Three Great Wingshooting Destinations

Three Great Wingshooting Destinations
You need not stick to hunting grounds close to home, there are some great wingshooting destinations worth checking out.
You need not stick to hunting grounds close to home, there are some great wingshooting destinations worth checking out.
You need not stick to hunting grounds close to home, there are some great wingshooting destinations worth checking out.

You’ve practiced until you’re proficient, and now you want to test your skills in the field.

There is no quicker way to get on some birds than many of the great sporting lodges around the nation. Not to mention, they have grand amenities, too boot.

Consider heading to Winghaven Lodge in Providence, Ky., for a few days of quail hunting behind superb dogs in the heart of bourbon country. The food is superb, and the quail hunting is equally as good.

If you’re interested in chasing wild birds in some breathtaking and remote country, check out Heaven’s Gate Outfitter’s wild chukar, hun, quail and grouse hunts in Idaho’s Seven Devils Range. For the real adventure lover, Heaven’s Gate offers horseback hunts for mountain grouse in some of the country’s most magnificent wilderness areas.

Duck hunters should plan on heading to Texas to try out Bay Flats Lodge, where tens of thousands of migrating waterfowl pass along the Gulf Coast on their southerly migration every fall.


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