“A strong majority of the Senate, in a 58-39 vote, supported the measure, which would require most states to honor the concealed weapons permits issued by other states,” according to the Associated Press. “But the tally was two votes short of the 60 votes needed to add the measure as an amendment to a defense bill.”
As the AP noted, “Twenty Democrats, mainly from western or rural states, joined all but two Republicans in voting for the measure, which was promoted by the National Rifle Association and other gun rights groups. They included Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and both Democratic senators from Colorado, Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota and Virginia.”
Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, told the AP that even with the defeat, the close vote showed that, “we have the wind to our back.” He termed the Senate vote, “one more step down the road to allowing all Americans the full measure of Second Amendment protection.”
LaPierre also warned that those senators who voted against national concealed carry, “will see it reflected in support from their constituents.”
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