The [New York] Assembly continues to chip away this evening on a package of bills to combat gun violence. The legislation would help police investigate illegal firearms, prohibit felons from buying guns, require child-proof devices on guns, and banning advanced firearms and ammunition used to kill police officers, according to the Assembly.
A number of Republicans, who are in the minority in the Assembly, are speaking against the bills.
A bill that is being debated now would require that semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in New York be capable of microstamping ammunition. Microstamping means information that identifies the make, model and serial number of a gun is “stamped” onto a cartridge as the weapon is fired.
The legislation is sponsored in the Senate by Eric Schneiderman, D-Manhattan, who is holding a news conference tomorrow with Assembly sponsor Michelle Schimel, D-Nassau County.
For more of the Assembly’s release about its gun legislation, read on:
“New York is one of the safest states in the nation and it must stay that way,” said Silver (D-Manhattan). To achieve this, we must craft laws that prevent dangerous felons from possessing weapons while assisting law enforcement agencies as they combat gun trafficking. Although the majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens, we must ensure that guns do not fall into the hands of violent felons or children. This package contains bills that address public safety, while weighing the needs of hunters and sportspeople.” Read more