Former Prison Guard finds Happiness, Success and Profit Gunsmithing

Former Prison Guard finds Happiness, Success and Profit Gunsmithing
Jan and Rascal, best friends, take a break in his shop.
Jan and Rascal, best friends, take a break in his shop.
Jan and Rascal, best friends, take a break in his shop.

Jan-Steven Merson is a successful example of an individual with a passion for firearms wanting to make a change. After retiring from a career in Law Enforcement with the Department of Corrections, Jan wanted to do something that he enjoyed and still make money. With an interest in firearms and firearms safety, he began the searching online to find a gunsmith program. What he found was that most Gunsmithing schools required a large commitment of time and expense. They also extensively relied on textbooks as their teaching method. Jan preferred to learn by doing and didn’t want to travel to classes or spend the time reading volumes of information. Then he discovered the American Gunsmith Institute. The step-by-step DVD courses they offered were just the answer for his style of learning.

The American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI) is the World’s Premier Gunsmithing School and through its exclusive systematic method of video instruction has educated more Working Gunsmiths than all other Gunsmithing Schools combined.  Instruction is provided in the comfort of the students  own home, on their own time schedule and at a greatly reduced cost from traditional classroom settings. AGI has been transforming people and their careers for over 17 years.

Within three months, Jan had set up his business, American Firearms & Gunsmith in Fullerton, California and began to offer a variety of gunsmith services. Word got out and now, four years later, Jan is a very, very busy gunsmith. He credits the AGI gunsmith program for his competitive edge. He can reference the DVD’s again and again while in his shop and he believes that the up-to-date information provided in the AGI DVD’s give him the knowledge and skill set customers demand today. It keeps them coming back for more and more services from his shop. Because the firearms industry is ever changing, Jan continues to invest in his Gunsmithing education by investing in new AGI courses as they become available featuring new guns.

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Jan may still be doing business in his garage, but with the addition of his website, word-of-mouth, and a talent for gun repair, he is now earning over $100,000.00 annually and is thinking it’s time to expand the business to a storefront.

Jan summed up his American Gunsmithing Institute experience by saying, “Do it. You may say I really don’t have the money to lay out. Well, look at it as a short investment. You can make money almost instantly while taking the course and start paying yourself back. Think of it like this; if you put your money away in a CD, you have to wait for a year in order to get it back – with little interest! With AGI, you can start getting it back almost instantly. So, you can wait a year to make a profit or start now with AGI!”

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Unlike most trade schools, the AGI program allows you to complete the program in as little as three months, studying from home, through video instruction which is packed with current information on the design, function and repair of firearms. With over 108 hours of video instruction in pistols and revolvers, rifles, shotguns, .22’s  and more.

You will also receive instruction on what tools to purchase, how to set up a shop with just a small investment and run a successful business. Students also receive written and practical application testing during the program and when completed, receive their certification ready to hang on the wall and announce they are open for business.

Just as Jan Merson found out, you can make a good living at something you love to do. Click here to sign up

About American Gunsmithing Institute:

The American Gunsmithing Institute is the Nation’s premiere Gunsmithing School and has been providing students with the highest level of hands-on instruction in the comfort of your own home since 1993. AGI provides Instruction by internationally known and respected Gunsmiths such as; Gene Kelly, AGI President; Robert Dunlap, AGI’s Senior Instructor; Darrell Holland, custom Riflesmith; Gene Shuey, world-class custom Pistolsmith;  Ken Brooks, Repair Gunsmith Instructor, Jack Landis Techincal Services Manager and T.R. Graham, an authority and gunsmith on Glocks and other handguns. These Instructors help every insure that every AGI gunsmith course to provides students with the latest information and techniques that they need to be successful.


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Corey Graff is the managing editor of the <i><a href="">Standard Catalog of Firearms</a></i> and <i><a href="">Gun Digest</a></i> annual book. In addition, he is the author of <i>What's In Your Bug-Out Bag?</i> and <i>The Comprehensive Guide to Concealed Carry Holsters.</i> His personal interest in firearms includes handguns for hunting and self-defense as well as bolt-action rifles for western hunting.


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