While simple in concept, the 45 drill is challenging in execution. And when mastered, it provides an excellent baseline for evaluating defensive handguns.
No, you don’t need to break out .45 ACP for this drill. Instead, you only need to be ready to shoot—a lot.
The drill gets its name since it is composed of four elements of five: you fire five rounds at five yards in a five-inch circle under five seconds. No big shakes, right? Think again. As firearms instructor and gun writer Richard Mann points out in the above video, around 75-percent of police officers cannot perform this drill to standard the first time. Though, once you begin to master it, the 45 drill can prove a useful tool.
More than anything, it provides a solid baseline for evaluating potential concealed carry handguns. If there are any interface issues or you can’t manage the gun in the drill, then you know you might need to keep looking for your next defensive piece. Get one you can make sing in the 45 drill and you just might have a keeper.
For more information on Walther, please visit www.waltherarms.com.
For more information on Panteao Production, please visit www.panteao.com.
Learn How To Run Your Defensive Pistol:
- The Advantage Of Shooting From The Kneeling Position
- Effectively Shooting From Cover Or Concealment
- Choosing The Right Concealed Carry Pistol
- Perfecting The Failure Drill For Self-Defense
- Video: Executing A Fast And Effective Speed Reload
- Finer Points Of Clearing Corners
- Defensively Speaking, Is Perfec tSight Alignment Imperative?

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