Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1964


The Gun Digest – 1964

 Table of Contents
Handloads for the 256 Magnum, E. M. Yard & C. H. Helbig4
Snider 557 Cartridges, Charles Yust10
Shooting the Snider, Larry Sterett14
In Defense of Chinks, John Madson17
Gas Guns, Bob Bell21
The 9.3x72R, Warren Sipe26
Remington's Big Seven, Bob Hagel28
Complete Shooting Center, Bob Zwirz32
Survival Weapons, Bob Bell33
Guns of Lewis & Clark, William R. Barbour38
Rattle Up Your Buck, Tom Hayes46
The 7mm Rolling Block, Walter E. Hill49
Mystery Misses, Bob Hagel53
Safety – to Begin With, Helen Kitchen Branson56
Antique Arms Restoration, Paul Matthews57
Wanted! Gun Designers, B. Fritz Samuels62
Ithaca Scatterguns, Wallace Labisky65
Snapshooting Means Venison, Bob Kindley73
Black Powder Pistols, William A. Carver77
Confederate Powder Works, Warren Sipe84
First Big Game Rifle, Clyde Ormond89
The Forgotten Gun, Louis Steinwedel93
The 7mm Magnum in Africa, Sam B. Saxton97
Powder to Burn, Dean Grennell101
Half-Minute Rifle, Warren Page107
Military Handguns for Sport, F. C. Barnes Bonus112
Forty-Rod Gun, Lucian Cary124
Japanese Gunsmith, Major J. H. Woolnough129
Pointblank Practice, Ken Warner132
Silencers, Larry S. Sterett135
Most Versatile Gun, Larry Mueller139
Gas Loss in Revolvers, Edward M. Yard143
Peabody Sporting Rifles, Cleves Howell146
Open, Peep, Scope Sights, William Schumaker154
All-Round Shotgun R.I.P., Charles Howe158
Remington XP-100, Les Bowman161
The 5.7 Johnson Spitfire, J. Rakusan166
Hall Accoutrements, R. T. Huntington167
Redfield / Browning Scopes, Bob Bell170
Black Powder Replica Arms, John Lachuk172
Shooting – People – Space, Henry Stebbins179
Handloads for Hunting, Jim Ryan182
Homemade Pistol Rest, Bob Reynolds184
Testfire! A Field Survey, Kenneth L. Waters185
Let's Talk Recoil, Tom Moseley191
The Modern Sporting Pistol, Jeff Cooper192
Exploded Drawings, James Triggs200
U.S. Handguns, 1963-64, Gil Hebard204
U.S. Rifles & Shotguns, 1963-64, John T. Amber220
Foreign Guns, 1963-64, John T. Amber251
Custom Handguns, Makes and Models277
Custom Guns, The Gunsmith's Art278
Artistry in Metal, a gun engraving Sampler282
American Bulleted Cartridges, Kenneth L. Waters298
Sears Catalog of 1908, a Collector's Bonus353
U.S. Handguns210
U.S. Rifles232
U.S. Shotguns242
Foreign Arms in America257
Pellet Guns269
Chokes & Brakes274
Reloading Tools & Bullets285
Ammunition Tables307
Scopes & Mounts314
Metallic Sights323
The Arms Library327
Periodical List336
Shooter's Showcase337
Arms Associations342
Glossary for Gunners343
Directory of the Arms Trade345
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