Darien Man Shot in Brunswick Home Invasion


BRUNSWICK — A Brunswick man shot an intruder who broke into his apartment late Thursday night, Glynn County police said.

Michael Brown, 22, of Darien, was arrested on armedrobbery and burglary charges after being treated and released for a gunshot wound to the arm at Southeast Georgia Health System’s Brunswick hospital, police Capt. Marissa Tindale said.

Also arrested on identical charges were Thomas Daniels and April McMillan, both 18 and also from Darien, she said.

The three are accused of breaking into a homeoccupied by Keylin Jones, 22, and his girlfriend, Keshuana Lassiter, 23, at Westminister Club Apartments on U.S. 17 North about 11 p.m. Thursday.

Tindale said the victims called police and said someone was breaking into the apartment, and that one intruder already was inside the home. Jones, who was armed with a handgun, shot one of
the men who then fled with others. Read more

Source: jacksonville.com

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Corey Graff is the managing editor of the <i><a href="https://www.gundigeststore.com/product/2023-standard-catalog-of-firearms-33rd-edition-the-illustrated-collectors-price-and-reference-guide/">Standard Catalog of Firearms</a></i> and <i><a href="https://www.gundigeststore.com/product/gun-digest-2023-77th-edition/">Gun Digest</a></i> annual book. In addition, he is the author of <i>What's In Your Bug-Out Bag?</i> and <i>The Comprehensive Guide to Concealed Carry Holsters.</i> His personal interest in firearms includes handguns for hunting and self-defense as well as bolt-action rifles for western hunting.


  1. And Florida passed a good Castle Doctrine Law a couple years ago; where the victim doesn’t HAVE to retreat which closes down DA’s being able to put a spin on how an assault went down to make the victim/gun user look like the Bad Guy and press charges….PLUS the Bad Guy who breaks in or assaults a  victim and if the victim is forced to shoot, either wounding or killing said BG, neither the BG nor his family can sue the victim who defended themselves.   <<i.e. Case, State Farm vs. Marshall, BG attacked homeowner inside his home, home owner was forced to shoot and only wounded the BG (crippled).  BG went to Court and received a $577,000 Judgment from the HOMEOWNER, which forced homeowner to counter-sue his insurance company State Farm to have them pay the judgment.   Case was decided in Fla’s Supreme Court.   Guess how it came out?   State Farm DID NOT have to pay the judgment due to court’s reasoning the homeowner shooting BG was a Deliberate ACT, not accidental which would have been covered by insurance policy.   TOTAL BS BY THE COURT.   


    MORAL OF STORY: Check your own State’s Statutes on your Legal Rights when using a firearm for self defense.   Read Massad Ayoob’s book “In the Gravest Extreme” and consider his excellent suggestions- THE book for anyone who has a CCW,   just the view from my saddle.   davzway


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