“We did what was in the best interests for the NRA and the Second Amendment, and we would do it again. We do not take positions on bills that do not affect us.”
That was NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam quoted in "Politico" discussing HR 5175, a bill that would allow free speech for the NRA and cut out almost everyone else.
HR 5175 is a blatantly unconstitutional bill that would end free speech for countless organizations and was opposed by the NRA until they cut a backroom deal with Democrats in Congress. NRA would be "carved out" of this bill and the NRA would slink away and end any opposition to it.
All other pro-gun organizations, including other national and all state-wide groups would be silenced, with the NRA's tacit blessing, and the NRA would be assured of a monopoly on political speech before elections.
Of course, just like much of McCain Feingold, this bill, if passed, will be overturned by the courts. But not before the next election, and that is exactly what the anti-gun majority is planning for. The bill is intended to protect people like NRA darling Harry Reid for one more election cycle. Read more
Source: Oregon Firearms Federation
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