Gun Digest Annual TOC: 2012


The Gun Digest – 2012

Table of Contents
John T. Amber Literary Award3
Italy's Double Barrel Bargains8
Guns for the Great North18
Smith & Wesson: American Pioneer22
The Kautzky Dynasty31
Me & My Dad & Gun Digest34
Custom & Engraved Guns38
PCSACs: Pistol-Cartridge Semi-Auto Carbines49
HK: A History of Innovation57
My 33 Years with the .338 Magnum71
The Express Bullet in America75
In Search of the Perfect Upland Autoloader82
Addicted to Military Iron87
In the Service of the Crown97
America's Forgotten Big Game Rifle101
Protecting Your Collection Investment108
The Garin Surestrike System110
Fit for a Lady119
The French Service Revolver Model of 1892124
Bolt-Action Baloney128
A Big Bad Ball Gun136
My Pistolas of the Contra War141
Warthog Rifles and Cartridges147
That Custom Touch153
A Labor of Love of a Love of Labor?161
The Winchester Model 1887 Lever-Action Shotgun167
The Husqvarna and the Zebra173
A Mysterious Stranger from Canada175
The Beretta S680 Series Over/Under179
What's Up Down Under186
Cape Buffalo Really Are Tough195
Reports from the Field:
New Rifles201
New Shotguns210
New Semi-Automatic Pistols222
Revolvers (And a Few Others)245
New Gunsmithing Products257
The Feminine Perspective262
Ammunition, Ballistics and Components273
Blackpowder Update286
New Optics305
One Good Gun:
A Century Old Hammer Gun321
Remington Model 11-48 28 Gauge324
Grandpa's Guns328
Bob's 270332
The Rhino Revolver337
Cooper Firearms Model 54342
Space Gun!348
Leupold FX-11352
The I.O. Inc. AK-47 and .380 Pocket Pistol358
The CzechPoint vz. 61 Skorpion365
Ballistics Tables:
Average Centerfire Rifle Cartridge Ballistics & Prices368
Centerfire Handgun Cartridge Ballistics & Prices375
Rimfire Ammunition Ballistics & Prices378
Shotshell Loads & Prices379
Double-Action Revolvers416
Single-Action Revolvers424
Centerfire – Autoloaders432
Centerfire – Levers & Slides442
Centerfire – Bolt-Actions447
Centerfire – Single Shots462
Drillings, Combination Guns, Double Rifles468
Rimfire – Autoloaders470
Rimfire – Lever & Slide Actions472
Rimfire – Bolt-Actions & Single Shots473
Competition – Centerfires & Rimfires477
Slide & Lever Actions488
Bolt Actions & Single Shots504
Military & Police506
Single Shot Pistols – Flint & Percussion508
Muskets & Rifles511
Smokeless Muzzleloaders519
Long Guns522
Directory of the Arms Trade
Manufacturer's Directory536

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<h2>About Gun Digest Editors</h2> <p>Gun Digest is the foremost firearms publisher in the world. Since 1944 we have made keeping shooters, firearms collectors, and plain old gun aficionados informed the target of our books, magazines, and websites. We build shooters’ firearms knowledge base, inspiring them to pursue and expand their shooting interests—from the range to the field and in competition. Gun Digest is part of the Caribou Media Group.<p> <h2>Editorial Standards</h2> <p>At Gun Digest, we uphold our commitment is to our audience and precedes all other considerations, including revenue. Editorial independence is at the core of our operations, forming the bedrock of trust with our readers. Consequently, editorial decisions are made autonomously by our team of editors, writers, video producers, freelance writers and social media managers, without any external interference. Our content has and will continue to remain free from influence from individuals outside of editorial and content management.<p> <h2>Staff</h2> <p><ul><li><b>Publisher:</b> Jim Schlender</li> <li><b>Editor-In-Chief:</b> Luke Hartle</li> <li><b>Managing Editor:</b> Laura Peltakain</li> <li><b>Digital Editor:</b> <a href="/author/elwood-shelton">Elwood Shelton</a></li> <li><b>Online Editor:</b> <a href="/author/adamborisenko">Adam Borisenko</a></li> <li><b>Senior Art Director:</b> Gene Coo</li> <li><b>Art Director:</b> Katia Sverdlova</li></ul> <p> <h2>Contributors</h2> <p><ul> <li><a href="/author/richard-a-mann">Richard Mann</a></li> <li><a href="/author/philip-massaro">Phil Massaro</a></li> <li><a href="/author/contributor-dave-workman">David Workman</a></li> <li><a href="/author/davidhart">David Hart</a></li> <li><a href="/author/dickjones">Dick Jones</a></li> <li><a href="/author/jon-r-sundra">Jon Sundra</a></li> <li><a href="/author/l-p-brezny">L.P. Brezny</a></li> <li><a href="/author/robert-sadowski">Robert Sadowski</a></li> <li><a href="/author/scott-wagner">Scott Wagner</a></li> <li><a href="/author/wayne-van-zwoll">Wayne Van Zwoll </a></li> <li>Patrick Sweeney</li> <li>Massad Ayoob</li> <li>Marty Hays </li> <li>Brad Fitzpatrick </li> <li>Walt Hampton</li> <li>Jerry Lee</li> <li>Josh Wayner</li> <li>Sam Hoober</li> <li>Tiger McKee</li> </ul>


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