Take these three basic elements into consideration and you'll go a long way in figuring out the best concealed carry pistol for you.
Going armed shouldn’t be a snap decision. Certainly, you may have a brush with violence that pushes you that direction or simply wake up one day and decide you need to take your own wellbeing into your hands. But even then, there are many considerations you must take into account before you strap a self-defense handgun onto your hip. You’ve got to weigh the importance of training, holster, ammunition, laws and a host of other factors to carry responsibly. You also need to figure out what gun will fit you best.
It sounds simple enough. Just read a few gun reviews and talk to the guy behind the gun counter and you’ll be all set. The reality is the process is much trickier. While a majority of today’s guns are well designed and made, there’s about an Army arsenal’s worth of makes and models. Not every one of them will fit your skill level, risk profile, style of carry, among other things.
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Most likely, you won’t get it right on the first try. Picking the perfect concealed carry revolver or pistol requires trial and error. But a better understanding of the factors that go into a defensive handgun can make the process quicker and more effective. In the above video, Richard Mann boils picking the right gun down to three essential elements:
- Size
- Weight
- Capacity
Take these into account and apply them against the other variables in going armed and you’re certain to find the right concealed carry pistol.
For more information on Walther, please visit www.waltherarms.com.
For more information Panteao Productions, please visit www.panteao.com.

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