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Latest Concealed Carry Articles

For The Love Of Snubbies

Just because snub-nosed revolvers are small does not make them less than.

Carry Revolver: Excellent CCW Wheelgun Options

Though often overlooked in today’s world of CCW semi-autos, there are some excellent carry revolver options out there.

The Boundaries Of Self-Defense

We discuss the limits of self-defense in the face of mob violence and when overwhelming numbers of unarmed threats turn deadly.

Self-Defense Law: Do You Have A Training Resume?

If you’re ever involved in a self-defense shooting, your training courses can become relevant in court. Here’s why it’s a good idea to keep a training resume.

Revolver Vs. Semi-Auto: Which Is Better For Self-Defense?

Are revolvers or semi-auto pistols better for self-defense? Here, we test them head-to-head and gather some data to help find an answer.

First Look: Colt Kodiak, Grizzly and Viper Revolvers

Colt has just announced three new revolvers, the powerful Kodiak and Grizzly and the carry-oriented Viper.

First Look: Heritage Mfg. Roscoe Revolvers

Heritage Manufacturing has just announced the Roscoe, a classic .38 Spl revolver available with two barrel length options.

Defensive Handgunning: Balancing Accuracy, Power & Speed

When it comes to guns, everything is a tradeoff. With defensive handguns, that means balancing accuracy, power and speed.

Self-Defense: Garage Invasion & Excessive Force

We discuss whether this garage invasion incident was justified self-defense or an example of excessive force.

Self-Defense Mindset: How Prepared Are You?

We ask you to analyze whether you’re really prepared to use deadly force in a self-defense situation.

Attorney Selection: An Excerpt From Deadly Force, 2nd Edition

In this excerpt from Deadly Force, 2nd Edition, Massad Ayoob discusses the finer points of attorney selection following a self-defense incident.

Long-Range Pistol Shooting With Red Dots

Practicing your long-range pistol shooting at 100 yards will make 25 yards seem like point-blank range.

The .32 ACP Walther PPK And PPK/s Are Back

Walther has just reintroduced the famous PPK and PPK/s in .32 ACP.

First Look: Colt Python 2.5-Inch Snubbie

Colt has just added a 2.5-inch Python model to its catalog, the shortest model now available in the lineup.

Wyatt Earp Was Right: Shot Placement Is Key

Wyatt Earp’s gunfighting days may have been over a century ago, but his advice about good shot placement is still true today.

Best Revolvers Of All Time

What were the best revolvers of all time? Here, the author covers 10 wheelguns that truly deserve to be called classics.