A decade ago, Michigan became a “shall issue” state for concealed carry permits, meaning officials had to award a permit to anyone meeting standard qualifications. That permitting change has been embraced by Michigan citizens.
As the Jackson Citizen-Patriot reported, “Statewide, one in 26 eligible-age adults has a license to carry. There are more than 270,000 permit holders, double the amount five years ago … Phil Sheridan Sr. of Sheridan Arms sees all walks of life applying for CCWs in his Saginaw Township gun shop and training center.”
“From young to old, male to female, single to married,” Sheridan said. “I’ve had people in wheelchairs that I’ve trained … after all, they still have the right to defend themselves.”
Many Michiganders cite crime as the main reason for their permit. “You’re out here in rough neighborhoods,” said Tishumbe Franklin, 37, who owns a private security company in Flint and recently had his carry permit approved.
But the most surprising reason for concealed carry here? Wildlife.
“About half that called me [for carry classes] are worried about wolves, wolves that will kill their dogs,” said Paul Ewing, who teaches a pistol safety course in the Upper Peninsula. “That’s the number one reason I hear. It’s not so much about crime.”
“In Keweenaw County, where nearly one in 10 adults has a concealed pistol license, most people carry their handguns for hunting, County Clerk Julie Carlson said.”
“It’s not for protection from people,” Carlson said. “It’s protection from animals.”
Source: Jackson Citizen Patriot
Recommended gun books for those who carry concealed handguns:
New! Concealed Carry Bundle – Save 50%!
The Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry
The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery
Effective Handgun Defense, A Comprehensive Guide to Concealed Carry
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