I have bone to pick with K-9 Officers…

First off… I think K-9 units are the biggest asset to the department since the police car. Seriously. They are more versatile than any other officers out there…But I know K-9 handlers only took the job so they would no longer have to transport people to jail… but I digress.

Having witnessed several K-9 training sessions and on real-life take down… I'm convinced that K-9 officers have been given too much to say before releasing the dog, or they apparently get just as excited as the dog when things are about to get “dynamic.”




From most K-9 officers those commands come out as one word in the space of about two full seconds. When I'm taking someone into custody I'm required to give clear and concise commands. Sometimes  I even have say, “Do you understand me?” before I escalate to a higher level of force.


Two words for the K-9 corps: Slow down.  I know the situation is serious, but people need to hear those commands to make sure all the actions stand up in court.


  1. You got that right.  I spent 15 years as a K-9 officer. Went through 3 partners and was a state trainer for 5 years.  I tried my best to get handlers to just slow down and went so far to learn the warning in street spanish due to the influx of mexicans in our area.  Then had the same recorded on a tape by a person fluent in spanish to play over the PA.  You brought up a good point but I don’t think it will catch on due to the dynamics of the calll out.  Thanks for bringing up a fine detail that will probably cause more problems than the warning will solve.  Thanks again.


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