In Pima County, Arizona, officials recently agreed, “to lease property to the Tucson Trap & Skeet Club that will more than double the size of the nonprofit club's sporting-clay operation and could provide for the largest tournament-sized, walk-through archery range in Southern Arizona,” the Arizona Daily Star reported.
“Tucson Trap & Skeet President Lee Bachman said the deal will allow the facility to be expanded and upgraded to host the World Cup Shotgun Competition next spring, the first time the international Olympic qualifying event has come to Tucson.”
That event alone could bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars to the local economy. As the Star noted, “The county economic analysis last year showed the club's largest shooting competition, the Spring Satellite Grand American, attracted 1,000 competitors, with 850 from out of town and staying an average of five nights, with an estimated economic impact of roughly $2 million…All of the club's competitions combined have an economic impact that could reach nearly $10 million annually.”
Source: Arizona Daily Star 6/8/11
Recommended resources for shotgunners:
The Gun Digest Book of Shotgunning
Gunsmithing Shotguns: PDF Download
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