If Gun Registries Are Illegal, What’s The ATF Collecting?

If Gun Registries Are Illegal, What’s The ATF Collecting?
Leaked internal ATF document obtained by GOA, click <a href="https://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/ATF-Office-of-Enforcement-Programs-FY-2021-Stats.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a> to read full original.

Questions arise after leaked documents show ATF collected records on over 54 million gun owners in the last year alone.

Here are two facts that seem to be mutually exclusive, but apparently are not: It is illegal for the U.S. government to create a national database of gun owners, and the ATF has a building in West Virginia so bloated with American gun owners’ records that a floor collapsed several years ago.

The ATF maintains that a database is easily searchable, however, and because their dragon’s hoard of unconstitutionally collected data is too thick to even wade through, it does not technically constitute one. If the ATF considers this data to be useless, however, it raises the question as to why they would waste the manpower collecting it.

It’s no secret that many government employees receive large salaries for doing very little work, but it seems that those at the ATF are no slackers. They were hard at work during the 2021 fiscal year snatching up every gun-related record they could get their hands on, and a leaked internal document obtained by the Gun Owners of America and the Washington Free Beacon has just revealed exactly how busy they were.

Leaked ATF Doc
Leaked internal ATF document obtained by GOA, click HERE to read full original.

Over 54 million records, mostly paper but some electronic, were obtained and stored this past year by the ATF. The ATF’s spokesperson said, of course, that these records do not indicate the existence of or creation of a registry, but this is the same organization that claimed the Branch Davidians opened fire first, so you be the judge.

As evidenced by both Joe Biden’s presidential campaign and his time so far in office, gun rights are on the chopping block for this administration. Between unconstitutional rule change proposals, the nomination of a radical gun-grabber to head the ATF and the import ban on Russian ammo, the agenda has become quite clear. Considering these facts, it is not unreasonable for any American gun owner to be suspicious about such a massive record-collecting operation as this. Those who are aware of how infrequently gun records lead to arrests of violent criminals should be doubly suspicious, as it implies that the ATF had other reasons for putting in such an effort. Reasons that should have every American concerned about future federal actions regarding firearms.

The current administration has already proposed banning pistol-stabilizing braces, a common-use item that helps many physically disabled Americans defend themselves and participate in shooting sports. Now they’ve gone on to propose that gun stores would no longer be allowed to destroy their records after 20 years (the current rule) and would have to maintain them permanently until they’ve relinquished their FFL licensure. The 54 million records that were obtained this year were received from FFLs who had gone out of business, and if this new rule change were to be implemented, future years may see even more than 54 million records being collected.

We can’t be sure of how the ATF plans on using this information or why they are so keen on acquiring even more of it, but the agency’s history shows that it likely isn’t for anything good.

To read the original article containing the leaked document, please visit freebeacon.com.

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  1. At what point in time does GOA or NRA or SOMEBODY take steps (lawsuit, Freedom of Information, etc.) to stop this crap? If it is unconstitutional, why is it allowed? ATF took baby steps for years to get to this point. It MUST stop!

  2. At what point in time does GOA or NRA or SOMEBODY take steps (lawsuit, Freedom of Information, etc.) to stop this crap? If it is unconstitutional, why is it allowed? ATF took baby steps for years to get to this point. It MUST stop!

  3. The thug organizations within our current government will do anything they can get away with doing. Rules & regs mean nothing to them. The only laws they abide by are those that benefit their way of thinking. We need to defeat the Leftists by destroying their majorities in Congress & the criminal regime currently occupying the White House. Once that is done, a wide spreading clean out of the various criminal groups such as ATF, IRS, etc is immediately needed.

  4. Regarding the ATF, more correctly the BATFE, I have long been curious as to the following. How is it that ATF/BATFE’s bureaucratic decrees, their regulations, become the law of the land. If a bureaucratic agency, a most questionable one at that, can make law by decree, why do we maintain, at significant expense to the citizenry, a Congress, House of Representatives and U.S. Senate? Exactly what sort of government do we have here, and why is it so different from the kind of government that we supposedly have? Why indeed?


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