Gun Digest is resilient if nothing else, but one thing we're not is impervious to change. And sometimes change can be a good thing as we've now rolled out a massive one to our online store, gundigeststore.com.
In addition to thousands of firearm books, CD/DVDs and downloads, 4,500+ items from Blackhawk! were made available yesterday afternoon. As a result, now you can shop online for everything ranging from holsters to Warrior Wear clothing with secret pockets designed for concealed carry — plus mag pouches, shooting mats and slings.
A whole slew of knives are also for sale, including search & rescue, folders, fixed blades and knife accessories.
And this is only the start…
So Why Are We Selling This Stuff?

Since 1944, Gun Digest has been recognized as the “World's Foremost Authority on Guns.” Readers the world over regard us as a trusted source for gun information, and we think you'll come to trust us as a source for your gun stuff, too.
Bottom line is it just made sense. For instance, consider some of the reasons we launched tacticalgearmag.com, an online social network for civilian self-defense advocates, law enforcement and military personnel. We did that not just to provide the very best online community gathering place of like-minded people. It was because we knew we had top shelf content — Tactical Gear Digital Magazine, articles, blogs, books, experts, online video — all of which would be ultimately useful for people like you.
Well, not only can we provide the best instruction in areas like concealed carry, with our wide selection of books from the industry's most knowledgeable authors, but we can also provide a convenient way to buy the gear you need to carry concealed … all in one stop.
It's like Facebook. Or Amazon.com. For gun owners.
Knowledge is power. But you still need the gear. Starting right now, you've come to the right place for both.