Last week, 27 Senate Democrats joined Republicans to pass an amendment that allows concealed weapons in national parks.
This week, the Senate could take the first step toward overturning a gun control bill passed by their own Democratic brethren more than a decade ago.
After a soul-searching exile, the Democratic Party that regained control of both Congress and the White House in the past two election cycles is proving in many ways to be a distinctly different breed than the one that last ruled the capital.
Nowhere has that transformation become more evident than on the issue of gun control
, which was promoted by Democrats in 1992 to attract suburban voters and abandoned by Democrats in 2008 to gain support among rural voters.
The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee is expected on Thursday to advance the Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act, which is being co-sponsored by Sens. Jim Webb (D-Va.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.).
The legislation would overturn a section of the law that prohibits veterans who are unable to manage their finances from obtaining a firearm. The bill maintains a 1990s gun restriction on veterans found to be a danger to themselves and others. Read more
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