Alicia Capetillo

Alicia Capetillo is an Assistant Marketing and Public Relations Manager for the Outdoors Community at F+W Media, Inc. Before venturing to Iola for her first day on the job, she had never fired a gun nor had she looked into the eyes of a mounted deer head, two things that the staff very quickly changed. She is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and adores traveling and making lists.
Concealed Carry
Defend Yourself Book Offers Homeowners Confidence and Security
Preeminent firearms trainer Rob Pincus guides you through planning, training and defending yourself and your family from a violent threat inside the home.
New Gun Digest Title Gets Reloaders Started the Right Way
Take the guesswork out of reloading ammunition by checking out Handbook of Reloading Basics from Gun Digest.
New Book from Massad Ayoob Explores SIG-Sauer Pistols
Renowned firearms expert Massad Ayoob explores the ins and outs of the design and operation of various SIG-Sauer pistols in The Gun Digest Book of SIG-Sauer, 2nd Edition, the latest offering from Gun Digest Books.
Gun Reviews
Shooter's Guide 2014 Hits Newstands
Shooter’s Guide 2014 special issue is the go-to reference for everything new the firearms industry has to offer this year. Editors preview the latest from Colt, Glock, Smith & Wesson, Walther, SIG Sauer, Remington, Beretta, Benelli, Mossberg, Savage, Kimber and many more.
Personal Defense
Gun Digest Authors Signing Books at NRA Annual Meeting
Enjoy Gun Digest books? Here's your chance to meet some of our top authors in person with Gila Hayes, Massad Ayoob and Grant Cunningham signing books at the NRA's 2014 Annual Meeting & Exhibitions.
Gun Reviews
Gun Digest Books Releases Shooter’s Guide to the AR-15
Gun Digest Shooter’s Guide to the AR-15, authored by firearms expert and noted author Richard A. Mann, cuts through the clutter and offers readers a user-friendly look at today’s most popular modern sporting rifle.
Classic Guns
Gun Digest Books Releases Annual 2014 Firearms Pricing Guide
The Official Gun Digest Book of Guns & Prices 2014, the definitive gun pricing guide, is back and completely updated for the new year.
Gun Articles
Newhall Shooting: A Tactical Analysis Ebook Now Available in Paperback
This in-depth study of the 1970 Newhall shooting that left four officers dead offers detailed analysis of the tactics and procedures used by both officers and criminals in the fight, along with diagrams, never-before-seen images of the crime scene and evidence that has never been previously released or discussed.