We're alive! Either the Mayans miscalculated or we've gained a reprieve from the end of the world happening today.
Here at Living Ready, our back-up plan banked on being around beyond Dec. 21, 2012. We're happy to announce that Living Ready is growing in a big way for the new year.
On the heels of the wildly popular first issue of Living Ready magazine, we'll be publishing four print issues in 2013. Each issue will be available on the newsstand approximately at the turn of the seasons, so watch for the Spring 2013 issue around March 19, 2013. (Haven't read the first issue yet? Download it now!)
Plus, we're hard at work this very minute on our new website, which will be completely devoted to the true meaning of Living Ready. That means promoting a sustainable way of life that assures you are prepared, will survive and will thrive, no matter the situation.
We're not focusing on preparedness because it's a current fad. Nor are we interested in fear-mongering. This is about a way of life. Living Ready will help you plan long-term for a way of life that gives you control over your necessities. This means offering critical information on topics like growing a garden, canning and storing food.
We'll also be a guide for outlining an emergency plan to keep yourself and your loved ones safe in the face of catastrophes, especially natural disasters. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast in late 2012, it's never too soon to start planning.
And, yes, we'll even share what you need to know to protect yourself again the Zombie Apocalypse, or the onslaught of any other bad guys.
Until the website is live, we're growing our online community of like-minded souls over on our Facebook page. Come ‘Like' us and let's start sharing our ideas, questions, experiences, failures and successes. Let's Live Ready together.