It's easy to think the entire family will be together when a disaster hits, but that's not always the case. In most survival scenarios, logistics will be a challenge. Everyone, from big city dwellers to rural homesteaders, needs to figure out how to gather everyone in one spot.
That hinges on a family communications plan, but let's take a look at a survival scenario that could actually happen. Living Ready posted this question to its Facebook page:
A natural disaster (like a flood or a fire) is only an hour from hitting your home. You decide to evacuate your family to safer territory, but one of the kids is at a friend's house located more than an hour away. You know the friend's family doesn't practice preparedness and is in harm's way. Do you evacuate the family you have with you knowing you'll be completely safe from the disaster? Or do you risk driving through the disaster as it hits to pick up the kid at the friend's house?
Basically, is it better to have a 100 percent chance of survival for most of your family, or a 50 percent chance of survival for all of your family? You could adjust that 50 percent to a different percentage if you wish, but the question is the essentially the same.
Your Responses to this Survival Scenario
The responses overwhelmingly endorsed splitting the family up, with one person going to collect the stray kid. That would require two vehicles and at least two drivers. Does this change your own family's emergency plan?

“Realistically, the wife and son/daughter would evacuate to safety with a 2-way radio, and I would go after the kid with the other radio.” – Justin King
“No child of mine would be left behind. I would go get them, regardless of the cost.” – Karen Walker Grummer
“If you must, rescue the child, but don't put the whole family in danger. Send as many of them on to safety as you can spare.” – Stephen Ledington
“Send the others to safety, and you are only risking yourself to rescue the kid.” – Laurie Blanchette
“Risk it all for my family.” – Janie Frieze
“I would go for the rescue of said kid BUT would also call and ask the people to meet me halfway with my child.” – Belinda Chedville Mason
“Number one, no way my child would be an hour away with someone that doesn't understand preparedness. That said, I would send everyone else on and go retrieve them myself. But, who would sit there knowing disaster is an hour away? Even those not in sync with reality would see it coming.” – Chet Castor
“Depends on the topographical map between you and your missing kid and on weather or not those folks are willingly leaving or not.” – Nick Kearney
“My family's plan is for mom and dad to go to our rally point while I move to extract my brother if he is unable to.” – Jesse VanderBie
“Easy. Split up. Send those I can to safety, and go get my child. No one gets left behind. Period.” – Jcharles Tower
“Split up, if there are two responsible adults or even one is an older teen. Send the family to safety while the adult goes after the remaining child. Keep in contact with each other via radio or text or what ever is available.” – Susan Anderson