Concealed Carry
Concealed carry is a serious responsibility. At Gun Digest, we provide you with the most current and useful information about CCW with the latest news, reviews and tips related to personal defense. When you decide to carry a gun for personal protection, start here to research CCW handguns, handgun drills, handgun shooting, custom handguns, concealed carry holsters and more. Also see: Gun Reviews – Handguns
Latest Concealed Carry Articles
Make Your Voice Heard on Carry in National Parks
The U.S. Department of the Interior has issued a proposed rule to eliminate the prohibition on right-to-carry in national parks and wildlife refuges.
New Jersey Committee to Reconsider One-Gun-a-Month Legislation
Later today, a New Jersey Assembly committee will again consider one-gun-a-month legislation.
Help Keep Recreational Shooting Open On Federal Lands
Opportunities to shoot recreationally on public lands benefit the recreational shooter and hunter, says the NRA.
Credit Card Services Company Refuses to Allow Gun Sales
According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Citi Merchant Services and First Data Corp. are refusing to process any credit card transactions between federally licensed firearms retailers, distributors and manufacturers, a move that will severely limit available inventory of firearms and ammunition to military, law enforcement and law-abiding Americans.
Best Concealed Carry Insurance Options (2024)
Eight major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed.