Ammunition reloading has come a long way in the last few years, not just in popularity but also technology.The firearms niche has seen an explosion of new gizmos to get the most performance out of a cartridge and to make handloading all the more precise. RCBS has been at the forefront of this progress, offering some of the latest and greatest reloading bench upgrades. And this year is no different, with the company releasing three new pieces of equipment at the 2017 SHOT Show. Here’s a look at RBCS’s new gear.
ChargeMaster Lite
The ChargeMaster Lite is the little brother of the RBCS’ electronic powder measure line. While it holds almost as much powder as the original ChargeMaster (nearly a pound), the unit is much smaller — making it ideal for crowded work spaces. Small in stature, the tool is big in features and performance. The one-piece unit can weigh out charges between 2-300 grains with a +/- 0.1-grain accuracy and is easily programed with its touchscreen LCD display. It can switch between 120 VAC and 240 VAC power, comes with an ambidextrous scale pan, wind cover and features a built in bubble level — to ensure it is dead on. Perhaps most handy of all, it comes with a quick-drain system that makes flushing out the existing powder a breeze. Presently, the ChargeMaster Lite’s MSRP is $299.95.

Ultrasonic Case Cleaner-2
The Ultrasonic Case Cleaner-2 might be a godsend for those with a lot of brass — or firearms parts — to clean, with little time to see to the task. The new model is nearly twice as large as RBCS’s old case cleaner with a 6.3-quart capacity. The unit has been outfitted with a second heater, making the cleaner more powerful and effective at scrubbing off powder residue and grime. And it is outfitted with simple and easy-to read LED display, making programming a snap. The Ultrasonic Case Cleaner-2 can be set to run up to 30-minutes and comes in a 120 VAC model and a 240 VAC model. The MSRP on the 120 VAC model is $399.95 and the 240 VAC model is $429.95

Vibratory Case Polisher
Have 14-pounds of brass that needs shining? The Vibratory Case Polisher might be your answer. The extra-large polisher holds a mass of brass with all the medium required to get it spotless. To boot, the unit is designed to run quiet, powered by its 120 VAC thermally protected motor. It also features a sifting lid to help separate the medium and grit from the brass. Present MSRP on the Vibratory Case Polisher is $116.95.
Learn How to Get Loaded Right
If you’re an avid rifle or pistol shooter, chances are you’ll benefit greatly from learning how to reload ammo. Luckily, the process of handloading or reloading your own ammunition is explained in great detail in Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Reloading by Philip P. Massaro. Filled with illustrations and step-by-step instructions, the process of reloading metallic cartridge ammunition for both rifles and pistols is clarified with both a simple overview, as well as specific details of the process. Order Your Copy Now