True Story: One Revolver, Two Cartridges and a Kitchen Timer

True Story: One Revolver, Two Cartridges and a Kitchen Timer
Smith & Wesson Model 10. Photo courtesy Rock Island Auction Company.
Smith & Wesson Model 10. Photo courtesy Rock Island Auction Company.
Smith & Wesson Model 10. Photo courtesy Rock Island Auction Company.

When it comes to training with a handgun, sometimes less is more.

While at a public range recently an elderly gentleman in clean but dowdy clothes walked slowly up to the station next to me on the right.  We nodded a civil “Hello” to each other and out of the corner of my eye I watched him open a small, scuffed-up canvas bag.

Out of it came hearing protectors, a well-worn 4-inch Smith Model 10 revolver in .38 Special, and a white kitchen wind-up timer.

We walked forward to the ten-yard target. He asked me, “Do you mind picking up my target?  I’m only going to be here a little while.”

“Sure,” I said.  And now I was really intrigued.

The range officer gave the clear-to-fire command. I dawdled to keep my eye on him.

From a new box of ammo, he loaded two .38’s in the gun, set the cylinder carefully to rotate counter-clockwise (a good sign that he knew what he was doing) and placed it back on the bench.  He then gave the timer a little turn and stood relaxed and ready.

At the “ping” of the timer, he moved with surprising alacrity, picked up the revolver and fired two double action shots in rapid succession, single-handed.

His target now wore two holes about four inches apart—one in and one just outside the bullseye.  With hardly a pause, he got out a small jar of Hoppe’s and cleaned the gun.

Not saying a word, he put his gun away and turned my way to leave while the line continued to shoot.  I gave him a thumbs-up and a grin.

He responded with a little nod and a sly wink of his eye.

When the line was cleared to check targets, one of my friends asked me, “What was wrong with that guy?”

I pointed at his target and replied, “Absolutely nothing.”


Defensive Revolver Fundamentals Defensive Revolver Fundamentals by Grant Cunningham. Click here to get your copy.

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