Governor Scott Walker reluctantly approved the Emergency Concealed Carry Rules promulgated by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ). While the Governor has many of the same concerns that were expressed by NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox in his letter to Attorney General Van Hollen, he understandably did not want to further delay the ability of citizens of Wisconsin to carry concealed handguns for self-defense. His rejection of the Emergency Rules would have resulted in a significant delay on implementation of the new law that takes effect on November 1.
Governor Walker stated, “We’re hopeful that the Department of Justice improves the permanent rules substantially before sending them to the Administration and the legislature for approval.” The NRA will continue to work with the state legislature to ensure that this happens.
Unfortunately, DOJ has chosen to overstep its authority by imposing conditions on prospective concealed weapons license applicants that the legislature never adopted or intended. As part of the Executive Branch of state government, DOJ’s role is to faithfully implement the laws adopted by the legislature, not dramatically change them. If the Emergency Rules are allowed to become permanent, they will set a dangerous precedent that perverts our system of government and its principles associated with the separation of powers.
When the Legislature adopted Act 35, the concealed weapons law, two provisions were very clear. There was to be no minimum number of hours of firearms training required in order to satisfy the training mandate and any qualifying firearms training or safety class that a prospective applicant has taken at any time in the past would be accepted.
Recommended gun books for those who carry concealed handguns:
The Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry
The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery
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I am in favor of CCW rights, Open Carry rights and I believe there should be reciprocity between all states. I must admit however, there is nothing more blatantly illogical than the way this law was written: “There was to be no minimum number of hours of firearms training required in order to satisfy the training mandate” Hmmmm . . . . No Minimum number of hours required to satisfy the mandate. That makes lots of sense; not. There has to be some minimum, or No hours could be considered okay. We need people with common sense and the ability to think reasonably operating deadly weapons; not just any person who wants to own a gun. Next to motorized vehicles, these are a very deadly device and should be treated as such. Training and licensing should be required. I also believe weapons education should be required education in all public schools and on hands training should be offered as an elective for those who desire to do so. Even if it were with electronic weapons, it would still be a learning experience. They could also offer an advanced course with real firearms shooting blanks and maybe even low caliber live ammo.