Components, George Nonte119
The Bigger the Cartridge, Warren Page134
Sharps Side Hammer Rifles, Frank de Haas138
Art of the Engraver, 4 pages of new work146
Savage Pistol Isometric, James M. Triggs150
Arms from Abroad 1967-68, Bob Steindler152
Snub-Nosed Magnums, Paul B. Weston161
Hunting Trip Tips, Pat Snook164
Remington 40-XB Rifle, Jim Horton166
Home-Grown Exotics, B. W. Dalrymple169
Guns for Competition, Jim Crossman176
Firearms Fundamentals, John T. Amber183
Scopes & Mounts 1967-68, Bob Bell185
Rx for the Made-To-Measure Gunstock, Jack O'Connor194
A Season with the 6.5 Magnum, Robert Sherwood200
Ramrod Guns, Country Style, E. C. Lenz204
They Must Die, R. J. Robel211
Grouse Can't be Hit!, Roger Barlow215
The Secret Pistol of World War I, Wm. B. Edwards220
Guns of Seven Centuries, 16 pages in glowing color225
23 1/2 – the Instead Caliber, Bill Corson242
Metal Shotgun Cartridges, S. A. Balistique246
U.S. Signal Pistols & Flares, Vagn G. B. Christensen250
No More Ground Hogs, Bob Bell255
The 444 Marlin, Christian H. Helbig257
Custom Guns and their makers260
Don't Knock Hunters!, NSSF264
ABC – Metallic Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters265
Shooter's Showcase, new items on display273
U.S. Handguns278
U.S. Rifles291
U.S. Shotguns312
Foreign Arms in Americac327
Pellet Guns348
Chokes & Brakes357
Ammunition Tables359
Scopes & Mounts363
Metallic Sights370
Arms Associations374
Arms Library375
Shooting Publications385
Periodical Publications386
Glossary for Gunners387
Directory of the Arms Trade389

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1967


The Gun Digest – 1967

 Table of Contents
Ruger's Reactionary Rifle, Roger Barlow4
U.S. Handguns 1966-67, H. Warner11
Predictions for PSI, Warren Page16
Guns of Viet Nam, Col. Jim Crossman19
Rifles for Desert Ghosts, Clyde Ormond26
Winchester Centennial, Pat Smith29
Slide-Action Rifles, Frank C. Barnes33
Madman of Gaylord's Corner, Lucian Cary39
Thompson Submachine Guns, Ray Bearse46
Today's Wildcats, Bob Bell59
Big Deal in New Game, Byron W. Dalrymple63
Ruger 22 Auto Isometric, James M. Triggs68
Slugging the Climbers, Alfred J. Goerg70
Bullet Mould Conditioning, Gene B. Crum74
Game Field Goofs, Colonel Charles Askins75
John Browning Legacy, Gough Thomas79
Mysterious Seven, Robert Sherwood83
Traps and Targets, L. S. Sterett87
U.S. Shoulder Arms 1966-67, Jay Charles97
Handgunners – Here's How!, C. H. Maxwell105
Handsome Rifles, W. John Farquharson110
Foreign Firearms Review, R. A. Steindler119
Arms and Armor, Sixteen 4-color pages127
Scopes & Mounts 1966-67, Bob Bell145
8mm Ernst Magnum, Eric Jamieson III150
Some of 'em Fight Back!, Colonel Charles Askins152
Guns of the Canadian West, James E. Serven156
Custom Guns and their makers162
Deadly Doubles, Elmer Keith166
Guns at the Crossroads, Joseph B. Stephens173
Double Action Shooting, Paul B. Weston174
Remington's 350 Magnum, Bob Hagel178
They're Not All Bad!, Pete Brown179
From Out of the North, L. S. Sterett181
Stainless Steel Revolver, Edward M. Yard185
Colt Single Actions, James M. Triggs188
Remington's 150 Years, Ted McCawley, Jr.201
New Zing! For Old Barrels, Dan Cotterman205
333 OKH, Ralph Avery208
Reloading Tools & Components 1966-67, the technical editors209
Art of the Engraver, 4 pages of new work218
Colt 1855 Isometic, James M. Triggs222
Gunfighters of the Old West, Norman B. Wiltsey224
Pellet Guns Review, M. James235
Is the GI Carbine Dead?, Ken Warner237
Shooting Shotcups, Edmund Waters243
Testfire! 1966-1967, Ken Waters, et al246
Dream Rifle, Tom Hayes257
Armchair Chuck Hunting, George R. Phillips261
Ross Rifles, A History, R. Phillips and J. Knap264
1000 Yard Shooting!, Bob Hagel276
The Handgun in Hunting, Harry P. Stubblefield280
ABC – Metallic Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters281
Shooter's Showcase, new items on display288
Primer for Varmints, Joe Fargo290
Charge Bar Bushing Test, A. M. Wynne, Jr.333
Letters to Congressmen, Shooting Sports Assoc., Inc.365
U.S. Handguns291
U.S. Rifles304
U.S. Shotguns320
Foreign Arms in America335
Pellet Guns352
Chokes & Brakes359
Ammunition Tables361
Scopes & Mounts366
Metallic Sights373
Arms Library377
Shooting Publications386
Periodical Publications387
Arms Associations388
Glossary for Gunners389
Directory of the Arms Trade391

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1966


The Gun Digest – 1966

 Table of Contents 
John Marlin, Bill Rogoski4
U.S. Rifles & Shotguns, 1965-66, Pete Kuhlhoff10
Testfire! A Field Survey, Ken Waters21
Beautiful Brownings, Pete Kuhlhoff29
U.S. Handguns 1965-66, the technical editors34
Foreign Firearms, George C. Nonte, Jr.42
Treasure Hunt Safari, John T. Amber51
Hi-Standard Autos, Gil Hebard55
On Target, Warren Sipe58
Scopes & Mounts 1965-66, Bob Bell59
2-Bullet NATO Cartridge, George C. Nonte, Jr.62
Tell Me, Elmer . . ., Don Frost64
The Elegant World of Elk, Bradford Angier65
Automatico V.B., S. A. Balistique69
The Remington Model 10, L. S. Sterett72
Gunning the Game Preserves, Jack Lawrence79
Pipe in Your Crows!, Don Shiner83
Dan Lefever – Inventor, Wallace Labisky86
The Best Knives Made, Ken Warner94
Chronographs Today, Edward M. Yard99
Shoulder Stocks for Pistols, B. W. Brian103
The Wild Ones! A. B. Kazan108
Put and Take Choke, Francis E. Sell112
The Old Winchesters, James E. Serven115
A Rugged Holster, James Tallon123
The Luger Myth, R. A. Burmeister126
Stone Age Guided Missiles, Edw. A. Dieckmann129
Fusil Electrique, Roger Barlow133
The Mysterious Morrone, B. R. Hughes136
Why The Magnum?, Bob Hagel139
One and Only Pistol, Henry M. Stebbins143
Want to be a Gunsmith?, B. Fritz Samuels147
Case Neck Variations151
Carousel of Cartridges, John Maynard153
The Little BB Gun, Larry Mueller157
Power Drilling Pointers, Glen F. Stillwell160
Are Any Wildcats Good?, Courtney Wills161
Nat'l Shooting Sports Fdn., Ed Hoffschmidt165
Low Cost Custom Doubles, Francis E. Sell166
Shot – A History, James E. Serven170
British Service Rifles, W. D. Bell176
Colt Longarms, James M. Triggs183
Smoothbores for Deer, C. J. Milling, M.D.186
Firearms in 4-Color, 57 guns on display193
Great Western Guns, 32 pages from the past225
The 41 Magnum, Dean Grennell257
Today's Shotgun Missiles, Larry S. Sterett263
Ed Shilen – Riflesmith, John T. Amber269
Ballistics Mumbo Jumbo, Eric Jamieson272
Gun Boxes, Jan S. Paul274
Belly Guns, Paul Weston275
Forensic Ballistic Errors, Shelley Braverman280
Exploded Drawings, James M. Triggs284
Custom Guns and their makers350
A Treasury of the gun engraver's art354
American Bulleted Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters370
U.S. Handguns288
U.S. Rifles301
U.S. Shotguns318
Foreign Arms in America329
Pellet Guns343
Chokes & Brakes348
Reloadinig Tools & Components358
Ammunition Tables377
Scopes & Mounts381
Metallic Sights388
Arms Library392
Shooter's Showcase401
Periodical Publications404
Arms Associations405
Glossary for Gunners406
Directory of the Arms Trade408