His suit was tossed for a lack of standing.
Ord is challenging the dismissal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where the Second Amendment Foundation and the ACLU National Capital Area are participating as amicus curiae in support of Ord, saying his case against the city should move forward.
At issue on appeal is whether Ord has standing to sue the District.
For background, Ord runs a private security business, Falken Industries, and is considered a special conservator of the peace under Virginia law.
That means Ord, who is a “qualified” law enforcement officer in the eyes of Virginia, allowed to carry a gun there.
Ord thinks he should be allowed to carry a gun in D.C. for his line of work. But he’s not willing to test the authorities—not after police in April 2008 applied for and received a warrant for his arrest on the charge of possession of an unregistered firearm, a misdemeanor. Read more
Source: The Blog of Legal Times