It’s easy to spend a lot of money on a bolt-action rifle, just go to your local gun store and find out first hand. What is difficult is finding a solid long gun that doesn’t break the bank. Luckily, manufacturers of every stripe are offering excellent entry-level bolt-action rifles at reasonable prices. Here are 10 economical choices ($600 or less) that will get the job done in the field or at the range.
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Gun Digest 2015, 69th Annual Edition
I once had a Mark 77 Ruger, in .220 Swift. Unfortunately, it never shot under 1-inch. Come to find out, after speaking with a Ruger Rep at a gun show, Ruger considers a barrel to “pass” spec at 2-inches per 100 yards. I have since sold the Ruger and now have a Rem 700 BDL with a Shilen barrel, 1 of 1000, in .220…. less than a 1/4″ with a 5 shot group, at 100 yds. with a 52 gr. BTHP by Hornady.
Ok so these are some of the least expensive now where is the list of the most accurate (regardless of price) lets say at or over 100 yards?
Wow – an article about affordable bolt action rifles that fails to mention the Mosin Nagants? With a rifle AND a spam can of practice ammo costing about $200, this is the hands-down best buy on the planet. It isn’t very pretty, nor can it be easily ‘scoped, but it does provide a fun, accurate, reliable firearm that is capable of taking ALL North American big game, including the big bears. The rifles you did feature are all excellent – well finished, smooth, precision tools, but not every sportsman considers under $600 to be all that affordable.
No Tikka T3? Massive fail!
Tbickle you are absolutely correct. I have one in .243 that shoots 3/8 inch at 100 yards with Remington ammo.