Inteliscope Predicts Bullet Trajectory, No Matter Shooter’s Position

Inteliscope Predicts Bullet Trajectory, No Matter Shooter’s Position

Inteliscope turns your iPhone into a digital scope.
Inteliscope turns your iPhone into a digital scope.
A digital tactical scope – you bet there’s an app for that!

The Inteliscope Tactical Rifle Adapter App hit the market in June, giving shooters easy access to what is becoming a popular option in firearms optics. The iPhone and iPod Touch compatible app gives shooters a range of functions – from a catalog of reticles to windage and ballistic data, even the option to record video.

The Sandpoint, Idaho company recently took the app to the next level with its 1.4 release doing a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to ballistic calculation. The defining feature of the update is the app’s ability to calculate bullet trajectory, even if the gun is not kept on an even plane.

Be the gun tilted or completely upside down, the software’s algorithm predicts the bullet’s trajectory and corrects the aiming point in the direction in which gravity is pulling. The app continuously adjusts to the gun's angle putting the reticle on target, no matter the shooter’s position.

The trajectory prediction algorithm is not the only new bell and whistle in the update. The app also offers a novel way to sight in. The app shifts the background video of the shot, rather than the reticle, in turn the crosshairs always remain centered on screen.

Inteliscope predicts a bullet's trajectory, no matter a shooter's position.
Inteliscope predicts a bullet's trajectory, no matter a shooter's position.

This changes, the company boasts, “coupled with the wide viewing area of the Inteliscope system, significantly improves time-on-target and allows shooters to easily aim around obstacles with zero head exposure!”

Considering the price of rifle optics today, Inteliscope is extremely affordable – it’s free for download at the Apple App Store. The Inteliscope Tactical Rifle Adapter is available for $99.


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Elwood Shelton is the Digital Editor for Gun Digest. He lives in Colorado and has provided coverage on a vast spectrum of topics for GD for more than a decade. Before that, he was an award-winning sports and outdoors reporter for a number of newspapers across the Rocky Mountains. His experience has consisted of covering the spread of chronic wasting disease into the Western Slope of Colorado to the state’s ranching for wildlife programs. His passion for shooting began at a young age, fostered on pheasant hunts with his father. Since then, he has become an accomplished handloader, long-range shooter and avid hunter—particularly mule deer and any low-down, dirty varmint that comes into his crosshairs. He is a regular contributor to Gun Digest Magazine and has contributed to various books on guns and shooting, most recently Lever-Actions: A Tribute to the All-American Rifle.


  1. Elwood,
    Nice article, thanks for the write-up. I’m with Inteliscope and I just wanted to note that we just released version 1.60 for Apple devices and we’ll be launching Android and new hardware at SHOT Show 2014 in mid-January. We’re just getting started here and have a number of very interesting upgrades in development.

    David Rogers


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