If the latest Rock Island Auction Company event is any indication, the market is on fire for collectable firearms. The Illinois auction house’s December Premiere Firearms auction netted a whooping $14.7 million in sales. This topped off what has been a very profitable year for the company, which has moved more than $51 million worth of merchandise in 2015. RIAC’s latest auction featured lots from seven renowned collections and 3,000 total firearms. But it wasn’t a gun that led the sales at the Dec. 4-6 event, but an ancient piece of armor, which drew a staggering bid of $2.3 million. Check out it and the other drool-worthy lots that moved at the auction in the photo gallery below.
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2016 Standard Catalog of Firearms
Inside You’ll Find In the Catalog:
- More than 7,500 photos with extensive descriptions that let you know what you’ve got and what it’s worth.
- Updated values and up to six condition grades, for a total of more than 110,000 prices.
- 16-page full-color photo section featuring some very unique and historic Winchester firearms.
- A guide to Firearms Trade Names covering more than 150 years of gun history.