In the 10 Steps for a Disaster Plan You Can Make Right Now article, the final tip advised to consider people with special needs. Many may think of people with mobility impairments, but that's not always true. Here are five kinds of people who need extra considerations in a home disaster plan and survival kit, as written by Pat McHugh.
1) Hearing impaired may need to make special arrangements to receive a warning.
2) Households with a single working parent may need help from others both in planning for disasters and during an emergency.
3) Non-English speaking people may need assistance planning for and responding to emergencies. Community and cultural groups may be able to help keep these populations informed.
4) People without vehicles may need to make arrangements for transportation.
5) People with special dietary needs should have an adequate emergency food supply.
Read more in 10 Steps for a Disaster Plan You Can Make Right Now.
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