Video: First Shots with the New Glock 43

Video: First Shots with the New Glock 43

The Glock 43 has only been around for a short time, but it’s already generating plenty of buzz.

Part of this can be attributed to the Austrian company that makes the polymer-framed, striker-fired pistol. Glock is not short on fans. But the gun itself has plenty to turn shooters’ heads — particularly those who carry concealed.

The single-stack 9mm checks off a lot of boxes for those searching for a slighter piece for regular carry that is still a comfortable shooter. Or those are at least that is the impression YouTuber Mr.GunsAndGear gives in his first time putting the pistol through its paces.

While his initial takes on the G43 are interesting, it’s the end of the video (and his T-shirt) that will catch most shooters’ attention. He lines the new 9mm up against a couple of other popular single-stacks —the Glock 42 and Smith & Wesson Shield — to give a bit of perspective of the pistol’s dimensions.

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Elwood Shelton is the Digital Editor for Gun Digest. He lives in Colorado and has provided coverage on a vast spectrum of topics for GD for more than a decade. Before that, he was an award-winning sports and outdoors reporter for a number of newspapers across the Rocky Mountains. His experience has consisted of covering the spread of chronic wasting disease into the Western Slope of Colorado to the state’s ranching for wildlife programs. His passion for shooting began at a young age, fostered on pheasant hunts with his father. Since then, he has become an accomplished handloader, long-range shooter and avid hunter—particularly mule deer and any low-down, dirty varmint that comes into his crosshairs. He is a regular contributor to Gun Digest Magazine and has contributed to various books on guns and shooting, most recently Lever-Actions: A Tribute to the All-American Rifle.


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