Federal Gun Control Legislation to Expand Scope of Mental Health Disqualification


Rep. McCarthy to expand definition of mental health problems.Recently introduced federal gun legislation would codify and greatly expand the definition of those barred from owning a gun because they suffer from broad, umbrella-like definitions of mental health problems. Mental health advocates, however, say legislators reacting to “deranged” people going on shooting sprees are “completely missing the point.”

Last week, New York Democratic Rep. Carolyn McCarthy introduced the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011, a nearly-identical resolution to that introduced in the Senate in March by her New York colleague, Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer. Both bills include a section dedicated to further codifying in federal law what it means to be “adjudicated as a mental defective.” The proposed change would label any person a “mental health defective” who appears to “lack the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs,” or is “compelled” to receive counseling or medication.

Other, seemingly more obvious, definitions of a “mental health defective” include anyone who has been found criminally insane, found incompetent to stand trial or found not guilty by reason of mental deficiencies. Read more

Source: dailycaller.com

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Corey Graff is the managing editor of the <i><a href="https://www.gundigeststore.com/product/2023-standard-catalog-of-firearms-33rd-edition-the-illustrated-collectors-price-and-reference-guide/">Standard Catalog of Firearms</a></i> and <i><a href="https://www.gundigeststore.com/product/gun-digest-2023-77th-edition/">Gun Digest</a></i> annual book. In addition, he is the author of <i>What's In Your Bug-Out Bag?</i> and <i>The Comprehensive Guide to Concealed Carry Holsters.</i> His personal interest in firearms includes handguns for hunting and self-defense as well as bolt-action rifles for western hunting.


  1. “Both bills include a section dedicated to further codifying in federal law what it means to be “adjudicated as a mental defective.” The proposed change would label any person a “mental health defective” who appears to “lack the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs,” or is “compelled” to receive counseling or medication.”

    Remember that time that the doctor prescribed Valium to help calm you down when your father, mother, spouse or sibling passed away? WELL THAT JUST RENDERED YOU INELIGIBLE TO PURCHASE OR OWN A FIREARM OF ANY TYPE UNDER THIS BILL! You reacted NORMALLY to a stressful period in your life, it is NOT PERMANENT, but the record of it and the disqualification that you face is, under this bill from the Anti-Gun Schumer and McCarthy from New York!!

    It is a ruse that they are playing in the political arena that they see as a way to insure that fewer Americans are able to own firearms.

    What about the police officer who is involved in his first on-duty shooting, where he killed the man who was holding you hostage? Department regulations normally require that the officer meet with the department shrink and might have to take some time off because of the “Post-Shooting Stress” that any NORMAL human being would feel. Because he had to see the shrink, take some time off and maybe take prescription medication to calm his nerves; under this bill, he is rendered ineligible to purchase, own or use a firearm. Does his career end, just because of this bill?

    Call your representatives (Congressional Representative or State Senator) and voice your opposition to this vague and far reaching bill to destroy the 2nd Amendment!


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