Those changes may come via a task force which has begun reviewing the new law.
“The task force's central proposal would make it easier for gun store owners to stock their shelves while still limiting customers to buying one handgun every 30 days,” the Star-Ledger reported. “The law exempts sales between licensed gun dealers, but not purchases from distributors or manufacturers, which are classified differently under New Jersey law.”
“As it stands now, retailers would be prohibited from purchasing guns from their suppliers,” said Burlington County Prosecutor Robert Bernardi, who leads the task force. “I think that was an oversight when the legislation was passed.”
Said State Police Lt. Col. Christopher Andreychak, a task force member, “You couldn't run a used-car business if you can only buy and sell one used car a month. They have to have an exemption or we'll put them out of business.”
The task force was scheduled to make its recommendations to the governor before the end of November.