Walter Reddy, ambushed at home and in court by the State of Connecticut, needs your help to defend our Second Amendment rights.
In this day and age, it seems that just believing in the Constitution can make you an enemy of the state and a target of the government. A friend of the Second Amendment, and Founder of Committees of Safety in Connecticut, Walter Reddy, just learned this truth the hard way.
In late January, 2011, Walter had a conversation with a man he believed to be his friend. A few days later, this man reported to the local police a list of inflammatory statements Walter had supposedly made to him, but his friend refused to sign a statement for the police verifying he heard these statements.
Walter's home was raided by a SWAT team on Valentine's Day, and his tiny collection of firearms seized.
What horrific thing is Walter to have said? Allegedly, he said intemperate things about a bank claiming to hold his mortgage and the police. Even if true, these days who among us hasn't said derogatory, even intemperate things — particularly about banks? But the police report doesn't stop there.
It next claims that Walter “might do something violent,” does not believe in federal taxation, and the FBI stated he was a “person of interest” regarding domestic terrorism. Read more
Source: Gun Owners of America
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