Perhaps one of the biggest selling points of Glocks, at least in recent years, is the amount of aftermarket upgrades available. If you can imagine a way you'd like the Austrian handgun to perform more to your tastes, well, there is probably some company churning some little add on to make it a reality (Patrick Sweeney did a whole chapter on the subject in Glock Deconstructed).
Above is a short video by Scootch00 of a couple quick and easy Glock upgrades. I shan't disclose how he improves his 10mm Glock 20, you'll just have to watch the video to see in full. But overall, they seem to be practical improvements with the potential to make the firearm more user friendly and are fairly simple to install. They're also appear to be affordable upgrades, to boot.
Perhaps best of all, Scootch00 demystifies the process of working on a Glock. He adds all of his upgrades to the pistol in less than 14 minutes, which also includes a good deal of jawing about each new part he adds.
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