Weatherby Sweepstakes Offers Monthly Chances to Win Firearms

Weatherby Sweepstakes Offers Monthly Chances to Win Firearms
Weatherby PA-08 pump shotgun.
Weatherby PA-08 pump shotgun.
Weatherby PA-08 pump shotgun.

Typically, sweepstakes require little more than a name and an email address to get into the running for a prize. Weatherby, however, has put a twist on the age-old contest.

Certainly, the renowned gun maker expects to get a contestant’s vital information in its “Be Weatherby” Sweepstakes. But to win one of the California company’s firearms, Weatherby is also asking contestants which Weatherby advertisement best describes them.

From the company’s release:

“Be Weatherby,” a new online sweepstakes, offers participants the opportunity to vote for the Weatherby ad that describes them best and enter a monthly drawing for a Vanguard Series 2 or WBY-X rifle, or a PA-08 pump shotgun.

The ads, which can be viewed at, feature the following Team Weatherby members and the character traits they exemplify:

  • Ed Weatherby, president and CEO of Weatherby, Inc., “Faithful”
  • Willie Bloomquist, Major League Baseball player with the Seattle Mariners, “Committed”
  • Luke Branquinho, Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association four-time World Champion Steer
    Wrestler, “Strong”
  • Brendon Clark, professional bull rider and 14-time qualifier for the Professional Bull Riders
    World Finals, “Courageous”
  • Jessie Duff, champion competitive pistol shooter, “Driven”
  • Chad Mendes, Ultimate Fighting Championship/Mixed Martial Arts featherweight title
    contender, “Fearless”
  • Jessy Nelson, professional Motocross/Supercross rider, “Fast”
  • Bear Pascoe, National Football League player with the Atlanta Falcons, “Relentless”
  • Darryl Worley, platinum-selling country music artist, “Passionate”

The contest runs until December 31, 2014.


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Elwood Shelton is the Digital Editor for Gun Digest. He lives in Colorado and has provided coverage on a vast spectrum of topics for GD for more than a decade. Before that, he was an award-winning sports and outdoors reporter for a number of newspapers across the Rocky Mountains. His experience has consisted of covering the spread of chronic wasting disease into the Western Slope of Colorado to the state’s ranching for wildlife programs. His passion for shooting began at a young age, fostered on pheasant hunts with his father. Since then, he has become an accomplished handloader, long-range shooter and avid hunter—particularly mule deer and any low-down, dirty varmint that comes into his crosshairs. He is a regular contributor to Gun Digest Magazine and has contributed to various books on guns and shooting, most recently Lever-Actions: A Tribute to the All-American Rifle.


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