These are the Days


Recently, Associate Editor Andy Belmas told the world, after a day at the range, “These are the days I really love my job.”

Yes, gun writing does have its perks, but rest assured, it is still a job. And any more these days it is a job at the crossroads of two rapidly changing industries subject to the whims of political regulation, technological advances and consumer demands.

Quite frankly, sometimes it is tough to keep up. But that’s what we do. Sometimes we even do it without complaining.

In our ongoing effort to keep up with the demands of the consumer and the changes in the marketplace, we at Gun Digest the Magazine have been making large strides into digital publishing. Our website,, is currently home to all manner of feature stories, classified ads, political information and gun owner forums that encourage the free exchange of ideas on too many topics for me to list here.

We are also in the e-mail newsletter game. If you have not been receiving the Gun Digest e-newsletter, log onto the website and sign up. It will come right to your e-mail in box and give you up-to-the-minute information on all sorts of gun-related topics.

Our goal is to provide the best possible information in any form the consumer demands. That’s a lofty goal, but businesses don’t get ahead by standing still. So, when you log onto the website, if you don’t see something you think would be cool, please, fire us an e-mail and let us know what you might like.

Speaking of cool, word is getting out about the research element of the Gun Digest website. For a small fee, you can dig through every issue of the Gun Digest annual book going all the way back to 1945. Making this searchable database of information user-friendly was a monumental scanning and tagging process. But now, if you want to find every article Gun Digest ever published about the Lee-Enfield rifle, or about Colt pistols, or anything else you can think of, all you have to do is sign up and type your key words into the search box. It’s all there, right at your fingertips. The “research” tab is in the upper left, just below the Gun Digest logo. Click on it and take a look. You’ll be amazed at what you find.

And if you want books, we’ve got those, too. You may not know that I spent the first eight years of my career here at Krause Publications in the Book Division, developing, editing and even writing some of the company’s most popular titles. During most of that time I wondered aloud where avid shooters were going to find our books. Problem solved! You can now find them right on our website. And cooler than cool, you can buy the whole book or, in some cases, you can get digital downloads of just the portions you like.

It doesn’t matter if you are into gunsmithing, self-defense, historical military firearms or modern tactical weaponry, somewhere in our line of books we have something that will pique your interest.

Yep, Andy and I still get to the range on a regular basis, but it’s not all fun and games. We only go shooting to make this a better magazine for you, the readers. It’s a tough job, but these are the kinds   of sacrifices we are willing to make to bring you all the information you desire, in any format you demand.

Someone’s got to do it. So why not Andy and me?

Good Shooting.

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<h2>About Gun Digest Editors</h2> <p>Gun Digest is the foremost firearms publisher in the world. Since 1944 we have made keeping shooters, firearms collectors, and plain old gun aficionados informed the target of our books, magazines, and websites. We build shooters’ firearms knowledge base, inspiring them to pursue and expand their shooting interests—from the range to the field and in competition. Gun Digest is part of the Caribou Media Group.<p> <h2>Editorial Standards</h2> <p>At Gun Digest, we uphold our commitment is to our audience and precedes all other considerations, including revenue. Editorial independence is at the core of our operations, forming the bedrock of trust with our readers. Consequently, editorial decisions are made autonomously by our team of editors, writers, video producers, freelance writers and social media managers, without any external interference. Our content has and will continue to remain free from influence from individuals outside of editorial and content management.<p> <h2>Staff</h2> <p><ul><li><b>Publisher:</b> Jim Schlender</li> <li><b>Editor-In-Chief:</b> Luke Hartle</li> <li><b>Managing Editor:</b> Laura Peltakain</li> <li><b>Digital Editor:</b> <a href="/author/elwood-shelton">Elwood Shelton</a></li> <li><b>Online Editor:</b> <a href="/author/adamborisenko">Adam Borisenko</a></li> <li><b>Senior Art Director:</b> Gene Coo</li> <li><b>Art Director:</b> Katia Sverdlova</li></ul> <p> <h2>Contributors</h2> <p><ul> <li><a href="/author/richard-a-mann">Richard Mann</a></li> <li><a href="/author/philip-massaro">Phil Massaro</a></li> <li><a href="/author/contributor-dave-workman">David Workman</a></li> <li><a href="/author/davidhart">David Hart</a></li> <li><a href="/author/dickjones">Dick Jones</a></li> <li><a href="/author/jon-r-sundra">Jon Sundra</a></li> <li><a href="/author/l-p-brezny">L.P. Brezny</a></li> <li><a href="/author/robert-sadowski">Robert Sadowski</a></li> <li><a href="/author/scott-wagner">Scott Wagner</a></li> <li><a href="/author/wayne-van-zwoll">Wayne Van Zwoll </a></li> <li>Patrick Sweeney</li> <li>Massad Ayoob</li> <li>Marty Hays </li> <li>Brad Fitzpatrick </li> <li>Walt Hampton</li> <li>Jerry Lee</li> <li>Josh Wayner</li> <li>Sam Hoober</li> <li>Tiger McKee</li> </ul>


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