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Concealed Carry

Texas Campus Carry Bills Will be “Hotly Debated”

Lawmakers in Texas are considering bills to authorize the ability to carry a gun on college campuses and to allow those who carry to do so openly.

Serious Delays in Receiving Illinois Firearm Identity Cards

Recently, the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) received dozens of phone calls from firearm owners who are waiting a month or more to have applications for Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) cards processed by the Illinois State Police.

California Gun Show Case Goes To Appeals Court

Gun show promoters Russell and Sallie Nordyke, of Willows, California, operate the gun show company TS Trade Shows. In 1999, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors passed a bill banning firearm possession on county property - which effectively nixed the Nordyke's gun shows, too.

Wyoming Bill Would Notify Gun Owners of Rights

Wyoming lawmakers will consider a bill that could have some major implications for state gun owners and their gun rights.

Hands On! 24-7 Pants Built for Everyday Use

Matching the right pants to a gun enthusiast can make a big difference in the quality of the shooting experience.

Brady Sues To Stop Concealed Carry In National Parks

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence sued the Bush administration over a new policy that will permit concealed carry in National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges.

Chicago Wins a Round in Handgun Ban Lawsuit

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has suffered a setback in its attempt to end the City of Chicago's ban on handguns. But the fight is far from over.

L.A. Clenches Down on Gun Control

The Los Angeles City Council approved a package of gun control laws, placing new requirements on ammunition sellers and banning the sale of military-style ammunition in the hopes of further reducing the city's gun and gang violence.

Seattle Mayor Admitted State Law Forbids Gun Ban

Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels is asserting that he has the authority to skirt Washington State's long-standing firearms preemption statute, but in a 2006 letter to House Speaker Frank Chopp, he admitted that state law prevents him from taking any such action.

Private Cars Now Public Spaces

Gun owners in Oregon were recently dealt a defeat, when an Oregon Appeals Court ruled that a vehicle constitutes a public place.

Seattle Mayor's Plan Disregards State Law, AG Opinion

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms issues press release disapproving of mayor's decision to ignore attorney general's opinion on firearms regulation.

The New Obama Administration: Big Trouble for Gun Owners

Many gun owners had, at the least, an uneasy feeling when Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) won the presidential election on November 4, 2008. Those feelings may be more justified than you think.

The 2008 Elections Part IV: State and Local Issues

While federal laws surely do impact Second Amendment rights, including our ability to buy, sell, and own firearms, state and local issues are of no less importance.

The 2008 Elections Part III: Key Federal Races

While the 2008 election for president has dominated much of the gun rights debate, there are many other federal seats up for grabs this November.

Lobbyist Exposes Obama's True Views on Second Amendment

An open letter from an inside lobbyist who worked directly with Barack Obama while State Senator, says gun owners are fooled if they believe his 'I support the Second Amendment' rhetoric.

Senator John McCain and Gun Owners: A Strained Relationship

This is the second in a four-part series on the 2008 elections and the Second Amendment. The series will examine: the presidential candidates; other key federal elections; and, state and local elections of note.