Alabama University Shooting Shows Fallacy of Gun Control


The University of Alabama is a gun-free zone, and accused Professor Amy Bishop reportedly had no carry permit for a handgun she allegedly used in the shooting deaths of three colleagues last Friday.

Maurice Clemmons was a convicted felon, ineligible to legally possess, much less own a firearm of any kind, yet he had two – including one that was stolen in Seattle about three years ago – when he walked into the Forza coffee shop in Parkland in November and murdered four Lakewood police officers.

What these completely unrelated cases demonstrate is the complete impotency of gun control laws that were passed at state and federal levels with a sales pitch that they would prevent such crimes as campus shootings and wanton murder by monsters like Clemmons.

We have laws against homicide, but that didn’t stop Clemmons and evidently did not stop Bishop, who now stands accused of murder and attempted murder.

Anti-gunners will use the Alabama shooting, and have already tried to capitalize on the Parkland massacre, to push for new gun laws.

Here’s another idea: Perhaps it is time to examine every existing gun control law, identify the ones that work, and repeal the rest. It is a debate worth having, even if it results in the repeal of virtually every gun control law on the books, because none of them appear to have prevented a single crime. Read more

Source: Seattle Gun Rights Examiner

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