Louisiana Gun Rights
Louisiana gun rights activists had much to celebrate following our most recent election, as voters approved Amendment Number 2, which required the “strict scrutiny” standard be applied regarding gun laws and the state constitution.
“The constitutional change — pushed by the National Rifle Association — would require ‘strict scrutiny' of any restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms,” The Advocate explained. “The legal standard would require courts, when asked, to determine whether the state's gun laws demonstrate ‘compelling governmental interest' and are ‘narrowly defined.' If not, they are to be thrown out as unconstitutional. Louisiana becomes the first state with the ‘strict scrutiny' standard.”
“This is a truly historic day for Louisiana,” said state Senator Neil Riser (R-Columbia), who championed the amendment in the Legislature. “We are sending a message to the rest of the nation of our strong support of the right to keep and bear arms.”
Amendment Number 2 was approved by 75 percent of Louisiana voters.
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