Rock Island Auction Company’s December Premier Auction will feature a large, unique collection of prototype and serial number one firearms.
Jim Supica, the editor of Gun Digest’s Standard Catalog of Firearms annual, is also an avid firearms collector. Part of his focus has been on collecting interesting and unique early examples of guns, primarily those that bear serial number one for their respective make and model. Many of the guns in this collection are prototypes or experimental, and several have been featured in museums, TV shows and various publications. The collection will be available through the RIAC Premier Auction held December 9th through the 11th.
This collection features about 70 guns spread out over 47 listings. Here are just a few that jumped out at us:
Charter Arms Undercover

This Charter Arms Undercover in .38 Special was the very first firearm to ever be made by the company. It features serial number one and it was engraved and gold inlaid by Colt master engraver Al Herbert.
U.S. Springfield Sharps Model 1870 2nd Type

Bearing serial number one of only 300, this .50-70 Gov’t rifle was part of the trials that lead to the adoption of the Springfield Trapdoor by the U.S. Army. Given its important historical provenance, it was also displayed at the NRA National Sporting Arms Museum for almost 10 years.
Maadi/Steyr ARM

This is one of the earliest, if not the earliest semi-auto AKM to be imported into the U.S. for commercial sale. These rifles were made in Egypt on Soviet tooling and were the primary type used for depicting AKMs in the film Red Dawn. This particular example is in excellent condition, includes a bayonet and has serial number S000001.
Radom Vis 35

While not the first Vis 35 pistol ever made, this one has serial number D0001 and was made during Germany’s occupation of Poland.
IMI/Action Arms Uzi Model A Carbine

This gun entered the U.S. as part of the first shipment of Uzi Model A Carbines to ever reach our shores. Its serial number is SAO1001 and it includes corresponding documentation to prove when it was imported.
For more information on the auction, or if you’d like to participate, please visit rockislandauction.com.
Here is the full list of Supica Collection lots that will be featured in the RIAC December Premier Auction:
- SHARPS MOD. 1870 s/n 1 – Lot 69: SN 1 U.S. Springfield-Sharps Model 1870 2nd Type Rifle Military Issue
- S&W NEW MOD. #3 .38 WIN s/n 1 – Lot 78: Rare, Documented Colorado Shipped Serial Number 1 Smith & Wesson New Model No. 3 .38 Winchester Single Action Revolver with Factory Letter. S/N 1
- BROWN SOUTHERNER s/n 1 – Lot 108: Serial Number 1 Brown Manufacturing Co. Southerner Derringer
- PORTER TURRET CARBINE s/n 1 – Lot 239: Serial Number 1 Third Model P.W. Porter Turret Carbine Military Issue
- MAUSER GEW 98 TARGET RIFLE s/n 1 – Lot 365: Haenel-Lorenz “Wehrmannsgewehr” Mauser GEW. 98 Target Rifle serial number one.
- S&W .44 MAGNUM, 1 of 100 – Lot 495: Engraved Smith & Wesson Model 29-6 With Factory Letter Lew Horton Special No. 1 of 100
- MARLIN SPURTRIGGER REVOLVER s/n 1 – Lot 1102: First Production Attributed Marlin No. 32 Standard 1875 Factory Engraved Revolver s/n1
- COLT 1851 NAVY, .40 cal, s/n 1 – Lot 1221: Serial Number 1 Prototype .40 Caliber Colt Model 1851 Navy Revolver with documentation from Colt Factory, Flayderman, Berryman, and more.
- ROYAL IRISH CONSTABULARY s/n 1 – Lot 1346: SN 1 Westley Richards Royal Irish Constabulary Pattern Revolver
- BRITISH BULLDOG s/n 1 – Lot 1348: Serial Number 1 Webley Bulldog Style Double Action Revolver
- CHIEF DAVIS' CHIEFS SPECIAL s/n 3J1 – Lot 1527: Los Angeles Police Chief Smith & Wesson Model 36 Revolver, S/N 3J1
- THE FIRST CHARTER ARMS FIREARM EVER MADE – Lot 1626 – Charter Arms Undercover S/N 1, engraved and gold inlaid by Colt master engraved Al Herbert for Charter founder, Doug McClenahan.
- COLT KING COBRA S/N KD0001 – Lot 1627: Colt King Cobra Double Action Revolver with Box
- R.L. WILSON'S COLT OFFICERS .45 S/N RLW-1 – Lot 1628: Presentation Gold Inlaid Colt Officer's ACP Pistol
- EXPERIMENTAL S&W 9mm PISTOL s/n EXP-1 – Lot 1629: Engraved Bole Industries/Smith & Wesson 9mm Pistol S/N: “EXP-1”
- TROUND FIRING DARDICK S/N PT1 – Lot 1630: Dardick Model 1500 Autoloading Revolver in Carbine Configuration
- CALICO 100 ROUND .22 S/N F000001 – Lot 1631: American Industries Calico M-100P Semi-Automatic Pistol
- S&W TWELVE REVOLVERS SET – Lot 1632: Number “1” Smith & Wesson “The Twelve Revolvers” Set with Boxes
- AK S/N S000001 – FIRST IMPORTED – Lot 1633: Desirable Pre-Ban Maadi/Steyr ARM Semi-Automatic Rifle
- FIRST CHINESE T53 MILITARY RIFLE s/n 1 – Lot 1634: Serial Number 1 Factory 296 Chinese Type 53 Mosin-Nagant Trial Carbine
- FIRST IMPORTED NORINCO SKS s/n 001 – Lot 1635: Norinco SKS Semi-Automatic Rifle Serial Number 001
- FIRST GUN BUILT BY SPRINGFIELD ARMORY M1A s/n X001 – Lot 1636: Prototype s/n X001 Springfield Armory/Valley Ordnance M1A Rifle
- SEMI-AUTO UZI S/N SA01001 – Lot 1637: First Imported IMI/Action Arms UZI Model A Carbine with Docs
- FIRST PRODUCTION STEVENS .22 PISTOL s/n 1 – Lot 1638: Single Digit Serial Number “1” Stevens Model 10 Target Pistol
- EXPERIMENTAL WINCHESTER M70 s/n EXP.1 – Lot 1639: Prototype Winchester Model 70 Rifle Serial Number EXP.1
- MARLIN PUMP .22 RIFLE s/n 1 – Lot 1640: Serial Number 1 Marlin Model 37 Slide Action Rifle
- WINCHESTER COMMEMORATIVE S/N CP1 – Lot 1641: The first Winchester Model 94 Canadian Pacific Railway Lever Action Rifle
- WINCHESTER COMMEMORATIVE S/N CK00001 – Lot 1642: The first Winchester Model 94 Cherokee Commemorative Lever Action Carbine
- .357 MAX SERIAL NUMBER 001 – Lot 1643: El Dorado Arms El Dorado Single Action Revolver
- SINGLE ACTION .45 S/N A1 – Lot 1644: Engraved Uberti Regulator Single Action Revolver with Box
- ROSSI .44 MAG S/N PMD001 – Lot 1645: Rossi .44 Magnum Triple-Lock Prototype Double Action Revolver. One of only two made.
- DAN WESSON .357 MAG S/N 1AB – Lot 1646: Dan Wesson Model W12 Double Action Revolver with Box
- .357 AMP PISTOL S/N WJD001 – Lot 1647: TDE Corp Auto Mag 180 Semi-Automatic Pistol
- BERETTA .380 s/n A000001Y – Lot 1648: Serial Number “A00001Y” Beretta Series 70s Semi-Automatic Pistol
- SEECAMP .25 ACP S/N LT1 – Lot 1649: Prototype Seecamp Co. LWS Pistol Presented to Author Leroy Thompson
- DETONICS SUB-COMPACT 9MM S/N TDC EXP1 – Lot 1650: Prototype Detonics Pocket 9 Semi-Automatic Pistol
- WYOMING ARMS S/N SAFARI-1 – Lot 1651: Wyoming Arms Parker 10 mm Semi-Automatic Pistol
- OMC BACKUP .380 S/N AB-01 – Lot 1652: OMC Backup Model Sub-Compact Semi-Automatic Pistol
- FIREARMS INTERNATIONAL PROTOTYPE D9 s/n 1 – Lot 1653: Possibly the earliest sub-compact 9mm, s/n 1.
- IVER JOHNSON PONY S/N 001 – Lot 1654: Experimental .380, produced by other companies but never put into production by IJ.
- PAIR OF S/N 1 COLT MODEL 1860s – Lot 1655: US Cavalry Commemorative 2nd Gen. Blackpowder Revolvers with Detachable Stock, s/n AU1US & AUUS1.
- PERCUSSION COMMEMORATIVE SERIAL NUMBER ONE – Lot 1656: America Remembers U.S. Cavalry Model 1860 Army Revolver
- COLT 2nd GEN PERCUSSION PROTOTYPE s/n X1 – Lot 1657: SN X1 Colt 2nd Gen. Black Powder Series Pocket Navy Revolver
- SET OF 12 COLT .22 SINGLE ACTIONS, SERIAL NUMBER ONE – Lot 1658: Collector's Cased Set of Twelve Colt Kansas Series Frontier Scouts – Four each of Kansas Forts, Kansas Trails, and Kansas Cowtowns
- S&W SCHOFIELD SERIAL NUMBER ONE – Lot 3117: Historically Significant, NRA Silver Medal Award Winning, Well-Documented First Production Serial Number 1 Smith & Wesson U.S./Wells Fargo First Model Schofield Single Action Revolver. S/N 1
- RADOM 9MM S/N D0001 – Lot 3358: World War II German Occupation Radom Vis 35 Pistol
- FIRST H&K G3 PATTERN .308 BY SPRINGFIELD s/n 05000 – Lot 3756: Springfield Armory G3 Serial Number 05000 with Scope and Box
More Historical Guns:
- Going the Distance with the Sharps Rifle
- Colt Single-Action Army: Owning The Enduring Legend
- Classic Guns: Winchester Model 1897 Pump-Action Shotgun
- 10 Guns From The Old West You’ve Got To Know

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