Attorney General Eric Holder has broken an agreement with Republicans by refusing fully to respond to questions on the growing Fast and Furious scandal, Sen. Charles Grassley alleges in an exclusive Newsmax interview.
Grassley said he allowed the nomination of Deputy Attorney General James Cole to move through the Senate in return for a pledge that questions on the gunrunning scheme would be answered.
But Holder’s Department of Justice has stonewalled since Cole was approved in June, the senior senator from Iowa said.
“We’re getting inadequate answers,” he said. “The inadequacy of the answers is a violation of the agreement that we have with the attorney general that we will get all of our questions and sub-questions answered fully, based upon the deal that we made that I would let the nomination for the deputy attorney general move through the Senate.
“Until they did that, I wasn’t going to let it move and that leveraged them to make this agreement with us and they aren’t even following their own agreement with us.”
Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and his House counterpart, Rep. Darrell Issa of California, led the questions on Fast and Furious, a program which allowed about 1,400 weapons to be bought and taken across the Mexican border. Read more
Source: newsmax.com
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