I see lots of concealed carry holsters. I am also sure that most concealed carry handgun owners have plenty of holsters; holsters for every occasion. How many of you have more than one holster? How many have a box of “old holtsters” that you bought thinking they would be just the ticket?
The key word here should be “versatility.” If you could get one holster to do a couple different jobs, and do them comfortably, would you look to that holster to serve your needs?
Well, CrossBreed Holsters is now offering the SuperSlide, a 3-slot holster that can be worn in two different positions. Most common is the standard behind-the-hip location. The SuperSlide is built with a slight forward cant that also allows it to work as a cross-draw holster. Though not as commonly used as and often not as easy to conceal as other carry positions, cross-draw can still be a useful and viable option to have for driving or while seated for long periods of time.
With the right jacket or even a long, untucked shirt, this holster will disappear. And what I really like about most CrossBreed products is the use of the wide base/backer that helps distribute weight, keeps the gun from rubbing against you and generally helps hold everything in place. Yes, if you were to wear this holster under an untucked shirt, you would want to wear an undershirt, but so what?
Here is the great part. You won’t have fill up your holster box. The SuperSlide, as with all Crossbreed products, comes with a two-week “try-it-free” guarantee and lifetime warranty. MSRP starting at $52.50 and it comes in all black.
Click here for a primer on concealed carry holsters

Recommended gun books for those who carry concealed handguns:
The Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry
The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery
Effective Handgun Defense, A Comprehensive Guide to Concealed Carry
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